Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 948: Offensive matrix

At this moment, the starry sky is completely filled with the beast ocean and the battleship cluster. In the camp against Xiao Yu, at least on the frontal battlefield, there is no doubt that this seventh-level beast occupies a dominant position. Although Dark Star Civilization provided solid logistical support for this seventh-level beast, at least this thing was not clearly shown on the battlefield.

After the logistic base plan to destroy the Dark Star civilization was blocked by logical weapons, Xiao Yu had completely abandoned this intention, and instead set the target on the seventh-level beast itself. Xiao Yu knew that for the Dark Star civilization, this seventh-level alien beast cannot be lost. Therefore, if you can persecute this seventh-level beast to the edge of life and death, the Dark Star civilization will definitely use logical weapons again, and they will once again be attacked by logical weapons.

This is exactly what Xiao Yu hopes to achieve. Under the guidance of this thinking, Xiao Yu's huge battleship cluster once again gathered, except for the battleships that contained most of the power of the Dark Star civilization and the seventh-level beast in the front battlefield and remained in the logistics base to take charge of the defense. In addition to the mission's battleship, Xiao Yu devoted all his strength to this battle.

In this vast battlefield, Xiao Yu's warships and the way of high-speed curvature completed a long-range attack from the Dark Star Civilization Logistics Base to the location of the seventh-level alien beast. Xiao Yu knew that his actions could not conceal the Dark Star civilization. In such a battlefield, large-scale military transfers are transparent to both sides.

At the same time as Xiao Yu's battleship began to move, a large number of giant beasts. And a part of the Dark Star civilization's fleet also began to gather here to the seventh-level alien beast. Xiao Yu observes that this seventh-level alien beast has accelerated the speed of making small alien beasts, and more. From this moment on, all these small alien beasts stayed with their mothers after they were created, and they did not go elsewhere like those previously made beasts.

Obviously, the Dark Star civilization is also ready to resolutely resist Xiao Yu's attack.

In fact, in some ways, in this war, the Dark Star civilization has a greater advantage than Xiao Yu. Because Xiao Yu's offense has time limit. As long as Xiao Yu did not destroy the central black hole for more than 500 years. Even the Dark Star civilization has won. So the Dark Star civilization side is more focused on defense. This is good and bad. The advantage is that Xiao Yu doesn't need to worry about what the dark star civilization can do with logical weapons to do harm to himself. The disadvantage is. This situation is forcing Xiao Yu to constantly attack, and he must attack every moment, and he cannot relax any moment.

Xiao Yu is resolutely practicing this rule. After Xiao Yu's fleet arrived on the battlefield, there was almost no rest. The fierce battle has begun.

In front of Xiao Yu. It was that seventh-level beast that was as large as a star. Beside this seventh-level beast, there are countless small beasts. They are like a cloud of clouds around here. As long as Xiao Yu's fleet dares to move forward a little, there will be countless other beasts coming in immediately. Drowning Xiao Yu's fleet completely in the sea of ​​strange beasts. Space cannons and space bombs explode here, but they cannot kill a **** path in this endless sea of ​​strange beasts.

The battle. Xiao Yu mobilized a fleet of more than 14 billion ships, including two star-class battleships. But even star-class battleships would not dare to go alone in this situation. Xiao Yu saw it. There are more than 70 heads of giant monsters that are as large as the earth are entangled in their formation of the Canglong star-class battleship. These monsters fighting purely with flesh and blood have also evolved something similar to technology weapons. In addition to close combat, using their own tentacles or arm or body thumps and impacts, they can also use weapons like space cannons. When Xiao Yu's warships attacked them, they not only used their body to resist, but also began to use things like space shields to protect themselves.

They are not much different from technology battleships. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call them biological warships.

The battleship Canglong is in a **** battle. The hundreds of thousands of main gun-level space cannons on it are under full load at all times, and the other various attack weapons are also attacking at all times. A giant beast was broken into pieces by it, and it was another ... a dozen or so giant beasts the size of the earth were destroyed by the battleship Canglong on its own, and more than 20 giant beasts were being destroyed After being attacked by Canglong, it was killed by the rest of the ships in the Canglong battleship formation, but the number of enemies facing Xiao Yu still did not decrease.

