Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 945: Offense, offense!

This change that Xiao Yu perceived was like a breeze of breeze, which started from between the ends and disappeared invisible. However, Xiao Yu's huge intelligence monitoring network has accurately captured this fluctuation.

First of all, the 60,000 supercomputing centers that perform preliminary intelligence screening work have accurately separated these data representing abnormal changes among these endless data, and have performed preliminary logical reasoning on them, affecting each other. Some work, and then reported the data to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu took the data, and made a deeper guess on them, trying to find out what kind of final consequences they might cause.

This abnormal fluctuation also originated in the vast star sea of ​​the Flying Kite Galaxy. A small part of these trillions of stars has undergone some subtle changes, and then these changes will be triggered like dominoes. A series of follow-up reactions-of course, these changes have not really happened as of now.

In his own mind, Xiao Yu, together with those supercomputing centers, constructed a virtual universe with many physical foundations as parameters. In this virtual universe, Xiao Yu speeded up the process of time and grabbed the big universe. Before those events, simulate what those events are. The simulation results show that the changes of these stars will cause a very rare type of spatial turbulence, and this spatial turbulence will cause all existence within a certain area to be stripped out of the universe and enter the rest of the meaningless Lost in the three-dimensional universe.

Xiao Yu's heart fluctuated slightly. This area. It was at this moment that Xiao Yu cut off the key part of the Battle for Seventh Level Beast Supply Line. There, there were Xiao Yu's Canglong star-class battleship, and Sirius. The star warships such as Weaver and Big Horn are fighting there. This is a vital part of Xiao Yu's strength. If this part of power is exhausted, Xiao Yu will not have the ability to continue to add power in a short time, and the Dark Star civilization side, even if the power here is exhausted, they can draw more alien beasts and warships at any time.

"Obviously, the Dark Star civilization wants to use this means to clear all combat power in the area. To achieve the purpose of ensuring the supply line. Their power is emptied, they can be replenished immediately, and my power is emptied. I But they did not have the ability to replenish immediately. In this way, they achieved the purpose of ensuring the supply line. Very good, very good, it seems. At this moment, the Dark Star civilization orders for logical weapons. It is "maintaining the supply line", or "Destroy all of Xiao Yu's combat power in this area" and so on. And there is another very obvious thing, that is, the Big Universe cannot find a suitable performer in this area, so it is up to itself The performer, because of this, in this flying kite galaxy, this weird change at this moment will happen. "Xiao Yu understood all of this at this moment, and then immediately made a decision:" That's it . Anyway, the result is already doomed, even if I destroy the arrangement of the big universe this time. It will still find the means to accomplish the purpose from the other aspects. That is not as good as my own implementation All right."

This is yet another performer trap.

"I don't know how many times you can endure the backlash of logical weapons?" Xiao Yu slowly thought, "Compared to the rules in the universe, my affinity will be higher and higher, and your Repulsion will also increase ... "

"Abandon this battle plan and come back." Xiao Yu issued a command lightly. Under the control of Xiao Yu, whether it is the Canglong star group battleship, or the Cowboy, Big Horn and other star-rated battleships, at this moment, they also abandoned the current battle plan and all retreated. Almost at the same time, the intelligence monitoring network spreading across the flying kite galaxy told Xiao Yu that the strange changes that occurred in the flying kite galaxy immediately stopped. Obviously, this is because Xiao Yu's voluntary withdrawal has achieved the goal of logical weapons, and the universe itself naturally has no reason to continue.

In this turn of events, Xiao Yu has acted as another performer.

Xiao Yu's heart gave birth to a little worry. Because Xiao Yu is aware of a loophole in the executive trap plan.

Frankly speaking, the executor trap is not a very good way. This is just a helpless way to recover a little under the helpless situation when facing a logical weapon attack. At present, Xiao Yu can still achieve the strategic goal of cutting off the supply line of the seventh-level beast so that it has no substantial impact on Xiao Yu. What about the remaining goals? For example, if Dark Star Civilization issued an order to "destroy Xiao Yu's logistics base", would Xiao Yu still be able to actively blast his own logistics base to achieve his purpose of acting as an executor?

