Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 947: The fourth persecution

There is nothing wrong. The current situation is that Xiao Yu has been forcing the Dark Star civilization to use logical weapons. Of course, through Xiao Yu ’s current strategic arrangement, Xiao Yu is forcing the Dark Star civilization to use the logical weapon opportunities, spending in these places that have no effect on himself, such as preventing himself from cutting off their supply lines, such as preventing himself from breaking Their logistics bases and the like.

These two events have one thing in common, that is, Xiao Yu has taken the initiative while Dark Star civilization has taken the passive. This is not that they are actively using logical weapons, but that they are forced to use logical weapons to change the situation. this point is very important. Xiao Yu knew that if one day, when the Dark Star civilization started to use logical weapons to make arrangements, it would be when it faced failure. And myself, can not give Dark Star civilization this opportunity.

Xiao Yu is practicing this rule. It is for this reason that Xiao Yu organized his huge fleet and continued to launch fierce offensives again and again. Xiao Yu must grasp the initiative of the war situation, because if he does not do so, Xiao Yu will fail. Xiao Yu can't let Dark Star civilization take it easy.

The huge intelligence network arranged in the flying kite galaxy once again reported some anomalous fluctuations to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu once again entered these anomalous fluctuations into the virtual universe he constructed, and rapid inference is underway. In this virtual universe, the time flow rate is accelerated by millions of times. Only a few seconds later, Xiao Yu reached a conclusion.

Xiao Yu's conclusion this time is that many stars in the Flying Kite Galaxy will exert influence on the central black hole. The huge energy of the central black hole will cause an extremely rare change due to the simultaneous spatial fluctuations. This change will rely on the power of the central black hole. Between the logistics base of the Dark Star civilization and Xiao Yu's fleet, something similar to an energy defense shield was constructed. After Xiao Yu's calculations, within three days, he could not break this energy defense shield.

And ... for three days, three days is enough for the Dark Star civilization and the seventh-level beast to mobilize enough power to support it. Xiao Yu's assault fleet has been severely damaged. If he faces a large number of enemies, Xiao Yu will take it for granted. In the process. No miracle can happen.

Obviously, this is the ghost of the Dark Star civilization using logical weapons. It's so rare, if not a logical weapon. With such a low chance of happening, how could this happen here by coincidence?

"Very well, this time it's still me who acts as the executor." Xiao Yu quickly made this decision. Under the control of Xiao Yu, the huge battleship group suddenly left here. The abandonment of the fruits of victory that seem to be at hand. Quickly fled towards the rear. The rescue forces organized by Dark Star Civilization and Level 7 Beast have not yet arrived here. The estimated energy shield has not yet reached its time of appearance.

The actual situation is still developing according to Xiao Yu's calculations. After Xiao Yu abandoned the attack on the Darkstar Civilization Logistics Base, those weird and rare changes in the universe once again stopped immediately. Xiao Yu knew that this was because he acted as the executor, so the universe itself gave up the execution of this command.

"I don't know how many times the Dark Star civilization can withstand the backlash of logical weapons? What kind of situation will the backlash of the logical weapons appear? Is the accumulation suddenly erupted to a certain limit, there was no damage to the Dark Star civilization before the outbreak The slightest impact, or will it occur every time it is used? "Xiao Yu was thinking about this question secretly," And there are. What aspects of these counter-bite will be manifested? Is the process of civilization development frustrated. Suddenly someone who made a significant contribution died, or was he frustrated in construction, or suffered misfortune in the war due to some accidental factor? "

Anything that happens is possible. Xiao Yu doesn't know exactly what will happen, but Xiao Yu knows that these things will definitely have a negative impact on the development of a civilization. Even, sometimes, a person or a group may be related to the future of civilization.

For example, in the Earth's era, an accidental plane crash killed a large number of AIDS experts. This will lead to a serious lag in the research on AIDS in the entire civilization, and the expected AIDS vaccine or cure will only appear a few years or ten years later, which will cause at least hundreds of thousands of deaths in the civilization. This is a good example of a person or a group of people related to the entire civilization.

Xiao Yu tried to find out in what form the backlash of logical weapons would act on the Dark Star civilization. Xiao Yu naturally does not have much data to analyze and study this problem, but through some indirect means, Xiao Yu can still make some guesses about this problem.

