Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 954: New changes

Obviously, it is impossible for the alien beast mother to improve her ability so much without any reason. It is also impossible for it to have this ability all the time, and then it just broke out. Because it is unlikely to have a tendency to be abused, it is necessary to wait until he is flattened out by Xiao Yu before taking out his true strength.

Then the only possibility is that this is still the effect of logical weapons, the effect of the weird spatial fluctuations caused by logical weapons before. Xiao Yu still doesn't know what kind of changes the space fluctuation brought to it and what kind of changes it caused, but the effect of the space fluctuation is tangible.

"It has always been against me, it has been preventing me from killing this strange beast mother ... it has affected this strange beast mother three times in a row. It is the first time that the Dreamship has led the team, the Extreme Star The Battle Star Group was dispatched for the second time, and now, when I burst into it, its ability improved for the third time ... "Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart.

The situation is now very clear. Since this strange beast mother has increased her ability to make daughters again by 50 times through some unknowable method, Xiao Yu is absolutely impossible to take it down, even if she runs slowly. Xiao Yu's fleet might have to be annihilated here.

Xiao Yu was very unwilling, very unwilling. But logical weapons mocked Xiao Yu fiercely with reality.

Xiao Yu even passed the observation capabilities of those neutron battle stars that had penetrated into the inside of this alien beast's body, as well as those warships outside. A three-dimensional, three-dimensional model was drawn for this strange beast mother body, and its survival mode was probably analyzed. Xiao Yu knew how badly he had caused it now. Xiao Yu's conclusion is. If its ability to make strange beast bodies is no longer increased, if it can always maintain the previous state, then it will be completely shredded and killed, and it will not consume more than half an hour at most.

The beast's mother's injury has been so serious, but Xiao Yu has not given it a chance of a fatal blow. The logical weapon still prevented Xiao Yu from killing it.

"There is something wrong." Xiao Yu pondered eagerly. "Dark Star civilization has mastered it. After all, it is the first logical weapon that requires causal logic, that is, it is impossible to increase the ability of the alien beast mother so much. Although I don't know what the reason is, but I have reason to believe that in the case of such a serious injury, it forcibly improves its ability, which can not affect itself. Perhaps. It also uses a kind of A mechanism similar to my companion ghost spirit's vitality-burning mechanism? Can I get such a huge ability bonus in a short period of time? "

"Maybe. It will die because of such a serious overdraft." Xiao Yu gave a little hope in his heart. But this hope was immediately broken. Because of subsequent observations and Xiao Yu's understanding of the alien beast mother at this moment clearly told Xiao Yu that as long as she no longer exerts pressure on this alien beast mother, the alien beast mother will be no more than half a year after she leaves. regain health. All the damage he has done to it at this moment will disappear.

Giving it a final blow is the only way to kill it. At the moment, Xiao Yu has no way to give it a final blow. If you do not run away immediately, all these fleets of Xiao Yu will be destroyed here. Even at the risk of being destroyed, Xiao Yu could not achieve his purpose. Because at the moment. There are too many giant beasts like a planet, and they almost use their own bodies to form a tight protective layer for the mother. Those neutron war stars who broke into the inner body of the alien beast. They were also fixed by unknown mothers in unknown ways, and they could no longer move freely inside the mothers of the other beasts. They are like flies condensed in amber, unable to move.

Xiao Yu's fleet began a hurried evacuation. This means that Xiao Yu's another attempt failed. Xiao Yu missed another chance to defeat the Dark Star civilization. The reason is because of the abominable logic weapon.

"How can we defeat the logical weapon? How can we destroy the central black hole ... This war, I must not fail, I must succeed, but how can I achieve my purpose?" Xiao Yu was in his heart Quickly thinking about this problem, at the same time, a deep sense of weakness began to spread in Xiao Yu's heart.

