Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 955: 3 Best of Its Best

The pressure of light and heat created by self-nuclear fusion and the gravitational balance of the star itself are the most critical factors to maintain the stable existence of a star. There is no doubt that Dark Star civilization and this seventh-level beast know so much. Therefore, the dark star civilization can configure stars that can still exist with such multiple elements, so this seventh-level beast can unscrupulously devour the mass of the star without having to worry about the star exploding in its stomach.

What's more, the sixth-level beast is no longer afraid of supernova explosions. As a seventh-level beast that is very different from the sixth-level beast, there is no reason to be afraid of supernova explosion. Even if a star explodes inside its body, it is worth considering how much damage it will suffer, but in short, the injury will never be serious.

There are two general situations. First, thanks to its rich experience of swallowing stars, stars swallowed by it generally do not explode in its body. Second, even if the star explodes, it can't cause too much damage to it, and it is even difficult to affect it overall-at most it is like a person has eaten a stomach.

But now is not the case. This seventh-level beast at the moment is not the same when it was healthy. Its injury at this moment is so serious that if Xiao Yu is given another half an hour to launch a fatal attack on it, he can completely kill it. Also, in Xiao Yu's speculation, even if the damage caused by overloading the alien beast body can be recovered within six months, then at least it is still very weak, right?

In such a coincidence, the large star swallowed by it began to spur the explosion of a star destroyed by a dark star civilization. A long-range effect of the combined force of many other stars and the central black hole finally passed on to it, and a new round of change began in the large star. The effect of external gravitational forces has caused some deviations in the structure of its star, as usual. This is not a big deal, but unfortunately, what is affected at this moment happens to be some key parts of its star core. These key parts were affected, and more and more influence was immediately transmitted to the rest of the star ...

That is, at this time, the weak seventh-level beast noticed these abnormal places. It quickly understood what was going to happen next, so it started panicking to get this large star out of itself. but. The wave it caused once again affected the star, so the star exploded ...

This is not an ordinary supernova explosion. It was the most violent instability in the universe that exploded into a supernova. This type of supernova explosion can only occur on giant stars with about 200 times the mass of the sun. After this type of exploding star, it will completely crush the bones. It will not leave an extreme celestial body such as a neutron star or black hole in its core. Instead, it will completely disintegrate. Completely crushed bones, while releasing the most violent explosion energy.

At this moment, the energy released by this star is even comparable to the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy. You know, the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy belongs to the active galaxy nucleus, and the energy it releases is equal to the energy released by all the other stars of the Flying Kite Galaxy ...

The energy of this large star's explosion is so huge. The energy it had released was not so great, but it was a coincidence. In order to make the stars more convenient for this seventh-level alien beast, the dark star civilization has added a huge amount of heavy elements inside the star. It is this extremely rich heavy element. The intensity of the explosion was once again exacerbated.

Originally, even if instability was one of the most powerful ways to release energy in the universe, it was not easy to kill a seventh-level alien. But the addition of heavy elements has once again exacerbated its power. Originally, even if the instability of adding heavy elements is the same for supernovas, although it is impossible to kill this seventh-level beast fiercely, but at this moment this seventh-level beast has been attacked by Xiao Yu, and Because the overweight made a strange beast body, it was extremely weak and seriously injured.

Moving this thing forward, there are more coincidences to look for. For example, the Dark Star civilization happened to be when the seventh-level alien beast was extremely weak, in order to let it obtain resources as soon as possible, and brought it this new large star. For example, when it was discovered that this large star showed signs of instability, the seventh-level beast did not choose to calm down to respond to the sudden situation, but was anxious to expel it from the body, but further exacerbated its explosion speed. Also, those gravitational influences happen to affect key parts of this star ...

If you push forward, you can find more and more incredible coincidences. The starting point of all this coincidence is the star that the dark star civilization chose to destroy in order not to let Xiao Yu get it, triggering its supernova explosion. Taking this as a starting point, under the action of causality in the universe, with the precise **** of physical laws and the participation of chaos theory, these coincidences are like dominoes, one falling down It will push the next one to continue to fall. In the process, there is no error in any link. Eventually, this thing is pushed to the end, and the final result is triggered. This unstable star has an unstable pair. The supernova exploded and eventually killed the seventh-level beast.

