Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 943: Level 7 Beast!

Before the black hole jet flowed ahead of the central black hole and landed in the universe, Xiao Yu noticed a violent shock in the surrounding space. Xiao Yu didn't know what the source of this shock was-maybe a phenomenon caused by the sudden advent of super-mass objects, or some arrangements made by the Dark Star civilization, or the ghosts of logical weapons, None of this matters. What's important is that in this case, all of the space bombs that Xiao Yu had arranged in advance could no longer be used. As an instrument closely related to space, such a severe space shock is enough to destroy them all.

But this is not what shocked Xiao Yu the most. After the emergence of this black hole jet, Xiao Yu saw that there are endless things that don't belong to natural creations or science and technology creations, and they are coming out of the transmission channel quickly. These things undoubtedly have autonomous consciousness, and they look ... more like alien-type life.

These strange beasts are different in size, the largest is almost a planet, and the smallest is not even a table. Appearances are also diverse. This is not critical, the most important point is that they are too many!

Just too much! At this moment, the transmission channel connecting that three-dimensional universe and this three-dimensional universe seems to have become a portal to hell. There are endless **** evil spirits rushing out from there. They are like a tide, endless.

In just 30 minutes, the number of such beasts that Xiao Yu has observed has exceeded one billion! and. Xiao Yu didn't know how many such things were in the transmission channel.

Xiao Yu wanted to understand what it was in a short time. Xiao Yu couldn't help but murmured in his heart: "This. This is the arrangement made by the Rebel Alliance in the Flying Kite Galaxy? Not only gave the Dark Star a logical weapon of civilization, but also gave them such a powerful helper ... the universe The surprise that civilization is referring to should be this ... "

This is undoubtedly a strange creature, and not an ordinary strange creature! Xiao Yu once encountered this kind of strange beast. At the time, Xiao Yu, who was not a fourth-level civilization, spent great energy to defeat this enemy. This enemy has something in common with Xiao Yu, and that is quantity. Endless number.

That's right, this is definitely an infinite multiplication beast in the seventh level category! Basically the same type of existence as Xiao Yu, in the same level of civilization. Whether it is a science and technology civilization or a beast civilization, it is the most powerful existence!

Before that, Xiao Yu had never thought of the enemy he was going to face. Turns out to be such a guy. In this long journey through the universe. In addition to Xiao Yu's dealings with strange beasts in the galaxy, he has not had contact with strange beasts in other places. The strange beasts who have been promoted to the seventh-level category have never heard of it. But now, Xiao Yu really met such an enemy.

Through the detection instrument, Xiao Yu has seen the huge figure inside the transmission channel. This is the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy. At this moment, Xiao Yu's super-gravity source has been destroyed, it completely collapsed into a black hole of energy, and at this moment. The big picture is set, and the central black hole cannot escape again. It can only come into this universe in the current direction.

Now it has come here really. And through real-time detection tools, Xiao Yu noticed the enemies he was about to face. Around the central black hole, there are obvious traces of scientific and technological civilization creations. Those huge space bases and numerous spaceships all show the strength of this enemy. And there is another even bigger guy near these technological creations of the Dark Star civilization.

It was an unknown object the size of a star. It shows a roughly spherical shape, but does not show the mass and emit light and heat like ordinary stars. It is surrounded by many dense small objects, which are like a cloud of mist-but if you increase the resolution, Xiao Yu can see that those are not clouds and mists, and they are all single-faced beast creatures. Obviously, the strange beasts that had rushed out of the teleportation channel originated here. The beast creatures here are all born from this stellar beast mother.

"Logical weapons, level seven beasts, these are the two enemies I will face." Xiao Yu thought silently, "My task is to obstruct the central black hole in the end ... ... "

Xiao Yu is not worried that the Dark Star civilization will once again carry the central black hole into the remaining three-dimensional universe. This matter cannot be measured by the situation where you can do it once and twice. Obviously, when carrying the central black hole to the rest of the river system for the first time, there was no factor that Xiao Yu was blocking. With Xiao Yu at this moment, the difficulty of handling has increased hundreds to thousands of times. Dark Star civilization is unlikely to withstand such a serious backlash.

