Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 960: Particle battleship

Xiao Yu is still maintaining his apparent calm. But among Xiao Yu's huge construction bases, Xiao Yu quietly began a new round of construction work. Hundreds of billion spacecraft were built by Xiao Yu this time. But the size of these tens of billions of ships may not be as big as a basketball.

There is nothing wrong, Xiao Yu's plan is to build a spaceship of the type of micro civilization. Moreover, the performance of these spacecraft built by Xiao Yu is more advanced than that of micro-civilization. Because Xiao Yu has more than just a technology of micro civilization. In the construction process, Xiao Yu can integrate all the technologies of architectural civilization and computing civilization.

Yes, that ’s right. With the technology of computational civilization at the core, the technology of micro-civilization as the foundation, and the excellent construction skills of architectural civilization, the two are merged, and Xiao Yu ’s outstanding war technology is also integrated. In the end, what Xiao Yu made was just such a bunch of things.

Building a micro-civilized spaceship is no more laborious than building a large battleship that Xiao Yu can use. Xiao Yu estimates that building a micro-civilized spaceship that is only the size of a molecule or atom will probably take about the same amount of time and energy as Xiao Yu's building a continent-level spacecraft, or even more.

However, Xiao Yu always built these batches of spacecraft. At this moment, they appeared before Xiao Yu's optical observation instruments. They gathered together, about the size of a basketball. They were suspended in midair, exuding a faint white light. In order to build these things, Xiao Yu spent another twenty years. At this moment, less than a decade is left to the final time limit.

This batch of micro-civilized warships is the crystallization of Xiao Yu's highest technology. Xiao Yu truly uses his own technology, micro-civilized technology, and architectural civilization technology. The technology of computing civilization is fused together, and finally these things are created. These little guys will become Xiao Yu's tools to execute his plans. Whether you can find a balance between completing the task and saving the Pegasus and the Shenzhou civilization depends on the action this time.

"But ... what if it fails? If it fails, I have to choose between the two. Then. Which one should I choose?" Xiao Yu thought silently.

Any major action. fQx must not only have a plan, but also a backup plan just in case. Xiao Yu's operation was undoubtedly significant. Therefore, Xiao Yu must also prepare a backup plan.

Then the problem is back to the origin again. After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Yu sighed slightly: "If this time the operation fails, if the real thing can't be done, then. Chen Mo, I'm sorry. This time, you have a chance to come back again, a flying kite. It ’s just a galaxy, and it certainly wo n’t have much impact on you. But for Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization, there is only one life. If they disappear from this universe, there will be no chance to survive. . I love you. I am willing to do anything for you, but ... I have no way to involve others and achieve my wish with the sacrifice of others. I can only do so, sorry. "

This is Xiao Yu's backup plan. Under circumstances of last resort. Xiao Yu will choose to compromise with the Dark Star civilization. In exchange for giving up the task in exchange for the survival of Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization.

But at this moment the situation has not yet reached its worst, and Xiao Yu still has a chance at this moment. Xiao Yu's hope was sustained by these micro-civilized warships. Looking at the little guy who was constantly floating in the air, Xiao Yu gently issued an order.

Almost instantly, these particle warships were like a group of fireflies gathered together suddenly scattered apart, carrying countless Ambilights, suddenly expanding. As their volume expands, their luminosity also decreases rapidly, and eventually disappears completely from Xiao Yu's eyes. If Xiao Yu did not maintain contact with the interior of these spacecraft, Xiao Yu would only be able to find them by using the most sophisticated space detection equipment to capture their clues.

Even now, Xiao Yu has to admit that he can destroy the subject of micro-civilization and capture the sub-fleet of micro-civilization, which is only a fluke. Although the fighting power of micro civilizations is not worth mentioning at all, their hidden performance is the best among all civilizations Xiao Yu has seen. They are well-deserved civilizations of level seven.

Through the extremely covert ultra-long-range communication method, Xiao Yu can clearly know the location of these 10 billion particle warships and can control them in real time. They are like a group of birds out of the cage. They quickly left this huge space construction base from the passage opened by Xiao Yu and came into the dark, vast and deep universe.