"It seems that continuing to use the executor trap is the only way. With their logical weapons, I have no way to cause them a deadly attack. I can only constantly force them to use logical weapons and wait The backwash of logical weapons in the underworld is coming ... but, when will this backwash be saved to the limit, and when will I wait until the day comes ... now I have only less than a hundred years left Time is 100 years, is it enough? "Xiao Yu thought about these questions, as if a fire was burning in Xiao Yu's heart.

Xiao Yu's fleet was fleeing hurriedly, getting farther and farther from this alien beast. Xiao Yu watched as it spit out the star waste that had turned into a red dwarf, and then swallowed another star with an unusually rich heavy element content. With the arrival of new food, it created strange beasts. The speed of the daughter begins to increase again ...

This new star, which is used as food, is extremely large. The Dark Star civilization seems to be unable to resupply in the previous fierce battles. It almost made this alien beast mother unable to produce enough aliens because of insufficient resources. In order to prevent that from happening again, this time Dark Star Civilization deliberately chose such a large star to come over. After adding many heavy elements, the mass of this star will almost reach 240 times the mass of the sun ...

"There is still a very real problem." At this time, Xiao Yu's mood began to heavy again: "I don't know if the situation of the high-strength manufacturing daughter body of the alien beast can last long. If it can last If the child is made at this speed ... my construction speed will be completely suppressed. In this way, it is very difficult to say whether I can maintain the repressive advantage in the conventional battlefield. And the battlefield is lost. Advantage, the executor trap cannot be executed again ... it can never be before the power of the Dark Star civilization attacked my logistic base, when the Dark Star civilization issued logical weapons to "break through Xiao Yu's logistics base" After the order, will I voluntarily give up my logistics base to perform the performer trap? "

"It seems wrong. I am the executor. I deserve the benefit. The Dark Star civilization is a user of logical weapons. They should be backstabbed ... Why is the war so bad for me ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself .

Xiao Yu confirmed that he was fully prepared for this war, and the executor trap was specially conceived by Xiao Yu to counter logical weapons. After the war began, he did not make any strategic or tactical mistakes. Everything is correct, but why does the battle evolve into what it is today?

The only explanation is a logical weapon. The logical weapon is too powerful, so powerful that Xiao Yu has no way to fight it.

However, the subsequent development of the war situation once again exceeded Xiao Yu's expectations. Xiao Yu noticed that there were some new weird changes happening quietly, and even at this moment, the strange beast's mother had stopped the child's body making process, and it started the trembling that seemed slightly flustered again, this time trembling Instead of creating more cracks and holes, but rather, it seems to spit out the special star just swallowed in its body ...

Time returns to just over a year ago. After Xiao Yu's stellar porter fleet discovered the dark star civilization's porter and launched a sneak attack on it, forcing them to destroy the star and escape, a series of domino effects were once again spurred.

The stellar explosion of the star has released some super-light particles, such as negative material particles, which are moving at the speed of super-light speed ~ ~ It only affects some of its surroundings within a short time. Stars, causing some minor changes in these stars, such as the fusion reaction of the inner core is slightly abnormal, the convection of the star atmosphere is slightly changed, the star activity is slightly intensified, and even the star's orbit is slightly changed. Obviously, the changes of these stars have spread again. They are like a transition, spreading the impact of the exploding star to more and further places, and quietly expanding its intensity. some……

More stars are affected. These effects are all very small, and they are exactly the same as those caused by logical weapons. It's just that because this is a high-attack area, Xiao Yu's detection equipment was almost destroyed and Xiao Yu didn't notice the change here.

This change has been spreading and spreading, affecting more and more stars, and the scope of the impact is getting larger and larger ... Eventually, this effect spread to the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy. Under the combined action of the central black hole and many stars, space once again began to produce a weird change. This weird change affected the large star swallowed into the body by the mother of another beast in the form of gravity. Because a large star has too many heavy elements added, it is unstable in itself, so another round of change begins ... (to be continued ...)

ps: This is the first change today, the second change is half an hour later

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