Next, it's time to fight against strength.

Xiao Yu still intends to implement his previous strategy, which is to blow up the central black hole through a super-mega chain reactive space bomb. In fact, this is the only solution that works. Because of the other methods, even if the central black hole was left undefended to let Xiao Yu toss, Xiao Yu could not destroy the central black hole.

But this faces a problem. Although the giant chain reactive space bombs are powerful, they still need a huge number to blow up the central black hole. In addition, their own defenses are very fragile, which means that they are vulnerable to enemy interference and attack. In order to achieve the purpose of using a space bomb to blast the central black hole, Xiao Yu first destroyed the Dark Star civilization and this seventh-level alien beast.

This is the second step of the plan.

The plan is divided into three steps. The first step is to pull the central black hole into the realistic three-dimensional universe. The second step is to destroy the protectors around it. The third step is to blow it up and complete the mission.

"So, the war begins." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, and gave an order.

Xiao Yu has about 100 billion warships at the moment. In addition, Xiao Yu's numerous logistics bases and huge dockyards are still under construction, and they will be able to continuously produce more spacecraft. This will become Xiao Yu's main reliance on logical weapons and seventh-level beasts.

"Perhaps, the way I dealt with that third-level beast was also available here. It turns out that the quality of the thing against infinitely proliferating beasts is not important, and the quantity is the most important. I can also build Countless super-mini warships, and then build enough supercomputing centers to command them ... these warships can play against the largest group of alien beasts, and those warships that I directly control can play an elite role ... ... "

"You are proud of the quantity, then I will push you past the quantity and see who has more power in the end."

Xiao Yu thought secretly and quickly made a decision. Then, behind Xiao Yu, another construction task began to be put into actual construction.

A fierce battle has begun, and the proliferating alien beasts that have rushed out earlier have caught fire with Xiao Yu's vanguard. In the battle, Xiao Yu quickly discovered that the strength of these multiplied alien beasts seems to be divided according to the size of the body. The larger the alien beast, the stronger the combat ability. Speed ​​and curvature navigation, you can use space-level attacks, and even evolved a protective layer similar to the protective cover of science and technology. Among them, the largest, a beast like a rocky planet, its combat power is roughly equivalent to Xiao Yu's star-rated battleship. The smallest body, not even Xiao Yu's village warships.

But the number of such small beasts is the most, and their number is so endless that they cannot be counted at all. They are like ant colonies and bee colonies. The huge number also gives them a fairly powerful fighting force.

In this void space, a strange beast entangled with Xiao Yu's about 100,000 warships. Here flesh and blood flew, fragments scattered, space turned into a pot of porridge, and continuous flashes released a stronger light than the stars ...

A super-light-speed space cannon launched by a city-level battleship suddenly penetrated a beast about the size of a mountain ~ ~, which lost all its combat power, but at the next moment, it had at least 100,000 heads Only small beasts ranging from the size of the table to the size of the high-rise rushed over and wrapped it up. After ten minutes, the beasts left, and the city-level battleship had been turned into a pile of ruins ...

A continent-class battleship was violently attacked by a powerful alien, violently advancing at the speed of light, and violently beating with space energy, making it awkward. Fortunately, several other national-level warships rushed over in time to finally kill the powerful alien beast ...

"Compared with that low-level beast, this high-level beast has not only won in numbers, it can even create a single monster with considerable combat power ..." Xiao Yu thought silently, "Each of these giant alien beasts is more powerful than the python alien beasts in the galaxy, the alien beasts, and so on ... This is already at the same level as the virtual life civilization. No, it even has to It is more powerful than the virtual life civilization because it does not have to worry about the problem of rebellion. It seems that the rebel alliance has really invested a lot of capital to support the Dark Star civilization ... "(To be continued.)

ps: The second is to fight for it before 12 o'clock

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