Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 966: Core area

For this moment, Xiao Yu prepared for decades. During these decades, Xiao Yu also confirmed some information about logical weapons, and even cut off the connection between the Dark Star civilization's leadership and logical weapons. This cut-off time is also three hours. During these three hours, the Dark Star civilization leader cannot use logical weapons.

This is Xiao Yu's only and last chance. After the operation began, Xiao Yu's large forces also began to dispatch quickly, and launched a fierce attack on any visible Dark Star civilization fleet-anyway, they had completely torn their faces from the Dark Star civilization, and at this time the dark Star civilization cannot use logical weapons, so when do you wait for them to beat them?

However, due to the distance, Xiao Yu's large troops could not reach the battleship Glorious within three hours, so at this moment, Xiao Yu's available power is still only these dozens of neutron battle stars.

After receiving the urgent order of the Glorious spacecraft, the tens of millions of warships waiting on the side immediately acted. They acted in an incredible fast response, like a tide. After discovering that these convoys began to return, the dozens of neutron warships immediately stopped the attack on the glorious spacecraft, and began to stand back against the glorious battleship that was unable to resist, and the village-level small warships specially made by Xiao Yu Tightly protected.

"Hurry up, hurry up, there are dozens of neutron battle stars. It ca n’t be supported for so long with so many warships ... Before these neutron battle stars are destroyed, these villages must be destroyed. The class battleship was sent to the glorious spacecraft. Otherwise, we will give up our previous achievements ... "Xiao Yu said silently in his heart.

At this moment, almost half an hour has passed. The troops led by the organization leaders are still advancing at a high speed. They have crossed all the strongholds and have come to the port of Area A. However, there are also garrisons in the ports of Area A. And these garrisons will not be affected by the riots-because there are no living areas at all, and there are no rioting people. Relying solely on those rumors spread by Xiao Yu in the army has limited effect.

The leader of the organization immediately took the initiative and immediately issued a command to storm.

"I received an order. The port in Area A has been occupied by the rebels. They are trying to break the switch command of the port. They are trying to open the barrier of our shining ship. Put the enemy in! For our civilization, for our glory, We must not let them succeed! Fighters. Attack me! Break the dream of the rebels! "

The soldiers who were in the situation of news blocking had no way to tell the truth of this information. And the obedience that they have always developed obstructed them from thinking about it at all. Immediately following the leader's orders, they picked up the weapons in their hands and rushed forward.

Overhead is a virtually realistic sky. It was overcast at this moment. Behind is a mess, with countless dense smoke and flames rising from there, and faint despair can be heard and crying. In front of them are heavily guarded soldiers, and further forward are tall building communities. The switch to open the port is among these building communities ...

Thousands of soldiers rushed up with various weapons in their hands. The warriors in front of them immediately launched a counterattack, and flesh flew for a moment. The flames of war.

Just before this last obstacle, the soldiers led by the leader were stopped. And just then. The tens of millions of **** battleships also returned to the battleship Glorious, launching an attack on these neutron battle stars. In the face of a flood of warships, neutron battle stars will not help even if they are powerful-after all, there is no level difference between the two, they are the products of level seven civilization. Fortunately, the neutron battle star was backed by the immovable glorious battleship. The hitting surface was limited. Those **** battleships were also afraid of accidentally hurting the glorious spacecraft and could not attack at full strength.

Xiao Yu was looking at the whole situation, calming himself into the water.

"It's too late." Xiao Yu thought silently. "In the current situation, we can't wait for the leaders to open the ports in Area A, and these neutron war stars will be eliminated. Then, take a risk."

Xiao Yu quickly made a decision. At the next moment, at least ten neutron battle stars gave up their resistance to the **** fleet, and instead launched a suicide attack on the shining ship. At this moment, they used the most brutal and effective attack method, directly hitting. They all started high-speed rotation. In this high-speed rotation, they violently collided on the battleship Glorious, one time, one time, one time ...

