Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 944: Supply line

This battle was only an initial contact war. Both sides did not show their true strength. Even the warships of the Dark Star civilization did not use logical weapons. After all, they are strangers to each other. Now, both sides need to test the strength of the other.

"Perhaps, those extreme astral war stars captured from the extreme astral civilization should come in handy at this time ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "One thing is clear, the higher the quality, the more The stronger the force, the more troublesome it is to manufacture. This is the same for me and for this seventh-level beast. I have more trouble making the star group and star-level battleships. The large beasts of these warships will certainly not be easy. In this case, a full 100,000 neutron battle stars and 200,000 white dwarf battle stars can play a great role. "

Obviously, these 300,000 extreme star battle stars are enough to change the existence of the entire battlefield situation. If you think about it, even if it is a seventh-level beast, it is not possible to make so many large beasts in a short time. But Xiao Yu does not intend to take out these combat powers now. Good steel is used on the blade. At critical moments, these battle stars will play a more critical role.

After the end of the first tentative battle, both sides had a certain understanding of the strength of the enemy. Neither side can give up what is being fought for in this war. Then it is time for a large-scale war.

Xiao Yu's rear base is huge. Among Xiao Yu's rear bases, there are not only the 60,000 supercomputing centers that have undertaken the collection and analysis tasks of the entire Flying Kite Galaxy information network. There are countless construction bases, energy supplies, and hundreds of thousands of stars as energy reserves. It was a huge area covering more than a hundred light years. This is the source of motivation to support Xiao Yu's huge war. Right here. Xiao Yu carried out perfect protection arrangements. There are more than 10 billion warships scattered all over the logistics base and there are perfect interplanetary defense facilities. After ensuring stability in the rear, Xiao Yu had the energy to face the next battle.

This will be a more violent and arduous war than in the face of virtual life civilization.

"In the face of the third-level beast, I used to cut off its supplies and use the weaknesses of its large size and poor mobility, and eventually smashed it to death. This face this moment When it was a seventh-level beast, I might be able to take the same approach. "Xiao Yu thought secretly," In the past, the third-level beast only required one planet to digest it for a long time. Now this seventh-level beast, At its manufacturing speed, I am afraid that ten stars cannot support it for too long ... "

"So ... where will they get supplies from?" Xiao Yu's eyes crossed the dark space and looked at the huge black hole at the core of the Flying Kite Galaxy. And the violent accretion disk around it.

"This black hole already has some quasar-like appearances. I'm afraid that even I can't get too close to this black hole. Think of it, the dark star civilization will not have the ability to obtain supplies from black holes and accretion disks. Only limited collection from the periphery The gas or the wreckage of the astral body should not be enough to support their huge material consumption ... "Xiao Yu thought about this question secretly," mobilize the elite fleet to separate the dark star civilization from the seventh-level beast and isolate it. It may be a good idea to prevent it from getting supplies. "

Part of Xiao Yu's fleet—about 10 billion warships—have quietly left the main base. Disappeared in the dark universe. They are going to perform Xiao Yu's isolated supply mission. They will be turned into squads or combined. Isolate the ability of a central black hole to collect stars from the outside. Because of course, when the dark star civilization and seventh-level alien beasts are not enough, they will go to the rest of the flying kite galaxy to carry stars as supplies.

In addition to the 10 billion warships remaining in the main base as defensive forces, as well as those extreme star battle stars hidden in the main base, and the 10 billion warships going out to perform tasks, Xiao Yu still has About 80 billion battleships remain. After leaving another 10 billion ships as emergency support forces, Xiao Yu took all of these 70 billion warships at once.

The most cutting-edge combat powers of the Starship-class battleship, the New Honor-class battleship, the New Kyushu star-class battleship, Canglong, Zhonghua, and Sky are all in this battle. Seventy billion warships were divided into about a dozen army units, and the entire army set off and rushed towards the enemy ahead.

The Dark Star civilization also began to take action. Xiao Yu's detection force observed that about two billion Dark Star civilization battleships had left their base and gathered with the infinite strange beast created by the seventh-level strange beast. These Dark Star civilization battleships are scattered into many small groups, and each Dark Star civilization battle ship group will be surrounded by at least 10 billion heads of large or small alien beasts. They formed no less inferior to Xiao Yu The huge battleship group is waiting forward.

