Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 965: Rebellion

As if at this moment, people living in the civilization capital of Dark Star and the glorious spacecraft, whether civilians or soldiers, felt that it was a little different from before. There was an inexplicable panic spread here . Whether it is an abnormal personal computing terminal, the occasionally nervous people appearing on the streets or lanes, or the seemingly strange weather in the simulated sky, they are telling this change.

Xiao Yu infiltrated the Glorious spacecraft for more than thirty years. With the deliberate manipulation and cooperation of Xiao Yu, these rebels have dispersed into all aspects of the glorious spacecraft. Although none of them has occupied a higher position, the energy that they can explode together cannot be underestimated. This strength is enough to temporarily paralyze the glorious spacecraft. The sudden outburst of this power, so no sign, made the leaders of the Dark Star civilization too late to respond. Even if the reaction came, their orders could not be given-the communication network had been temporarily cut off by Xiao Yu.

This will be the most chaotic three hours in the Glorious spacecraft, and it will be the three hours that determine the fate of the Glorious spacecraft. The question of whether to survive or to be destroyed will be revealed in the next three hours.

The leader of the Ideal Heavenly Kingdom has thousands of soldiers in his hands. Over the past few decades, he has established absolute authority among these thousands of soldiers through various means. So at this moment, after he issued the order, these thousands of soldiers immediately followed the leader of the organization without any hesitation.

They are moving towards area A. Xiao Yu gave him information in advance. There is a small port in Area A. This port is the target Xiao Yu wants to seize. Under normal combat conditions. Although dozens of neutron battle stars could not destroy the Glorious spacecraft, it caused serious damage to it and it was still possible to open a few gaps. But things are different now. Because at the moment, there are tens of millions of **** ships in addition to the glorious spacecraft. Although these **** ships have generally been away from the Glorious because of the previous order, Xiao Yu does not think that this order can hold them for a long time. In fact, Xiao Yu's plan is simple. These dozens of neutron battle stars did not come to attack the glorious spacecraft at all. Their responsibility is only to protect the small village-level spaceships. Under the siege of many **** fleets, they can support the moment when the port in area A is opened.

On the battlefield of this battle, the protagonist is a large number of rebels inside the glorious spacecraft.

Xiao Yu worked out a precise course for the soldiers led by the leader. On this way forward. They need to go through dozens of heavily guarded passes. There is no hope that their forces will break through. But it doesn't matter. Before they set off, there were already many undercurrents flowing in these places.

Xiao Yu did not hesitate to tell most of the situation at this moment to all the people who lived in the spaceship Glorious. A message came to everyone's minds through a broadcast: "The Ideal Heavenly Organization has launched a rebellion! Don't panic everywhere, just stick to your post, pay attention to maintain order, and prevent all riots!"

This order is very logical and very reasonable. It is also sent to garrison leaders everywhere through legal channels-no matter what happens, maintain order and stick to their posts. Guard against possible enemies, is this always correct? So this order was faithfully executed immediately.

But things are far from simple. They soon discovered. The situation is out of control. This is more like a long-planned rebellion than a rush. Something suspected of a computer virus has begun to circulate everywhere in the Glorious spacecraft. Regarding rebellions and conspiracies, these things are often contradictory and full of loopholes, and they cannot stand scrutiny, but they are the best breeding grounds for rumors. Maybe just these things are not enough, but when combined with other things, they immediately produce different effects.

A leader of the living area known for caring for the people's livelihood stood out at the moment: "I have received reliable information! The No. 358 stronghold in our urban area has been occupied by the insurgents, they have controlled the garrison leaders and are inciting The greater rebellion is inciting to destroy our living quarters and kill us all! At this moment we have no possibility of receiving external support. The only way we can go is to save ourselves! We must save ourselves! "

Suddenly, when most intelligent creatures are unable to reach a clear judgment, their psychology tends to follow the crowd. Following most people is the safest, this is an instinctive reaction formed during a long evolution. Under the incitement of the rebels mixed in, a chaos quickly formed, a large number of people left the living area, and they gathered together, like a group of beasts that lost their minds, red eyes, and began to look at Departure from the stronghold. On the way, some people started to jam some weapons in their hands. They didn't even think about where these weapons came from, they just instinctively took them over and moved on.

