Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 961: Ideal heaven

The first thing Xiao Yu noticed was the huge battleship in the sky that looked like a dark cloud. Its volume is so large that it has no way to actually land on the base. For such giant battleships, Xiao Yu and Dark Star Civilization have the same approach, that is, they are anchored in the sky and rely on small spacecraft as the means of transportation between the two.

Under the light of distant stars, the edge of this huge warship glowed with cold metal tones, and it probably showed a long strip shape, with many protrusions on its sides, and many instruments in it But it only appears on the outside, which is full of metal texture. It is very large, and even if it is several kilometers away from the ground, it still casts a large shadow on the ground. Compared with it, this military base entered by Xiao Yu is even larger. It's almost the size of a continent above the earth, and there are countless ships like the one above Xiao Yu's particle warships anchored here. High-speed vehicles can be seen everywhere here, and a bunch of serious-looking soldiers shuttle nervously here. Many soldiers descend from the huge battleship in the sky, and many soldiers arrive in it by small spacecraft. . There are also many engineering personnel carrying a large amount of materials to overhaul and replenish it. Everything is nervous and orderly.

The battleship being observed by Xiao Yu at this moment was so large that it could not land below it, which was a municipal battleship. That's right, such a big guy is only in the cannon fodder level with little ability in the war. At this moment, Xiao Yu's particle warship is located in a huge military base the size of the entire continent, which can only be regarded as a small military base. At most, it can only accept provincial warships here to berth and repair and supply. If a national warship is parked here, its daily operation will be seriously affected. Although it is not large, it has at least hundreds of millions of intelligent creatures stationed here, among these intelligent creatures, including soldiers, engineers, workers, logistics personnel and so on.

These hundreds of millions of intelligent creatures, countless machines, and a continent constituted the defeat of Xiao Yu and an ordinary military base of the Dark Star civilization.

In such a high-level civilized war, the individual's ability was compressed to the extreme. But the integration of trillions of individuals has created a brilliant and great civilization. Therefore, every level seven civilization is great.

Xiao Yu has never denied this. Xiao Yu is also convinced that he is also a great existence. Because his logistic base is many times larger than the Dark Star civilization, Xiao Yu has more warships and more military bases. No matter what, Xiao Yu is more outstanding than Dark Star civilization.

This is the seventh-level civilization. Catching the stars and taking the moon is just leisure. From the perspective of the seventh-level civilization, the great stars are just ordinary daily nourishment. A huge river system is not enough to serve as a stage for level seven civilization.

Putting away this little emotion in my heart, Xiao Yu continued to start his work. Xiao Yu concealed this particle fleet more closely, and then divided them into several parts again, and scattered among this military base. Part of it infiltrated into the various buildings of the base, and another part went into the warships, waiting for these warships to take themselves to more places.

Xiao Yu's other particle battleships are also waiting for similar opportunities. In the past few months, Xiao Yu has at least 5 billion particle warships sneaked into various places in the Dark Star civilization, and some sneaked into Among scientific research bases, some sneak into the information center, some sneak into the mining base, some sneak into the living area, and some sneak into the warships, and these warships will move, so they will begin to be in different military base Between shuttles, gradually spread to more places in the Dark Star civilization.

Xiao Yu has been involved in more and more places, and because of the excellent concealment performance of particle warships and Xiao Yu's caution, until now, these actions of Xiao Yu have not been noticed by the Dark Star civilization. Xiao Yu intends to fully spread these tentacles in a few years. And busy information gathering has begun from now on.

After these particle warships entered the hinterland of the Dark Star civilization, the technology of computing civilization began to play an important role. As a seventh-level scientific and technological civilization, there is no doubt that the Dark Star civilization cannot leave computing equipment. Whether it is scientific research, communications, life, military, etc., it depends on the support of computing equipment. Although Xiao Yu couldn't make too many moves because of lack of sufficient hardware support, these particle warships were enough to do just for intelligence gathering.

