Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 958: Who is inside

This information received by Xiao Yu can be determined not from the side of the Dark Star civilization. So it is very interesting. Where did this message come from? And who will send this message of help at this time?

Xiao Yu's gaze was once again placed on the central black hole of this river system. Xiao Yu watched this powerful guy running quietly there, feeling the greatness of it ... but Xiao Yu noticed something else.

Because Xiao Yu felt that the source of this information was within the scope of this central black hole. It may be on the accretion disk of the black hole, or it may come from the inside of the black hole-of course, this is a very contradictory place. The black hole is only a guy who cannot enter. This is well known, so how can a message From the inside of the black hole to the outside space, this is something worth considering.

But now Xiao Yu's insights are not what they used to be. Witnessing the magic of the rules, Xiao Yu knows that even if a thing really comes out of a black hole intact, such a thing is not impossible.

The first doubt has been resolved, so now it is the second doubt. Who sent this message for help? Why is the Dark Star civilization confident that after hearing this message, it is impossible for it to make a decision to destroy the central black hole? Who are they?

Xiao Yu's mind suddenly tightened. Xiao Yu thought of the worst possibility. At the same time, at the moment when this thought came to mind, Xiao Yu began to carry out a careful analysis of the message that was still being sent on and off.

From the details of this information's frequency, transmission method, etc., Xiao Yu noticed a little familiar taste. Xiao Yu's mind was sinking, sinking. Xiao Yu can basically determine who they are.

They are Shenzhou civilization, or Pegasus civilization. Perhaps the two civilizations have merged together. At this moment, it is their combination that is trapped inside the black hole.

Xiao Yu remembered something that happened thousands of years ago. At that time, Xiao Yu had just left that powerful quasar. Came into its companion galaxy. In that companion galaxy, Xiao Yu encountered a level seven civilization in the ordinary direction of space.

The seven-level civilization in this spatial direction has obvious traces of Xiao Yu's creations. Through communication, Xiao Yu learned that Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization had passed by here. And taught them something, they were able to become a level seven civilization. And according to speculation, Xiao Yu is convinced that the Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization have come to the Flying Kite Galaxy.

Xiao Yu's reason for coming to the Flying Kite Galaxy is unknown. After coming to the flying kite galaxy, Xiao Yu also launched a large-scale search. Unfortunately, Xiao Yu did not find traces of Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization. Even after Xiao Yu deployed a huge intelligence detection network throughout the Flying Kite Galaxy, Xiao Yu did not find any trace of Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization.

Xiao Yu at the time speculated. Perhaps Pegasus and the Shenzhou civilization have left the Flying Kites galaxy and gone to other places. Xiao Yu never expected that Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization would be trapped in the central black hole of this river system at this moment.

They may be dead, or they may not be trapped in the central black hole at all. This message is just a dark star. I faked it to trouble myself. But there is a very important point. As long as the Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization still have the possibility to survive, as long as they may be trapped in the center. Inside the black hole, then, can I give an order to destroy the central black hole?

If Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization are really trapped here, as long as the central black hole is really blown up, then. 10,000 percent of them will be affected, and 10,000 percent of them will be killed.

The so-called not afraid of 10,000 is just in case, no matter how much the possibility of this matter, as long as it is, even if this possibility is only 1 in 10,000, it is still the case-just in case. What if Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization were really trapped in the central black hole?

How to do? How to do?

At this moment, Xiao Yu's mind flashed through trillions of years. Xiao Yu has arranged the chain reaction space bombs. With the order of Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu can detonate these bombs. Then he blew up the central black hole to complete his mission, but ... how can Xiao Yu give this order? After all, Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization may be trapped inside! After all, there are only their own people, loyal comrades-in-arms, civilization created by themselves, and abandoning a comfortable life, in order to help themselves, they step into the dark universe they have always feared, spanning tens of millions Years long to come to rescue their Yazu family!

How can I change this order by myself?

"So, Xiao Yu, give up. As long as you give up your intention to destroy the central black hole, stay here for 58 years. After 58 years, we will rescue everything you care about from the black hole , And then we have nothing to do with each other. Xiao Yu, what to do, you choose it yourself. "Dark Star civilization said faintly.

At this moment, there are fifty-eight years left before the cosmic civilization told Xiao Yu about the five hundred years. Xiao Yu knew that after fifty-eight years, even if he destroyed the central black hole again, it would not help. The spokesman and the rebel are fighting at a higher level. This battle will be decided after fifty-eight years and determine the ultimate ownership of the Flying Kite Galaxy. Creating no action, after fifty-eight years, his action was declared a failure.

"This is just the last card we prepared when the situation is impossible." Dark Star Civilization said quietly, "We just forged some information about you and made this information be used by Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization through logical weapons. I learned that in this way, they were seduced into the Flying Kite Galaxy. Their performance really touched us. After learning that you have encountered danger in the Flying Kite Galaxy, there is almost no Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization The slightest hesitation decides to go to the Flying Kites galaxy to rescue you, regardless of the fact that your civilization has just become a seventh-level civilization, and it does not pay attention to the many practical difficulties. They almost abandoned everything to come Save you. Faced with such a loved one, do you have the heart to destroy the central black holes and destroy them? "

"They hurried to the Flying Kite Galaxy and tried to rescue me. When they finally reached the Flying Kite Galaxy, they found that I was not in the Flying Kite Galaxy. It ’s just mean men and women and the traps you set, right? ”Xiao Yu said lightly.“ You captured them, and then hid them in the central black hole by some means, trying to get there. Containing my actions ... then I wonder, how can I believe that what you are saying is true? How do I know, are you just cheating me with a fake message? "

"It doesn't matter." Dark Star civilization said, "Believe it or not. If you don't trust us, you can destroy the central black hole now. After analyzing your experience, we know you. Even this message Only one in 10,000 is likely to be true, and you won't do it, right? "

"You guessed it," Xiao Yu said. "Until there is no way to completely rule out the possibility of Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization being trapped in this central black hole, it is really impossible for me to destroy the central black hole. It seems that the way I can go There is only one, which is to follow your advice and waste this fifty-eight years ... you have won, despicable Dark Star civilization. "

"We were so helpless to find this way." Dark Star Civilization said, "In the face of you, you can't be too careful. We originally thought that with this seventh-level beast ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ With the logical weapon, plus we have hidden the central black hole, it will not be a problem anymore after supporting this time, but did not expect that you finally found us, and eventually killed the seventh-level beast, and finally will We are persecuted ... Xiao Yu, for our victory, we can do whatever we can. "

"I want to exterminate all your civilizations now ... I regret that when I was in the galaxy, why didn't I fight to kill you all again. Dark Star civilization, no matter how the incident ends, I Xiao Yu Will be at odds with your dark star civilization. Even if you chase you to the end of this universe, to the end of time, I will kill all of you and exterminate them. I swear in the name of my home star, earth and sun , Dark Star civilization, I will never die for you. "

"This is of no use at all. I'll talk about things later. Let's get through the difficulties now." There is an indifferent taste in the message of the Dark Star civilization, "Honestly stay here, wait. These fifty-eight years have passed ... "

"Xiao Yu, why don't you do it? We observe that you have deployed the space bomb. As long as you give us a command, our spokesman camp will achieve the ultimate victory. Tell me, why are you procrastinating? If you Keep procrastinating, and we do n’t mind giving you a little punishment! ”At this time, the long-lost universe civilization emerged again,“ What Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization died when they died, they still return. Can it be more important than your mission? "

At the same time, the call for help from the central black hole is still being sent out intermittently: "Help ... Help ..."

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