Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 959: 2 difficult

Whether the central black hole in the flying kite galaxy can continue to exist depends on Xiao Yu's thought. But Xiao Yu really couldn't get the order out of his mouth. At this moment, Xiao Yu's mind seemed to be all emptied, but those annoying messages were still being passed on to Xiao Yu's mind.

"Honestly spent these 58 years ..."

"What are you doing ?! Why not give an order yet ?! Do you want to be retaliated by our universe civilization after this incident?"

"Help ... Help ..."

Xiao Yu sighed deeply and returned to God. Xiao Yu was calm again. Xiao Yu ignored the cosmic civilization that was still shouting, but responded to the Dark Star civilization with a peaceful attitude: "Okay, I promise you. In these fifty-eight years, I will An An stays here steadily, and will not shoot at the central black hole. But ... after fifty-eight years, if you let me find that you are deceiving me, or you have failed to rescue the Pegasus and the Shenzhou civilization, you You should know the consequences. "

"Xiao Yu! Believe it or not, our civilization will now report the situation here to the Alliance, and kill you now! For two humble seventh-level civilizations, you should ignore the Alliance's major affairs and reach an agreement with the enemy without authorization! Do you know the serious consequences of doing so! Do you want to disappear from this universe! "Cosmic civilization responded angrily at this moment.

"The loser is not qualified to be called here. Since you have failed, then stay honest. Don't point your fingers at it." Xiao Yu responded to the universe civilization lightly, and continued to say to the dark star civilization: "How?"

"Very good," Dark Star Civilization replied. "You will be glad that you made a wise choice in the end. But ... in order to prevent some of your bad thoughts, we will now issue the following instructions on logical weapons, you listen ..."

"I ordered that within the next fifty-eight years, the logical weapon can only be under the control of the Dark Star civilization, and no existence can take the logical weapon away," said the leader of the Dark Star civilization.

Xiao Yu murmured in his heart, and then a heart sank into the bottomless abyss. That's right. Xiao Yu did this idea before. Xiao Yu is still only a seventh-level civilization, and Xiao Yu has not been exposed to the ability of the rules. And put all creations and all intelligent creatures of a whole civilization in a black hole. And still keep them intact, this will inevitably be the result of modifying the rules. So the only way to save them is to reach them through the rules. Cosmic civilization is eight civilizations though. But cosmic civilization is limited by agreement and cannot be shot. Besides. Cosmic civilization is very unfriendly to them, and they must not help themselves.

So ... the only feasible way is to use the logical weapon of Dark Star civilization. Xiao Yu did have a plan before, this plan is to **** this logical weapon from the Dark Star civilization through a sudden attack. Then rescued the Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization trapped inside the central black hole through logical weapons. But ... the Dark Star civilization has given instructions for logical weapons. Xiao Yu knows the power of logical weapons. Xiao Yu knows that he is not likely to violate the instructions of logical weapons. During this time, logical weapons were snatched.

"Is this mission destined to coexist with the life of Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization? To complete the mission, you will lose Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization. Saving Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization will inevitably lead to the failure of this mission?" Xiao Yunan Murmured.

The progress of the matter once again pushed Xiao Yu to a crossroads. The decision of which side to go to is in the hands of Xiao Yu. But at this moment, Xiao Yu was really a little confused.

"Very good, your performance of the Dark Star civilization once again exceeded my expectations. You even took into account such details. Yes, I did intend to grab the logical weapon before, but now look Come, it seems that my intentions have been missed. Very good, very good. Then I can only spend the fifty-eight years here according to your instructions. "Xiao Yu sighed and made the dark star civilization Respond.

After receiving the response before Xiao Yu, the universe civilization rarely did not get angry, but responded coldly: "Xiao Yu, our universe civilization swears, you will regret it, you will regret it ..."

Xiao Yu only snorted slightly and did not respond to the civilization of the universe.

"Facts will prove that your choice is the most wise," said Dark Star Civilization. "Very well, this result is exactly what our Dark Star civilization wants."