"At least based on my contacts with the Dark Star civilization during this period of time, I have not found any manifestations of bad luck in their civilization, their social structure, and military advancement as usual. This shows that there is a great chance, After the first three use of logical weapons, they have not been backwashed, which means that there is a great chance that the backlash of logical weapons has been accumulated, and it will only erupt after the accumulation reaches a certain limit. But I do n’t know, this limit How much will it be, and how many times can Dark Star civilization use logical weapons before this limit is met? "

Of course, the idea of ​​a certain limit is only Xiao Yu's guess, but Xiao Yu thinks this is likely to be true. So far, the three-dimensional universe in which the central black hole has been stripped appears once, and it is once again to stop yourself from cutting off their supply line to the seventh-level beast. At this moment, it is another time to stop yourself from destroying their logistics base. The logical weapon was used three times in total, and the next two were all vital to the Dark Star civilization.

If you think about it, if you cut off the supply line yourself, the seventh-level beast cannot be replenished. If you use your full strength, you may not have the chance to kill it. When it is killed, the Dark Star civilization loses its greatest help, and their ruin cannot be avoided. And if they destroy their logistic bases themselves, their defeat will be even more suspicious.

"Logical weapons are really easy to use." Xiao Yu couldn't help but sighed secretly: "This is tantamount to a talisman, life-saving talisman. With it, it is equivalent to a few more lives. You can resurrect in situ with blood and blue ...... It is because of it that I have to give up the chance to win again and again, and only use the helper trap to helplessly recover a little loss ... "

"Now it seems that even if the logical weapon has been used three times and changed its destiny three times, that limit has not yet been reached. Then, launch the fourth offensive and force the Dark Star civilization to use the logical weapon for the fourth time ..."

Xiao Yu's strategy has not changed, that is, attack, and then attack, you must continue to actively attack to force the Dark Star civilization to continuously use logical weapons. Now Xiao Yu is planning the fourth active offensive.

This time in the offensive, Xiao Yu chose the target on the seventh-level infinitely proliferating alien beast. At this moment, Xiao Yu, the super-mini battleship and the related supercomputing center have begun to take shape. With the help of this great help, Xiao Yu began to plan a comprehensive offensive against this seventh-level beast.

The manufacturing of ultra-miniature warships can use a large number of pipelines and automated operations. Because they are originally nothing with technical content, the manufacture of ultra-miniature warships is extremely fast. From Xiao Yu, he finds that one of the enemies he faces is Level 7. Until now, only a few years have passed, and in the past few years, the number of ultra-mini warships has climbed to nearly 10 billion ships, and the rate of increase is still Constantly speeding up.

Adequate stars provide ample material for Xiao Yu's construction. A solid industrial foundation allows Xiao Yu to expand his own construction factory with almost no restrictions. A large number of automation and assembly line operations allow Xiao Yu to consume little computing power. In the case of completing these construction works ...

So these ultra-mini warships set off. Ten billion is a huge number, but in the face of this endless sea of ​​beasts, it is still nothing. Xiao Yu knows that at this stage, it is very difficult for these ultra-mini warships to play a big role, but it doesn't matter. This number will continue to rise. It will eventually become a force that the enemy cannot ignore.

In fact, these ultra-mini warships are really not very useful. They basically do not play much role in the war ~ ~ Think about it, they are built so quickly that they are of poor quality, and the quality of defense is very small. Some space weapons that cannot defend against large-scale attacks. So in the face of other types of civilization, Xiao Yu generally does not use such things-they must be raised to a horrible level before they can be effective, and the huge amount of consumption of Xiao Yu's Energy and resources, and computing power and time, might as well do something else.

It is also only in the face of infinitely proliferating alien beasts that this ultra-miniature battleship is useful, not only useful, but also very useful. The endless sea of ​​beasts is handled by the same endless super-mini battleships, which is just the right thing.

Under such circumstances, the previous 10 billion ultra-miniature warships were put into the battlefield, and behind Xiao Yu, a larger number of ultra-miniature warships are still being assembled ... (to be continued). .)

PS: This is the first change today.

In addition, I recommend a friend's book, if you like, you can check it out.

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