Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 941: Immutable

The drastic changes brought about by super-gravity sources are continuing. You know, this is the massive energy of hundreds of stars, all of which have been compressed to a burst of energy in just a few hours of release.

It's like an efficient cosmic vacuum cleaner, and all the material that exists in this star field has begun to hit it crazy. The space base, transport spaceship, transport instrument, communication base, etc., which was intentionally left by Xiao Yu in camouflage and disguised, were all destroyed at this moment. The huge amount of stardust that originally existed in this space also began to gather here like the sea water stirred by the vortex.

At this moment, the source of supergravity is like a real black hole, showing its power. Because the material gathered too violently, during the surrounding process, these materials collided with each other extremely violently, so some parts of the material accidentally obtained the qualification to escape, and they began to polarize around this black hole Escaped at high speed.

This is another form of jet. The black hole's jets will erupt along its poles, and even emit millions of light years away. They have unimaginable levels of energy. But balloon-shaped black holes are different from those. Balloon-shaped black holes do not have poles, so these jets cannot be gathered together, they are ejected from the surface of the balloon-shaped black hole in a disorderly manner.

The area of ​​influence of this balloon-shaped black hole is spreading at the speed of light. It is the center of the circle, and its sphere of influence is a sphere centered on it. The radius of this sphere increases by 300,000 kilometers per second.

of course. This is only for this three-dimensional universe. Xiao Yu once calculated because it is in a different three-dimensional universe. The impact between the supergravity source and the central black hole in the Flying Kite Galaxy will be instantaneous and will not take time.

This is an interesting scene. In this contest of different universes, gravity is the reins in the hands of two players. They are using gravity as a tool to launch a unique tug of war.

In this movement, three possibilities will occur, one. The central black hole will be pulled into the current three-dimensional universe by a super-gravity source. This result is what Xiao Yu has been looking forward to. Second, the super-gravity source will be pulled into the three-dimensional universe by the central black hole. After all, according to mechanics. How much force is exerted by the super-gravity source on the central black hole, and how much force it is pulling the central black hole is equal to how much central black hole is pulling it. This result was unacceptable to Xiao Yu. same. The third result. Xiao Yu was unacceptable even if the two sides did not distinguish between victory and defeat.

But Xiao Yu has an advantage in this tug of war. Because Xiao Yu has enough time to prepare for this war, and the Dark Star civilization is in a hurry to fight, they are unlikely to take much precautionary measures in the central black hole.

In fact, of all the energies of those hundreds of stars, at least one hundred of them did not use it for gravitational power, but instead used it for Xiao Yu's use. This is where it goes. It is used to ensure that the super-gravity source is not pulled away by the central black hole, and at the same time to ensure that the super-gravity source can pull the central black hole.

It's like the two tug of war players were originally evenly matched. A rocket was installed on one of the tug-of-war players. Then, whoever wins or loses in the end result is naturally self-evident.

The development of the situation is progressing as Xiao Yu planned. In the confrontation between these two super strong existences, some unimaginable changes in space have begun. They are constantly being broken and repaired, and they are constantly shaking and undulating. In Xiao Yu's detection instrument and mathematical model, in the invisible four-dimensional direction, some weird changes are also happening.

In front of Xiao Yu, another black spot suddenly appeared in a space outside the balloon-shaped black hole formed by a super-gravity source. This black spot is a black spot in a pure sense. It does not emit any light, and the light from the outside cannot illuminate it at all. It seems to be a black hole, but it does not show some of the characteristics of a black hole. For example, it has no gravity. It seems to be just a pure point of space fragmentation.

However, this broken point of space has not been repaired by the healing ability of the space itself, but has an increasing trend. At this moment, Xiao Yu had a little understanding in his heart. Xiao Yu knows what it is-it is a naturally occurring transmission channel connecting different three-dimensional universes. And because Xiao Yu was not able to pass anything into that three-dimensional universe through this channel, it was not limited by logical weapons and was destroyed.

In fact, Xiao Yu was happy to destroy this transmission channel. If Xiao Yu speculated that there was no error, the central black hole of the river system at this moment has left the three-dimensional universe in which it was originally, and entered a place similar to the passage through an infinite three-dimensional universe. And if this transmission channel can be destroyed at this moment, then the central black hole will be like those of Xiao Yu's exploration spacecraft, lost in the endless three-dimensional universe, thus completely cutting off its connection with the three-dimensional universe at the moment-this In the end, although the central black hole was not destroyed, Xiao Yu was considered to have completed the mission.