At the next moment, they began to sail with curvature, at a speed of about 1,700 times the speed of light, towards the distance, the base of the Dark Star civilization. Their voyage lasted a month, and they arrived not far from the Dark Star civilization. In order to prevent the fluctuations caused by the curvature of these particle warships from being monitored by the Dark Star civilization, Xiao Yu controlled them and began a sharp deceleration. Xiao Yu's research shows that if something like a particle warship advances at less than fifty times the speed of light, thanks to their extremely small volume, the spatial fluctuations they cause will easily be caused by various natural phenomena in space. The resulting spatial fluctuations are mixed together and are difficult to detect.

At this moment, these particle battleships are fully dispersed, moving forward at a speed of about thirty times the speed of light, and finally entering the main base of the Dark Star civilization.

Since the seventh-level beast was killed by Xiao Yu and the base of Dark Star Civilization has encountered a great deal of chaos, the main base of Dark Star Civilization has shrunk a lot. But even so, they still have a span of more than twenty light years at the moment. In this vast area of ​​more than 20 light years, there are countless space bases, and countless artificial celestial bodies shuttle here, burdening the base's communications, resupply, emergency rescue, early warning, observation and other tasks. There are countless carrier space shuttles here, and huge warships are always moving.

The power of a civilization was thus presented comprehensively and intuitively in front of Xiao Yu. Dark Star civilization is the defeat of Xiao Yu's men. This is undeniable, but Xiao Yu cannot deny the greatness of Dark Star civilization. Then again, which seventh-level civilization is not great? Any level seven civilization has trillions of intelligent creatures, and powerful shores that can affect a huge river system. Such existence is the real high-level in the universe.

Xiao Yu's particle warships quietly shuttled here, looking for opportunities to sneak in. A single battleship or a commercial, civilian, scientific research spaceship has little meaning to Xiao Yu. Because their authority is too low to meet Xiao Yu's requirements. Then Xiao Yu can only achieve his goal by sneaking into a large base, or into a flagship and sub-flagship giant spaceship. The defense of large bases, or cluster-level or star-level warships is extremely strict, and Xiao Yu does not have any possibility of entering from the front. Not to mention these giant battleships, even if it is a more planetary or continent-class battleship, Xiao Yu has no possibility of storming into the front with the particle battleships.

Just like when Xiao Yu was a sixth-level civilization, the micro civilization did not have the ability to forcibly break into Xiao Yuheng ’s starship. Not to mention the Dark Star civilization at this moment. In any case, in terms of combat power, it is always the flaw of these particle ships.

Then again, the main requirement of Xiao Yu's operation was concealment. Even if Xiao Yu had this ability, Xiao Yu would not do it that way. So Xiao Yu is still quietly lurking here while manipulating these particle spacecrafts ~ ~ waiting for the opportunity to come.

Xiao Yu did not aggregate these particle warships together, which was very stupid behavior. They have a sufficient number, Xiao Yu divided them into hundreds of thousands of units, each of which has particle warships ranging from 10,000 to 100,000, and scattered them all over this vast base. In China, looking for opportunities from everywhere.

The breakthrough occurred nine years before the final deadline. Xiao Yu observed that a city-level spacecraft formation was approaching this huge military base. And it seems to be to return this city-level spacecraft formation to Hong Kong, the military base that has always been heavily guarded has finally opened a gap. Xiao Yu never hesitated anymore, immediately controlling one of his particle spaceships, and quietly moved closer to a small battleship of this city-level spaceship formation.

It seems that peace that has lasted for hundreds of years has given the soldiers at this military base a little paralyzed mentality, and the inspection of incoming ships is not as strict as before-strict space and energy fluctuation scans have previously forced Xiao Yu Have to self-destruct nearly ten million particle warships. Yes, this opportunity is not the first time Xiao Yu has encountered it, but many of the previous opportunities were forced to give up halfway because of strict inspection mechanisms.

Thanks to an oversight of the Dark Star civilization, Xiao Yu finally successfully submerged his first detachment, about 70,000 particle warships, into this military base, and with this small warship, he arrived Above their harbor.

Presenting to Xiao Yu is a busy scene. The interior of the Dark Star civilization was finally presented to Xiao Yu for the first time. Xiao Yu finally had the opportunity to take a comprehensive and detailed look at the army of the Dark Star civilization and the port of the Dark Star civilization.

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