Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 953: Improve again!

The three participating in this war are all at the level of level seven civilization, whether it is Xiao Yu, Dark Star civilization, or level seven alien beast, they have mastered the formula of air energy, and they have mastered from space. Ways to get energy. However, this method exists more as a phased achievement, which can obtain energy from space. It only means that a civilization's understanding of space has reached such a high level of science and technology, and it does not mean that all the energy sources of civilization All needs to be obtained from space.

Compared to the method of obtaining energy from space, it is usually more cost-effective to obtain energy by disassembling stars. When conducting river-level voyages, obtaining energy from space can be said to be a helpless move. When there is usually a large amount of material, especially in wartime, when it consumes a lot of energy, there are only many stars. Can support this huge amount of energy consumption.

Therefore, both Xiao Yu and Dark Star Civilization have sent a large number of stellar collection troops. It was these stellar collection forces that supported the fierce battle on the front lines. There have also been countless light or dark battles around these carried stars, such as interceptions, breakthroughs, and sneak attacks. Although the scale of these battles is not as grand as that of the main battlefield, when it comes to excitement and tension, it is even higher than the main battlefield.

At this moment, one of Xiao Yu's airborne fleet that set off to carry the stars detected a signal of curvature in space. The signal indicates that at this moment not far from this fleet, there is a large-scale space bending phenomenon. This is obviously an operation to move stars in the space around the curved star. At the moment, Xiao Yu did not deploy any fleet here. This fleet that is only sailing on a curvature does not belong to Xiao Yu. Well. It may only belong to the Dark Star civilization.

Since it was discovered, there is no easy reason. Through secret observations, Xiao Yu quickly determined the size, combat readiness, and route status of the fleet. Then the fleets controlling themselves quietly lurked beside their inevitable routes, waiting quietly.

This will be another sneak attack interception operation. Like the tens of millions of interception operations that have erupted before, when the fleet of the Dark Star civilization passed, Xiao Yu's fleet suddenly launched an attack, forcing The fleet of the Dark Star civilization hastily separated from the space of curvature and returned to normal space. Then there was a small but extremely fierce battle.

finally. Xiao Yu paid the price of three provincial spaceships and dozens of small spacecraft, destroying more than half of the escorting force of the Dark Star civilization. Seeing that this star could not be saved, in order to prevent it from being taken away by Xiao Yu's fleet. Before fleeing, the fleet of Dark Star Civilization simply destroyed the star, triggering a supernova explosion.

With the afterglow of the stellar explosion, the fleet of the Dark Star civilization left hurriedly. And Xiao Yu's fleet. After observing a large expanse of star wreckage that was no longer useful. Quietly left. This brief battle, apart from destroying a star, forming an expanding nebula, and a small amount of battleship wreckage, seemed to leave nothing behind.

But the cause and effect of natural evolution between the universes are always going on. Even without being aware of the civilizations of both sides, some changes are happening quietly. It seems that this exploding star triggered something, and these triggered mechanisms further triggered the rest of the reaction, all like a domino chain. Hidden and careful, even the intelligence monitoring network deployed by Xiao Yu did not find this.

Everything comes to peace. The civilizations of both sides are still doing their own things, carrying or intercepting, sneak attack or counterattack, everything is normal. This was just a very unremarkable incident, and no one's gaze came here.

At the same time, at the core of the flying kite galaxy, next to the central black hole, the assault on this seventh-level alien beast has reached the most critical moment. Xiao Yu paid a heavy price, killed countless powerful beasts, and finally pushed his own fleet led by the spacecraft Dream, including the Extreme Star Battle Star Group, to a place not far from this alien beast's body.

"Finally, you can start a direct attack on it ..." At this moment, Xiao Yu flashed such a thought in his mind. Then, Xiao Yu didn't hesitate at all. Under the lingering cloud of strange beasts, he aggressively launched an attack.