Each hit is equivalent to a full star mass impact! Under such a fierce attack, even the battleship Glorious began to tremble. The most severely affected area is the port area of ​​area A. Inside the battleship Glorious, the port here, the sky was broken, and a large cloud of black crashed from the sky. The virtual star responsible for providing light began to flicker. After a moment, it was like a power-off light bulb, which lost its ability to illuminate, and the earth began to tremble. Many buildings collapsed as if there was a strong earthquake here.

Countless soldiers started howling in horror. In the defensive army, many soldiers hurriedly gave up the resistance and returned to the rear building group-at this time, more manpower is needed to participate in resisting external attacks.

This has led to a consequence. A large number of personnel have been drawn to the rear, which will inevitably lead to insufficient forward defense personnel. As a result, the troops led by the organization leaders blocked here began a difficult advance.

Outside the Glory, a neutron battle star was attacked too strongly, and finally lost its stable structure. It burst into disintegration and exploded, emitting an extremely strong light. Then, another one ...

There are more than thirty neutron war stars, and at this moment there are less than twenty. At this time, a fierce brilliance erupted again in this area. After this ray disappeared, Xiao Yu saw that a huge gap finally appeared on the hull of the spacecraft Brilliance ... ...

The channel was opened! Xiao Yu seems to be able to see the desperate and flustered soldiers inside the glorious spacecraft through this. Some soldiers are holding their arms and cheering. This is undoubtedly the soldiers led by the leader.

After the soldiers responsible for the resistance were transferred too much, the leader finally completed its task and opened this port. Xiao Yu's first step plan was finally completed.

The village warships immediately followed this gap and entered the interior of the glorious battleship. At this moment, all the remaining neutron battle stars rushed towards the dense **** fleet. They will use their final combat power Provide cover for these village warships for a final period of time.

These village warships did not hesitate under the control of Xiao Yu. After entering the battleship Glorious, they landed on the ground immediately, then the hatch opened, and a team of armed recent people came out in a neat line. Their ranks were endless. Within minutes, at least millions of robots came here. After stepping on the land of the Battleship Glorious, they did not hesitate at all. They did not hesitate to kill all the intelligent creatures they saw-except the leader. Immediately afterwards, a robot grabbed the leader, and then hurried forward with the army. In order to prevent being swept away by the enemy, these landing robots must leave here as soon as possible.

Xiao Yu's mind had all the maps inside the shining ship, and Xiao Yu had already planned the way forward. I believe Xiao Yu will not encounter too many obstacles on this way forward. Because there is already chaos there, and the Dark Star civilization in chaos has no ability to organize too strong resistance.

The only concern is the dark defense civilization's leadership to launch the internal defense system of the shining ship. However, Xiao Yu has tried his best to prevent this from happening through information-level attacks ~ ~ Millions of robots have just started the mighty advance, and the progress is extremely fast. Xiao Yu did not use the Dark Star civilization's transportation system at all. On these robots, Xiao Yu has equipped them with extremely efficient propulsion systems. They are either flying, running, or jumping at a faster speed than the Earth's era Satellites are even faster.

It took Xiao Yu only one hour to move the robot army to the heart of the spaceship Glorious. On this path, Xiao Yu basically encountered no resistance. This is the result of Xiao Chao's painstaking efforts for decades and the overall chaos that he eventually caused.

But there is no road ahead of the robot army. There is an endless fog ahead, and in this black fog, there are still some golden brilliance flashing continuously.

"Well, use the space maze technology to protect the core area? Presumably this method is the last defense you can use at this moment ... As long as you pass this layer of defense, there is no obstacle in front of me. It does n’t matter, I do n’t know how much computing resources you can use now, I just know that they must not stop me ... ”

Under the control of Xiao Yu, these robot armies did not stay in the slightest and hesitate, but went directly into this black mist.

Half an hour later, the robot army returned to light again. Looking at the black fog that has been crossed by himself, Xiao Yu sighed in his heart: "Finally, the core area of ​​the Dark Star civilization ..." (To be continued ...)

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