There are too many enemies, and relying only on small units of elite troops cannot penetrate their defenses. Yes, yes, 16 billion warships can be said to be a huge force everywhere, but when facing this strange ocean, it can only be called by a small force.

Forcing the seventh-level beast to the edge of life and death, and forcing the Dark Star civilization to use logical weapons to rescue this seventh-level beast, this is Xiao Yu's established strategic arrangement. At this moment, Xiao Yu's first step in implementing this plan encountered obstacles. This is not acceptable to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu is quickly thinking of ways to solve the problem.

"Put my stored neutron war stars and white dwarf war stars into the battlefield?" Xiao Yu secretly thought, "This is a huge force, which is enough to change the situation on the battlefield. But ... … Is it too bad to expose this force too early? After all, they are my cards. "

"Let's speed up the manufacturing process of the super mini warships again. Put a huge amount of super mini warships into the main battlefield and pin down their main forces. Then I can draw the warships to join the attack on the seventh-level beast." After thinking about it, Xiao Yu made this decision.

The war of the seventh-level civilization cannot be understood and taken for granted. The vast space and the huge number of warships determine that the war between the seventh-level civilization is protracted. For example, a battleship transfer, from one battlefield to another, or a small battle to win or lose, or a large battle-just like Xiao Yu tried to cut off the supply line of the seventh-level beast, like Xiao Yu Battles such as those attempting to destroy the logistics base of the Dark Star civilization are counted in years. From the fact that the Dark Star civilization was pulled into the present three-dimensional universe by Xiao Yu, and now that the war has progressed, there have actually been nearly three hundred years in a hurry. More than half of Xiao Yu's mission has passed.

During this period of time, Xiao Yu ’s total production of ultra-miniature warships has exceeded ten trillion, and most of them have been invested in the main battlefield. Of course, almost four-fifths of these ultra-miniature warships Has been destroyed. At this moment, there are just under two trillion ultra-mini warships still in operation.

Now, Xiao Yu intends to expand this number again. Even if the manufacturing process of large warships is postponed for a while, it is not bad. Under the guidance of this mentality, a large amount of computing power was embezzled. In this logistic base, a huge jumbo dock as large as Jupiter, a medium-sized dock as large as the earth, and countless small ones After the shipyard was transformed, it was put into the task of manufacturing ultra-mini warships. Under these circumstances, Xiao Yu's speed of manufacturing ultra-miniature battleships has increased almost thousands of times.

The number of ultra-mini warships began to skyrocket in a blowout general. In a very short period of time-no more than two years, Xiao Yu had collected a trillion super-mini warships, and put them all into the main battlefield. The gain was that more than One billion large battleships were transferred by Xiao Yu and put into the battlefield of attacking the seventh-level beast.

During this time, the large battleship Xiao Yu also made some, but the number was not large-only about 20 million or so, and all were put into the battlefield by Xiao Yu.

The manufacturing speed of ultra-mini warships is still on the rise. This time, Xiao Yu spent only one year, once again made up a trillion ships, and put them into the main battlefield again. Then, the third The fourth batch ...

Twenty years have passed ~ ~ and at this moment, among the main battlefields, here are the seventh-level beasts, scattered in space for harassment and sniper missions, for spacecraft detection, and for large battleships The main base of the Dark Star civilization is harassing, and so on. The total number of ultra-mini warships has exceeded one trillion billion, and it is still rising.

The huge number of ultra-mini warships finally revealed their unique role. They can trap small aliens with extremely accurate killings. When the number gathers to a certain degree, they can even launch siege against large aliens. The most obvious effect is that at this moment, Xiao Yu can draw nearly 10 billion large warships and participate in the battle against the seventh-level beast mother.

After years of consumption and replenishment, at this moment, Xiao Yu has adjusted the total number of battleships to deal with this seventh-level beast mother, which has reached 20 billion-and this number does not include more ultra-miniature warships There are almost several trillion of them.

Under these circumstances, Xiao Yu's long-sufficient situation was finally opened by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's battleship group can finally rise up against the endless battleship ocean and attack the body of this seventh-level beast. (To be continued ...)

PS: This is the second change today. Well, there is one more

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