Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 942: Advent!

According to Xiao Yu's previous speculation, it seems that in pulling the central black hole to return to the three-dimensional universe in which he is now, Xiao Yu has another option: to stop the work of the super-gravity source directly and cut off it from the central black hole. The gravitational connection between them makes the central black hole get lost-but unfortunately, Xiao Yu cannot do this.

The reason why this cannot be done is still probability. Don't forget that after the disappearance of the source of supergravity, the central black hole may be lost, but it may still maintain a stable gravitational connection with the Flying Kite Galaxy. If this happens, Xiao Yu will be completely done. Xiao Yu will never have the opportunity to intersect with the central black hole again. This method of using a super-gravity source can only be used once. And if the suspension does not result in the central black hole being lost, the Dark Star civilization can issue a command to "destroy all the super-gravity sources created by Xiao Yu", which will cause Xiao Yu to use this method in the future. Completely blocked.

The order of "destroying all the super-gravity sources created by Xiao Yu" is basically the same as "forbidding any creation of Xiao Yu from entering this three-dimensional universe", and the counter-phasing caused by it is also the Dark Star civilization. Within the range. Don't forget, even if Xiao Yu was using a super-gravity source at this moment, he had accidentally attacked it, and under the cover of constantly building the transmission channel, he dared to build it secretly.

Therefore, as long as the super-gravity source is launched, neither Xiao Yu nor Dark Star civilization will want it to stop halfway.

The situation has fallen into a stalemate.

It was in the super gravity that hundreds of stars created at the cost of vitality. The black dots representing the transmission channels connecting two different three-dimensional universes are constantly expanding. At this moment it has expanded to the size of a solar system, and it is continuously expanding rapidly.

Even if it is expanded at the speed of light, this dot cannot expand to such a large size in such a short time. But this is the movement of space. It is not a regular material movement, so it is not limited by the speed of light.

"The central black hole of the flying kite galaxy, plus the accretion disks around it, has a total diameter of about three light years ... This transmission channel is not so large enough ..." Xiao Yu sighed secretly.

The balloon-shaped black hole is still violently adsorbing any matter that exists around it, and it is the super-gravity source that exists inside it that dominates it all. So far, the super-gravity source has been working for more than an hour, and in Xiao Yu's prediction. The super-gravity source can continue to work for about forty minutes and will exhaust its energy.

It is obviously impossible to continue to add new stars, even before the launch of the super-gravity source. It is impossible to reserve more stars. The reason is simple, super-gravity source instruments are not so powerful. It is Xiao Yu's limit to create today's super-gravity source. And time did not allow Xiao Yu to build more such things at that time.

"A super-gravity source is enough." Xiao Yu thought so.

"I didn't expect that you had prepared such a trick ... it was really good." At this time, the universe civilization came up again: "Frankly. We only care about whether we have a responsibility. We don't care about this time The victory or defeat of the battle. Xiao Yu, you did exceed our expectations, but we still do n’t have confidence in whether you can achieve the final victory. Once again frankly, we are actually looking forward to your failure. As long as If you fail, we have enough reasons to start with you. Compared to the majority of beings in the endorser camp, compared to this flying kite galaxy, you are the one we want to destroy more ... waiting Well, when the Dark Star civilization comes into this big universe, you will once again be pleasantly surprised ... "

"To be frank. I really don't care if your civilization is good or malicious to me. Because no matter how you are, your civilization. And civilizations that have malicious influence on me are my enemies. You better look forward to me Do n’t become strong, because after I become strong, the first person you will deal with is you. ”Xiao Yu also responded lightly,“ The loser is not qualified to talk here, you better hide it, do n’t treat me Any impact on your behavior. Otherwise, you will also bear the responsibility for this failure. Oh, by the way, you have failed once. If you do n’t want to make your responsibility a little bigger, then it ’s best to be honest To shut up."

"Huh, I don't know the guy who is high in the sky." The universe civilization sent a message coldly: "Don't think that under the protection of the spokesman, if you have achieved a little trivial achievement, you can get the qualifications that are equal to us. If so, we will let you know how big the gap is between you and us ... "

Cosmic civilization's information became more and more misty, and eventually disappeared. Xiao Yu, in his heart, cursed, "Hateful flies."

