Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2737: Son of luck

After three breaths, a terrible scream was heard, and then everyone saw a shocking scene.

I saw Ye Hao walked out carrying the blood-stained faceted beast.

An arm of the polyhedron was broken, revealing pale bone slag.

There was a wound in the chest, and blood was gushing.

The whole audience was in an uproar!

If Ye Hao used eye surgery to suppress the multi-faced beast before, it was a skillful composition, but the two had just confronted each other in the dimensional space.

Multi-faced beasts are invincible, they are not incomprehensible.

The problem is this is too fast, right?

This is totally crushed.

"Don't you say that the Great King is invincible?"

"The Great Kings have not fought each other, but they have never seen one party crush the other."

"I was curious how dare to provoke the devil emperor before? Now I understand that people dare to have this strength."

"I am more and more curious about this person's identity now."

"Isn't this Ye Hao the Sect Master of Yanhuang?"

"Not without this possibility."

"I think this old monster may have been sealed for many years."

And as the monks around discussed, an old man in a gray robe appeared not far from Ye Hao.

"Please also ask this son to let go of the devil."

"Devil Emperor provoked me over and over again. Are you demon clan bully when I am?" Ye Hao looked at the old man coldly.

"Your Excellency should be considered clearly? The Devil Emperor is a representative of my Demon Race. Are you sure you want to be an enemy of the entire Demon Race?" The old man said that the big hands broke the space and pinched the old man. In the hands.

"What are you going to do?" the old demon elder said in horror.

"Kill." Ye Haohan said.

As Ye Hao's words fell, the pair of big hands squeezed the demon elder of the God Emperor's Peak on the spot.

"Mozu? Is it strong?" Ye Hao sneered.

Many masters of Mozu dare to speak out.

Ye Hao, the Lord, is not bogey.

A master of the **** emperor's pinnacle of the Demon Race said to kill it?

"This young man, you killed me unscrupulously in Qingqiu, did you pass a little bit?" Bai Linglong looked at Ye Hao and said blankly.

"If you kill, you can kill me." Ye Hao looked at Bai Linglong and said indifferently.

How crazy is this?

What a hegemony is this?

What kind of wanton is this?

"Not everyone can come to Qingqiu?" At this moment, Bai Yehe's figure appeared in the air. He stared at Ye Hao, and his eyes showed a terrible murderous intention.

Bai Yehe hates Ye Hao for a reason.

His grandson Bai Yu died in Ye Hao's hands.

"You can't." Ye Hao glanced at Bai Yehe.

"What about me?" Bai Minghui came over from a distance.

"Two-and-a-half-step taboo." Ye Hao said with a smile, "It seems that you Qingqiu made up his mind to win me this time."

"Qingqiu can't be messed up by anyone." Bai Minghui said indifferently.

"Do you know who I am?" Ye Hao looked at Bai Minghui.

"I don't care what amazing identity you have, but it won't work if you are in chaos in Qingqiu." Bai Minghui's words made Yuan Mu's face change slightly.

You know that Bai Minghui is the patriarch of Qingqiu.

His words and deeds represent the image of Qingqiu.

In other words, he cannot talk nonsense.

"Why did Bai Minghui speak so wildly?"

"This does not match his previous image."

"This is not to take the world's forces into consideration."

"Does Qingqiu have this strength?"

Some teenagers are keenly aware that something bad will happen.

At this time, they suddenly found that they were unable to communicate with the outside world.

"Bai Patriarch, why did you seal the green hill?" Yuan Mu asked with a somber face.


The monks in the audience were stunned.

Sealed the Green Hill?

What does Bai Minghui want to do?

"I will answer this question later, and now I will solve a small matter first." After Bai Minghui glanced at Yuanmu, his eyes fell on Ye Hao.

"Shenyu's water is deeper than you think. Do you think your patriarch's uncle can really suppress the entire Shenyu?" What Bai Minghui didn't think of was Ye Hao but said this.

Bai Minghui's face changed instantly.

There are few whole hills that know this news.

Bai Minghui's color changed and at the same time the face of Yuan Mu and others became difficult to look at.

Ancestral uncle of Qingqiu?

What a joke?

How scary is that generation?

They realized that a storm would sweep across the whole realm.

"How do you know about this?" Bai Minghui said sullenly.

"How do I know it is not important, what is important is what do you want to do?" Ye Hao said lightly, "Catch these young supremes and bargain with major forces?"

"Today's Qingqiu has no fear of any forces." Just then a peaceful voice rang in the air, and then a red-haired white boy walked towards Ye Hao.

A golden lotus appeared at every step of his step.

It's really pretty.

"Step by step golden lotus." Wutong exclaimed.

Only the legendary son of luck will have such a grand scene.

The faces of teenagers of all ethnic groups have become difficult to look at.

No one thought that the son of luck appeared.

To know that the son of luck will get the strongest fortune between heaven and earth, it can be said that the son of luck will be the well-deserved protagonist of this era.

How to fight?

How to fight?

"I give you a chance." When the young boy said this sentence, he was only one hundred meters away from Ye Hao.

"What opportunity?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Succumb to me." The handsome boy said lightly.

His speech was full of high things, as if this pair of Ye Hao was a great gift.

"You think too much." Ye Hao chuckled.

"Maybe you don't know the consequences of rejecting me." When the young boy said this, the world and earth shook. It seemed that he could use the power of the world to kill Ye Hao at any time.

"You're just the son of the lucky luck in the demon domain, what big tail wolf is in front of me?" Ye Hao sneered.

The look on the handsome boy's face froze.

"You seem to know a lot of things." The handsome young boy looked at Ye Hao's expression badly.

"I also know that you are the deported losers." Ye Hao smiled slightly. "Why? After failing in the demon realm, do you want to regain lost dignity in the **** realm?"

"You are looking for death." The young boy burst into a scream.

The horrible Dao Yin turned into a white fox.

The fox roared up in the sky, the sky was broken, the earth fell, and the soul fell.

This is a terrible vision.

Directly into Ye Hao's heart.

"Sink in my vision." The handsome boy looked at Ye Hao with a stern expression.

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