At the same time, soldiers in the stronghold on the 358th also began to tremble. The rumors spread by Xiao Yu brought very obvious effects, and they were talking about it at the moment.

"I heard that the rebels have besieged another stronghold. Our mission should have been to support it, but our leader seems to have been bought through, so we are required to stand here and not to move ..."

"Blind! This is impossible! I heard that there were insurgents inside us, so I was asked to be stationed here, and then started a self-examination ..."


"Kill the insurgents! Kill the insurgents!" At this time, passionate people who had come by various means of transport had arrived here. I don't know who led the first attack with his head, and then the chaos began. People simply don't know who the front is, they just know that those in uniform are already unreliable, and killing themselves will be safe. The soldiers were also suffocated by this sudden blow. As a last resort, they launched a counterattack in the hearts of people. However, their counterattack was not organized and disciplined, and they were more a response from their own instincts. So they did not have the ability to calm down the incident and repel the mob within a short time.

Under the chaotic situation, the army led by the leader successfully passed this stronghold. There are several other places in front of him, but it doesn't matter. The chaos is already burning everywhere like the fire of Kashihara, and the muddy water touching the fish is his skill.

The chaos in this living area is just a microcosm. At this moment, the chaos had swept the entire Glory, the communication system was largely paralyzed, and various orders could not be effectively transmitted. This led to the inability of the various forces to cooperate effectively, and they could only fight in their own areas. This successfully contained them. It is this situation that gives leaders opportunities.

At this moment, on the other hand, there are other people who are working hard and they are trying to open up another path. This road is the road leading from the area A to the core of the entire Glorious spacecraft. Xiao Yu's plan is like this, waiting for the leader to open the port of Area A, and then his own power will follow that road to reach the core of the glorious spacecraft to control the situation.

The glorious spacecraft is now like a giant who is seriously ill. It was paralyzed in the universe and could not move. The **** ships responsible for taking care of him have now been stretched hundreds of millions of kilometers away because of that order. Although for the Dark Star civilization at this moment, the distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers is only a small step, but the order also said that they are not allowed to come back no matter what happens ...

Dozens of neutron battle stars jumped out in this situation, and quickly reached the external hull corresponding to the port of area A, and then launched a fierce attack without hesitation. Xiao Yu knew that the order could not be confused for too long, and it was a moment to get the moment ~ ~ The escorted spacecraft must be very confused at this moment. Xiao Yu thought silently, "It is estimated that at this moment they are thinking whether they should come back and attack me ..."

The situation is weird. The external heavy soldiers stood by, but they just watched there silently, without any spacecraft coming back to stop these foreign forces from attacking their own civilized capital. Dozens of neutron battle stars are undoubtedly a huge force, and this force is so large that even the glorious spacecraft has to be taken seriously. Not to mention the glorious spacecraft at this moment does not have much counterattack power at all.

The space shook and the brilliance flickered. Dozens of neutron battle stars were launching a fierce attack around the most powerful battleship of the Dark Star civilization. Inside the spaceship Glorious, the team led by the leader of the ideal heaven organization was rapidly moving. Set off towards area a, and chaos is spreading unstoppably in the rest of the Glorious spacecraft ...

"A rebellion took place in the Glorious spacecraft! The **** fleets immediately came to protect the Glorious spacecraft, partly destroying these neutron war stars, and partly dispatching personnel from the following ports into the Glorious Space to help suppress the rebellion!"

At this time, an urgent order was finally issued by the Glorious spacecraft. (To be continued ...)

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