Thirty minutes passed again. At this moment, the somewhat unreal black hole in the space has expanded to a diameter of more than two light years. But this is still not enough. The most critical moment has come. What Xiao Yu is facing is a big mountain, and Xiao Yu has pulled this big mountain some distance, and is very close to his destination.

"Then, the last blow, go all out." Xiao Yu silently issued the order.

Just after this order was issued, all the remaining energy in the super-gravity source burst out at this moment. The energy load was so great that a super-gravity source the size of Jupiter was completely destroyed at this instant. But it doesn't matter, it has fulfilled its historical mission and can be destroyed with peace of mind.

At this moment, the gravitational force that was so strong as to utter words burst out. The balloon-shaped black hole that surrounds the previous super-gravity source finally collapsed at this moment, and changed from a weird balloon to an ordinary one. At this moment, the accretion disk made up of the materials surrounding it, Speed ​​has increased a bit again-in a state of motion close to the speed of light, each time the speed increases, the energy contained will double several times. In this case, after this black hole becomes an ordinary black hole and has two poles, the super-strong jet of material is like a sharp sword, spitting away to the depths of the dark universe at a very high speed. To divide this space.

And at this moment, Xiao Yu finally saw the scene he had always wanted to see. Xiao Yu saw that after the super-gravity source burst out of its last energy and was destroyed, the transmission channel representing the different three-dimensional universe suddenly expanded at this instant, from about two light-years to three points in diameter. About five light years. And just inside this dark cave, there seemed to be an ancient monster roaring fiercely.

It's as if this ancient monster is about to break through the cage and come into the real world.

A very fast forward speed, containing extremely high energy, and even an energy beam that is higher than the jet energy of this black hole manufactured by Xiao Yu was first ejected from this black paint hole. It is extremely bright-not only in the visible light band, but also bright in the rest of the band, it is like a lightning that cuts through the dark night sky. It rushed to a surviving base of Xiao Yu at a very high speed. At this moment, this huge base the size of the earth was destroyed and destroyed. A Xiao Yu starship did not have time to dodge. In an instant, this energy beam penetrated and was seriously injured.

Xiao Yu is now a seventh-level civilization. How powerful is the star warship manufactured by Xiao Yu? It is a ship that can fight against the existence of a full version of the neutron battle star. However, such a powerful warship was severely damaged just at this moment. It would not be impossible for them to be directly destroyed by this beam of energy, if it were not to hide quickly.

This beam of energy traverses the sky and is unstoppable.

Although this beam of energy brought some unexpected losses to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu's heart did not have any anger, but some joy. Because Xiao Yu knows exactly what this thing is. It is the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy, one of the two jets of this big guy up to 6 billion times the mass of the sun.

The jet from the central black hole finally came into this universe again. This means that the central black hole is behind it. Hundreds of years of planning, thinking, experimentation, layout, and finally received fruitful results at this moment.

Xiao Yu knew that he finally succeeded. The first step of this plan, the foundation of all his subsequent plans, finally succeeded.

At the next moment ~ ~ The huge body of the black hole in the center of the flying kite galaxy, endless power, finally came to this universe. Xiao Yu finally saw it, and saw the core leader of this huge river system with a span of millions of light years.

Xiao Yu issued an order to launch the chain-reactive space bombs he arranged almost instantly, but after that moment, he had to give up the order and the plan with a bitter smile.

"Also, after knowing that it is unavoidable that the central black hole has been pulled into this three-dimensional universe, how can it not make arrangements for coping with space bombs?" Xiao Yu smiled bitterly. "I didn't think about it."

At the same time that Xiao Yu gave up the use of space bombs, in an instant, Xiao Yu saw the astonishing scene that accompanied the central black hole.

"What is this?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, filled with shock. (To be continued ...)

ps: Three more completed. . . Yesterday's update has been made up. Try to be earlier tomorrow, go out first.

After thinking about it, I still do n’t ask for a monthly pass, I feel that I am not qualified for a monthly pass now. . .

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