But unfortunately, Xiao Yu did not have this ability.

That black spot is constantly expanding. Xiao Yu knew this was a good thing. Because this means that the central black hole is getting closer and closer to this three-dimensional universe under the pull of a super-gravity source. When this black spot expands to the limit, that is, when the central black hole is pulled into the universe by itself.

In this gravitational battle, both sides have exhausted their best efforts. At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that the metaphors he had made about the tug of war were not appropriate. I am not playing against another player, but myself, trying to pry a mountain.

It's like a person, dragging a rope and dragging a mountain!

The power of the super-gravity source has been activated to the limit. In this case, every half a minute, a star equivalent to the mass of the sun is completely consumed. With this level of energy, Xiao Yu can maintain this share. Huge pulling force.

Inside the super-gravity source, there have been constant explosions and component collapses. That's because it can't bear too much energy intensity. Whenever a component crash occurs, a specially crafted robot will usually go there to repair it. In any case, it must last for several hours, this is Xiao Yu's only pursuit.

When things got to this point, when the super-gravity source was activated, Xiao Yu was confident that even if the dark star civilization had logical weapons in hand, it would not be able to change the situation where the central black hole was pulled into the current three-dimensional universe.

Based on Xiao Yu's previous speculations about the intensity of backlash of logical weapons, Xiao Yu knew that the more difficult the goal to achieve, the greater the backlash after using logic weapons. Based on the fact that Dark Star Civilization did not issue orders such as "Destroy Xiao Yu", Xiao Yu can learn that the counterattack brought by the "Destroy Xiao Yu" command cannot be sustained by Dark Star Civilization. Then it can be assumed that "Destroying Xiao Yu" is the upper limit of the difficulty for the Dark Star civilization to use logical weapons. For missions equal to this goal or beyond the difficulty of this goal, the Dark Star civilization will not be completed by logical weapons.

Then you can make a comparison now. The order of "guaranteeing the central black hole's gravitational **** of the flying kite galaxy and cutting off Xiao Yu's gravitational pull of the central black hole at this moment" and the command of "destroying Xiao Yu" is more difficult. ?

You know, Dark Star Civilization cannot directly issue the command to destroy the source of super gravitation. Although this command is very simple to achieve, it can be achieved with some minor accidents, but Dark Star Civilization will not issue this command. ——Because the Dark Star civilization issued this order to destroy the super-gravity source, the central black hole, including the entire Dark Star civilization at the edge of the central black hole, is very likely. Note that it is possible and will be lost in endlessly. In the three-dimensional universe, the connection with the present three-dimensional universe is completely cut off. It's like two people are trying their best to tug of war, but one of them suddenly releases his hand. What will happen? These principles are the same.

In this way, ~ ~ Xiao Yu's goal has been substantially achieved. Don't forget, Xiao Yu destroyed the central black hole to destroy the entire Flying Kite Galaxy, and the lost result of the central black hole is also the Flying Kite Galaxy.

Then the command of the Dark Star civilization needs to be changed to "guarantee the central black hole's gravitational **** of the flying kite galaxy and cut off Xiao Yu's gravitational pull of the central black hole at this moment." With just one condition added, the difficulty of this command has increased many times. According to Xiao Yu's limited four-dimensional technology, the difficulty of this order will not be much lower than the command of "destroying Xiao Yu". Dark Star Civilization's order was not issued, so Dark Star Civilization would naturally not be able to issue the command "guarantee the central black hole's gravitational **** of the flying kite galaxy and cut off Xiao Yu's gravitational pull of the central black hole at this moment".

In other words, the fact that the central black hole has been pulled into the present three-dimensional universe is immutable.

This is the benefit that Xiao Yu's previous speculations about logical weapons brought to Xiao Yu. Through the guidance of these programmatic conclusions, Xiao Yu can clearly know which things the Dark Star civilization will not do and which things the Dark Star civilization must do, so as to better guide his behavior. (To be continued ...)

ps: half an hour later

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