The fierce fighting ignited in different places. There is one logistic base of Dark Star Civilization, and one logistic base of Xiao Yu—almost at the same time that Xiao Yu launched a raid on the Logistic Base of Dark Star Civilization, a large number of strange beasts mixed with the battle ships of Dark Star Civilization. Came to the logistics base of Xiao Yu. In front of, around, behind, the supply line, and other places of the seventh-level beast, fierce fighting is burning.

At this time, even if Xiao Yu had put 70 billion warships into the battlefield, Xiao Yu still felt that there were too many enemies he faced, so much that Xiao Yu was caught in the ocean. Feeling. At this moment, Xiao Yu can no longer count how many alien beasts exist in this battlefield, but there is only one thing that is certain, that is, all the alien beasts, large and small together, will definitely not be less than ten billion. .

The giant seventh-level beast with the size of a star is like a pile of yarn, and the battle-type beast that constantly enters the battlefield from there is like constantly drawing silk threads from it-but no matter from No matter how many silk threads are torn from it, its size will not shrink. It seems to have endless capabilities to make combat-type beasts.

Xiao Yu hopes to kill this guy. However, the boundless fighting beast blocked Xiao Yu's fleet here, making Xiao Yu unable to move forward. Here, there is an extremely long distance from the seventh-level beast, and Xiao Yu saw that the closer to the seventh-level beast, the larger the number of large-scale battle beasts.

"This guy created many powerful guards to protect himself ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

When the new super-mini warship cluster controlled by the Supercomputing Center has not yet formed scale, Xiao Yu has no way to deal with this situation. However, perhaps Xiao Yu can find another way to achieve his goal by other means.

Xiao Yu's eyes looked forward. It belongs to the depths of the battlefield, and there is no way for its own power to spread there. That is a route, just above this route, endless strange beasts and battleships are shuttle, they are full of various materials, between the level 7 strange beast and the logistics base of the Dark Star civilization . Even more, Xiao Yu saw that there was still a star, just like those cattle and sheep grazed by the nomadic peoples of the ancient earth age, carried by the fleet of Dark Star civilization and moved forward.

"Obviously, the logistic base of the Dark Star Civilization is also supporting this seventh-level beast. As long as this supply line can be cut off, this seventh-level beast will lose its support. After a period of consumption, it will Will lose the ability to continue to make children. The current battlefield is basically launched with this seventh-level beast as the core. As long as I spread the war there, this supply line will be cut off ... good, just do it . "

Xiao Yu quickly made a decision. But achieving this goal is not an easy task. The Dark Star civilization and the seventh-level beast are working hard to ensure that at least some places around him are not affected by the fire, and these places are the channels for receiving supplies. Any battleship in which Xiao Yu attempts to spread the fire will be met with the fiercest counterattack of the Dark Star civilization and the seventh-level beast. It is a vast ocean of strange beasts. Its size is like the size of the earth, and there are many large beasts the size of the moon. To survive.

But Xiao Yu still made this decision. Thousands of star-level battleships, and at least three star-class battleships together served as the main core of this battle. As long as Xiao Yu breaks through the sea of ​​strange beasts in front of him, Xiao Yu can stretch the flames of war and cut off the supply line.

Here, the two sides fought almost to death. Stellar battleships are no longer precious here. For the sake of battle, even ten starships can be discarded lightly. Explosions are frequent here, and the space is broken. From time to time, there is a violent energy wave sweeping the whole field like a shock wave ...

Xiao Yu's desperate attack finally received results. The scope of the war is constantly expanding, and it is getting closer and closer to that supply line. It can almost be said that victory is in sight. But at this time, the 60,000 supercomputing centers responsible for analyzing the entire Flying Kite Galaxy information network reported some unusual fluctuations to Xiao Yu ...

Xiao Yu knew that Dark Star Civilization finally used logical weapons. (To be continued ...)

ps: Fuck, hurry up or hurry up for a few minutes. . . .

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