These particle warships directly entered various computing equipment, and then lurked inside the computing equipment, stealing the data here by monitoring the energy fluctuations of the energy lines inside the computing equipment. In the past, this was an impossible task for Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu has the profound knowledge of computing technology in computing civilization. This allows Xiao Yu to restore a simple energy wave into information and get what he wants from it.

Xiao Yu collects the information of Dark Star civilization bit by bit, and understands any point of Dark Star civilization.

Through analysis, Xiao Yu found that the logical weapon seems to be a highly secretive existence in the society of the Dark Star civilization, so that Xiao Yu simply cannot find the data of the logical weapon inside the Dark Star civilization. This is disappointing, but Xiao Yu has found something else that interests him.

It seems that with the birth of science and technology civilization, haunting the fate of science and technology civilization, Xiao Yu found that any completely unified science and technology civilization with stable power will have some opponents. Either because of different political opinions or because of any other conflict of interest, every scientific and technological civilization has hidden organizations in the dark that are opposed to the regime.

This point cannot be avoided even by Pegasus civilization or Shenzhou civilization under Xiao Yu's control. Among the Shenzhou civilizations, there are organizations that seek to establish their own racial independence based on various ethnic groups, although they cannot occupy the mainstream of society. So Xiao Yu believes that such an organization will definitely exist in the Dark Star civilization. The goal of Xiao Yu's trip was to connect with them and use their power and convenience within the Dark Star civilization to achieve their goals.

From an overall perspective, these organizations that oppose the regime also have a certain degree of positive significance. Just like the catfish effect, a qualified opposition organization can maintain the vitality of an entire civilization. It is for this reason that the former Xiao Yu allowed these guys to exist in the Shenzhou civilization without removing them with the help of his omnipresent control. Xiao Yu believes that a qualified leadership regime should be able to control these opponents at a certain scale and take them in their own hands in disguise.

Of course, Dark Star's control of these opponents' organizations cannot reach the height of Xiao Yu. In fact, if the Dark Star civilization can master them so thoroughly, they will not be of much use to Xiao Yu. The Dark Star civilization is only in control of the organization from a global perspective, but it does not know much about the details of the organization, and they cannot even know who the true leader of the organization is.

Xiao Yu found this true leader. Because Xiao Yu's plan is very close to him. The success of Xiao Yu's plan is largely determined by the personal wisdom, personality, and even habits of the leaders of the opponent organizations. But Xiao Yu didn't care if the current leader of the opposition organization would cooperate with his actions. The reason is simple. If a certain leader is unqualified, it is better to assassinate him and change another one.

But the leader of this opposition group was lucky. It is in line with Xiao Yu's requirements. This is the conclusion reached after Xiao Yu's long-term observation of it ~ ~ It is despicable, selfish, and cruel, for the benefit of one's own can sacrifice the interests of a whole civilization, although He has very good wisdom, but he has no long-term vision. Its wisdom is more in the immediate interests.

This is a very qualified partner. Xiao Yu intends to change its destiny and tie it to his chariot.

On a quiet afternoon on a living planet, Xiao Yu connected the communication channel of the leader of the opposition group. The leader of the opposition organization has a normal identity as a cover, so it was very surprised by Xiao Yu's arrival.

In the virtual communication channel, Xiao Yu said faintly: "The leader of the Ideal Heavenly Organization, hello, I'm Xiao Yu."

This leader undoubtedly has a very good psychological quality. Xiao Yu observed that it had no mood swings. It responded: "What is the ideal heaven? You are Xiao Yu? Who is Xiao Yu? How did you receive my communication channel? Don't you know that it is illegal to invade the communication channels of other citizens without permission!"

If Xiao Yu hadn't mastered its information long ago, Xiao Yu would almost have been tricked by it. Xiao Yu still maintained the indifference and continued to say lightly: "In front of me, you don't need to pretend. This is all the course of action you have taken in recent years, every meal you have eaten, everyone you have come into contact with, Every sentence, every communication on the information network, there are records on it. You can see. "

"I am Xiao Yu ... I am the leader of the enemy your civilization is confronting ... I will tell you something that is important to you ..." rs

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