The Dark Star civilization fell into silence. Cosmic civilization fell into silence. Xiao Yu also fell into silence. In this universe of space, there may still be some unknown to Xiao Yu, and they are also silent.

Xiao Yu remembered everything he had done since he arrived in the Flying Kite Galaxy. I exhausted all my strength, and after thousands of years of struggle, I saw that victory was ahead, but at the closest time to victory, I was instantly turned over. Xiao Yu confessed that he did nothing wrong, but things have been out of his grasp in an uncontrollable way.

Xiao Yu remembered the enlightenment entrusted to him by the music civilization, and although he was a spokesperson, he had been constrained by his subordinates, but he still exhausted all his abilities to help Chen Mo.

"Musical civilization said that if my mission fails, Chen Mo's situation will be embarrassing. In order to help me complete the task, musical civilization taught me how to fight logical weapons, and even to maintain peace for hundreds of millions of years After that, I took the initiative to launch a war again, just to leave me the ultimate astral civilization and the ultimate astral battle star to enhance my strength ... I must win, I have too many things on my body, and I cannot fail. … What about Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization? How can we do both? How can we complete this task on the premise of preserving Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization? "

One side is Chen Mo, and the other is Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization. When choosing one will sacrifice the other, Xiao Yu does not want to do it. Xiao Yu even thought of an unsolved problem that was widely spread in the earth age: "When your girlfriend and mother fell into the water together, you can only save one, who will you save?"

"Who should I save?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "The ideal state is, of course, to be rescued by two people together, but in the current situation, should I complete the task or save Fei? Horse and Shenzhou civilization? "

The war that has been going on for hundreds of years is over, and the entire Flying Kite galaxy has once again entered into silence. But this is just the tranquility before the storm. Xiao Yu knows that in the dark at this moment, I don't know how many or powerful or weird beings are watching her, waiting for her actions, waiting for her to make the final decision.

Xiao Yu began to think intensely, thinking about every detail after contact with Dark Star civilization, trying to find a solution to the current predicament. This hope is very slim, but Xiao Yu still has time. There are still 58 years left for Xiao Yu to act as a buffer. As long as there is time, Xiao Yu has no reason to despair. You can never give up until the final moment, which is the valuable experience of Xiao Yu after millions of lessons.

Xiao Yu is thinking about the possibilities one after another, and calculating one after another. But unfortunately, Xiao Yu never found any feasible solution. And time, quietly slipping away in this constant thinking, so far, twenty-eight years have passed, and Xiao Yu's time is only thirty years left.

There is still silence in this starry sky, and only the ghost-like distress signal is still being sent out continuously: "We are from the Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization of the Milky Way, because of an accidental change, we are trapped In the central black hole of this river system, if you can receive this message, if you have the ability to save us, then we ask you to help us and help us leave this place ... Our situation is very bad, and we ca n’t stand it How long ... if you are willing to save us out, in return, we will take out all our scientific information ... "

Xiao Yu's heart was twisted. Shenzhou civilization ~ ~ Pegasus civilization, Yazo, Zhang Shengya, everything they care about is trapped here, but they can't do anything to save them. There was a deep sense of weakness spreading in Xiao Yu's heart. In this sense of powerlessness, Xiao Yu's growing hatred of Dark Star civilization.

Xiao Yu forced himself to calm down and start thinking about his current situation again. After tens of millions of ideas have been ruled out by Xiao Yu, there is no new way to generate Xiao Yu's computing modules. Xiao Yu's thoughts seem to have dried up.

Xiao Yu once again recalled that when he was trapped next to that powerful quasar, he thought carefully about every detail of his escape from the quasar, trying to find something that was helpful to him from here.

In this constant memory and thinking, suddenly, an aura of light flashed from Xiao Yu's mind. This aura was like a lightning, which instantly illuminated Xiao Yu's sky. Xiao Yu found that he finally found a seemingly feasible solution.

The success rate of this method is extremely low, but it finally has a success rate. Even if the success rate is only one in a million, that is fundamentally different from total despair. As long as there is a success rate, Xiao Yu will have the goal of struggle.

"Now it seems that I can only do this." Xiao Yu sighed. (To be continued ...)

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