Of course, based on Xiao Yu's knowledge of logical weapons, it is basically impossible for Dark Star Civilization to issue orders such as "destroying Xiao Yu's logistics base". Logical weapons just follow the trend. For example, when Dark Star Civilization has launched an attack on Xiao Yu's logistics base, Dark Star Civilization may use logical weapons as a supplement to achieve its own purpose. When Dark Star Civilization did not have the power to attack Xiao Yu's logistics base at all, the possibility of destroying Xiao Yu's logistics base by means of logical weapons was very low.

But this does not mean that Xiao Yu can not be vigilant.

Xiao Yu divides the orders of logical weapons into two categories. One type of order is to give up the purpose that is not important to you or you can fight again, such as destroying the supply line of the seventh-level beast. Another type of order is to give up on your own orders that are vital to you and cannot be rebuilt in the short term, such as destroying your logistics base. In the first order, Xiao Yu was willing to act as the executor. In the second order, Xiao Yu was difficult to accept.

"The situation now requires me to constantly take the initiative to attack. Only in this way can a large number of first-order logical weapon orders be issued. At the same time, it can also cause the Dark Star civilization to be incapable of issuing second-order commands to hinder me According to the current situation, once the order of logical weapons is issued, it will inevitably be realized. Instead of thinking about how to defy the order of logical weapons, it is better to eliminate the conditions for Dark Star civilization to issue such orders at the beginning. Then, my strategic direction is determined. Attack, and then attack, so that the Dark Star civilization has no time to come to my heart! "

"The strategy of cutting off the supply line failed? It doesn't matter. Power up, once again attack the logistics base of the Dark Star civilization!" Xiao Yu quickly made up his mind.

The retracted Canglong star-class battleship and its subordinate starship battleships have more small and medium-sized battleships united together. A total of 200 billion battleships have once again assembled, violently toward the logistics base of the Dark Star civilization Rushed over. The battleships in the main battlefield blocked the huge number of strange beasts and the joint forces of the Dark Star civilization battleship, so that they did not have important strategic goals for Xiao Yu, such as logistics bases and the like. The ability to launch a comprehensive attack.

Behind the battlefield, Xiao Yu is also speeding up related construction. The huge voyage transport force is constantly moving resources such as stars and planets to the logistics base. Countless spacecraft, instruments, and robots responsible for related construction tasks have quickly turned these things into supercomputer centers. It has become factories, huge shipyards, and countless ultra-mini warships.

Xiao Yu intends to reproduce the scene when he was against the third-level beast. This huge number of ultra-mini warships estimated to be in the order of ten trillion will be an important tool for Xiao Yu to fight against the enemy.

In front of the battlefield, the 20 billion warships responsible for assaulting the Dark Star Civilization Logistics Base successfully attracted the attention of Level VII Beasts and Dark Star Civilization. This is a huge power. In order to face this power, the Dark Star civilization and the seventh-level beast had to organize a large number of forces to support it. This also disguised the pressure for the rest of Xiao Yu in disguise ~ ~ Xiao Yu saw that the infinitely proliferating seventh-level alien beast was now making small alien beasts faster and faster. Through the extremely high-resolution long-distance observation equipment, Xiao Yu saw that the star-sized seventh-level beast was full of holes on the body. The holes were different in size, and the total number of these holes was too large. Even Xiao Yu was unable to count this specific number. Each of these holes will emit spheres like volcanic eruption after a period of time. After leaving the mother body into space with this initial strength, these spheres will immediately unfold their bodies and change into one. A strange beast with a weird head. They seem to know their responsibilities and missions very well. After entering space, they did not hesitate at all, and immediately followed different forces, or entered the ranks of the Guards Corps, or became logistic transporters, or entered the mother body again. , I don't know what kind of responsibilities they have held inside the mother body, or simply follow the large troops to the front and start directly against Xiao Yu's warship.

And as this endless beast was created, the body of the seventh-level beast mother began to shrink at a very fast speed. When its body shrank to only a third of its original size, its body began to change again, just like laying an egg, and a red dwarf was spit out by it ... (to be continued ...)

ps: This is a change from yesterday

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