Tens of millions of space cannons directly penetrated the dark space, and rushed toward the alien beast mother-like body as fast as the speed of light. In the process of advancement, some of the light beams caused by these space cannons were blocked by the dense group of strange beasts, and they did not directly hit the body of the mother. body. Xiao Yu saw that with the first arrival of the space cannon, the place hit by the mother of this seventh-level beast began to glow with a weird red light, just like steel was continuously melting, just for a moment Over time, the red spots quickly expanded and eventually rolled up like ulcers.

Subsequent space tearing, black lightning, space bomb clusters and other attacks also came. The current battle picture reminds Xiao Yu of the so-called air-to-ground war in the earth's era-countless combat aircraft circling in the sky, and constant explosions on the ground ...

After these attacks, although the casualties are heavy, they still maintain a powerful fighting force of the extreme stars and stars. Under the control of Xiao Yu, these extreme star war stars have all adopted the most basic and effective attack methods. They all spun up at a high speed, and then, like a meteorite outside of the sky, violently smashed into the alien beast body ...

They once again cancelled all the gravitational shields and completely released their powerful gravitational forces. Countless strange beasts or the wreckage of warships began to converge again, and even some weak strange beasts could not help being attracted to the past. There are too many alien beasts here, and Xiao Yu has no way to tell whether they are attracted involuntarily or approaching and attempting to attack.

A large cloud of hydrogen or a cloud of other elements above the white dwarf appears again in this chaotic space, and even some extreme star battle stars are submerged by the ocean of strange beasts, and then Nor did it emerge. Xiao Yu knew that they had been destroyed. However, more extreme star wars eventually broke through this blockade. They are like breaking through a huge ship like a tidal wave, continuing to sing and advance, and proceeding to the other beast mother body!

They eventually struck the body of the giant beast. Part of the neutron battle star penetrated directly into the body of this powerful alien beast, and began to destroy it inside its body by its own gravity and other attack methods, and another part of the neutron battle star gave up entering its body. The plan was to start looking for those huge alien beasts to fight and wait for the opportunity to attack the alien beast's mother. The huge holes in which the child was born were drilled into them. Before the powerful strange beasts were completely born, they were blocked in the mother ...

The alien beast's own defensive power is slightly beyond Xiao Yu's expectations, but it is still within an acceptable range. At this moment's offensive strength and the defensive ability of the alien beast's body, it will not take Xiao Yu much time to tear it completely.

After Xiao Yu launched a full-scale attack without hesitation, Xiao Yu was countered by the almost beastly sea of ​​strange beasts. The uncountable huge group of strange beasts is like going crazy, they even don't care about their lives at all, so they launched a crazy attack on Xiao Yu's fleet. At this moment, the battle really entered the stage of fever. At this time, Xiao Yu once again noticed some unusual signs.

The alien beast in front of him seemed to be shaking madly. Xiao Yu can be sure that if the sun trembled to this extent, the sun is likely to have fallen apart. And the body of this alien beast did start to crack, but the form of its cracking was different-Xiao Yu saw that as it continued to tremble ~ ~ appeared on its body There were more cracks and holes, and the most shocking thing happened to Xiao Yu. From these new cracks and holes, a huge number of alien beasts began to emerge, and these alien beasts appeared later. The body is generally a little bigger than before.

This is not the most critical, the most critical is the speed at which this alien beast's mother can make daughters! After the emergence of these new cracks and holes, the speed of making sub-objects has once again increased substantially, almost 50 times faster than before!

Speed ​​has increased again 50 times, what a concept! In the face of the strange ocean of animals at this moment, Xiao Yu still has some difficulties to fight. If after a period of time, he has to face fifty times this number of strange oceans, Xiao Yu has no reason to survive, not to mention the 300,000 limit Astral battle stars, even if there are 3 million, all of them must be accounted for here. It is difficult to say whether the Dream Star group battleship can escape.

Although the situation is indeed difficult to imagine, all of this happened in front of Xiao Yu, shocking Xiao Yu's heart.

"Is the logical weapon really so powerful ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself. (To be continued ...)

ps: This is a change from yesterday

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