Yes, Xiao Yu put in all his efforts to fight against the purpose that the logical weapon failed to achieve, which was achieved by a supernova. The final fatal blow that Xiao Yu failed to do was completed by the exploding supernova.

Xiao Yu saw that an infinite amount of flashes and energy suddenly appeared in front of himself. This time the explosion completely illuminated this dark space, things that were relatively close to it, such as the wreckage of a warship and strange beasts. Dead bodies, such as some natural stars, such as interstellar dust, all disappeared at this instant. Under the impact of intense energy, they did not know where they were rushed. And in this explosion that was so strong that it was impossible to tell, the body of the seventh-level beast was like a fragile piece of paper enclosing a grenade. At this moment, it was ashes and disappeared.

It died, completely died, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

This incident made Xiao Yu startled. Xiao Yu's brain was almost at a standstill at this moment. When Xiao Yu tried his best to achieve a goal, Xiao Yu failed. When Xiao Yu had almost given up and was disheartened, the result of this game was presented to Xiao Yu in such an unexpected way.

"This guy died like this somehow?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, his heart was full of strange weird feelings. Xiao Yu always felt that there was something wrong with this matter, but there was something wrong, Xiao Yu couldn't say anything. .

"Is it really dead? Is this a conspiracy of Dark Star Civilization? This guy really died like this? I spent so much energy without killing it, so it died?" Xiao Yuman was weird Thinking.

Xiao Yu is trying to calm down his mood and restore his sanity. Xiao Yu's huge intelligence detection network was launched again, collecting all relevant data with all his strength, and then relying on his own computing power and tens of thousands of supercomputing centers as the basis, he fully calculated these data. After a while, a faint clue came out of Xiao Yu.

"It was so, it was so ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, at this moment, Xiao Yu felt relieved: "Dark Star civilization was eventually backfired by logical weapons, and I acted several times. In the end, the universe has finally received the reward. The universe itself has reached a balance between several aspects in such a slightly cunning method. "

This seventh-level beast died in such a weird way. On the surface, it is the reason for many clever contracts. In fact, if you look deeper, you can find many things hidden behind it.

First of all, the Dark Star civilization issued a commandable through logical weapons, "Xiao Yu is not allowed to kill this seventh-level alien beast." So, did Xiao Yu finally kill this seventh-level beast? No. Even if Xiao Yu did his best, Xiao Yu did not achieve his goal.

And why is Xiao Yu unable to kill this seventh-level beast? It is this seventh-level alien that has acquired the ability to overload the body of an alien at the cost of damage to itself. This method resisted Xiao Yu's attack, but hurt himself, and laid a foreshadowing for subsequent changes.

Secondly, the Dark Star civilization has used logical weapons many times, and the backwash of logical weapons has begun brewing in the dark in a way that no one can imagine ~ ~, and the Dark Star civilization is obviously already different from this first level The beasts form an alliance, and without the existence of a seventh-level alien beast, the Dark Star civilization will not last. So revenge on the seventh-level beast is revenge on them.

This is a logical weapon, or causality in the midst of revenge for the Dark Star civilization. In revenge on the Dark Star civilization, Xiao Yu was also paid as an executor—Xiao Yu knew that his executor trap plan finally came into effect at this moment, and he finally got what he wanted most.

The death of this seventh-level alien beast is the best of its kind. It was killed by the unstable supernova explosion, not by Xiao Yu, so it did not violate the order of logical weapons. At the same time, this incident also retaliated against the Dark Star civilization and repaid Xiao Yu.

The best of all threes, that's it.

"Huh ..." Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Xiao Yu's heart finally let go. (To be continued ...)

ps: Paralyzed. . . . I wrote this earlier and uploaded it, but I forgot to post it ...! !! !! !! !! If not someone reminded me that I haven't found it yet! There is no such thing as full attendance! !! !! Depressed, tears ran! !! !! !! !!

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