Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 967: Direction disappeared

The battle that belongs to Xiao Yu is in full swing. Xiao Yu doesn't know where the audience is, such as universe civilization or macro civilization. They are either hiding in the dark and watching quietly, or they have already left here. Xiao Yu doesn't care about these things, Xiao Yu only cares about whether he is perfect when performing on the stage.

Until now, Xiao Yu finally saw the dawn of hope. And at this moment, not far from Xiao Yu, another group of people was in despair.

There was endless darkness, and it was darker than the darkest part of the universe. In the universe, no matter how dark it is, there will always be some light such as starlight. Even if there is no starlight, there are still some infrared rays, gamma rays and other lights. And here is nothing, nothing is observed.

This is actually not comprehensive. This is a soap bubble-like thing suspended in endless darkness. The observer can see nothing at one end of the soap bubble, and when he comes to the opposite end, he can perceive the opposite view. You will see a lot of light and a lot of radiation.

This situation is somewhat similar to the environment in space without any diffuse reflections. Assuming that there is only one observer and one star in an area, when the observer faces the star, he will notice a strong light enough to blind his eyes, but when he faces away from the star, Then no light can be seen, and it will be absolutely dark before him. The intense light emitted by the star could not be detected by him at all.

But the environment here is more extreme. Within this soap bubble is a heaven and earth, and beyond this soap bubble is a heaven and earth. In fact, even if it has become a seventh-level civilization, even if the science and technology level of the seventh-level civilization is used to analyze these things, the Central Academy of Sciences still cannot get any information that is helpful to the current situation.

Ares sighed silently and left the soap bubble wall. Back in the battleship Civilization. There, the new leader of the Pegasus civilization, also after the fusion of the Pegasus civilization and the Shenzhou civilization, Notting, who was the deputy of Ares, was already waiting for him.

Except Notting. Here it is. There is also Lina, the leader of the Yasui tribe, and Zhang Shengya, the only tribe of Xiao Yu. These four people are the core of supreme power of Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization after integration. However, under normal circumstances, Lina and Zhang Shengya do not care about matters, all matters related to civil affairs are determined by Ares and Notting. Lina and Zhang Shengya only have the right to know. No decision-making power.

"One thing is almost certain, we are in the core of the Flying Kite Galaxy. This unknown soap bubble protects us, isolates our contact with the rest of the environment inside the black hole, and protects us. But according to our observations, the intensity of soap bubbles is constantly weakening, if there is no accident, after a few years. Soap bubbles will break and we will all die. "Ares said," This is The data reported to me by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "

Ares was a former Pegasus civilization leader after Xiao Yu left. Ares became the leader of the Shenzhou civilization. Notting is the second Pegasus civilization leader after Ares. Now, this predecessor and a successor have become the first and second leaders of Pegasus and Shenzhou civilization.

Hearing Ares's statement, Notting said with some disbelief: "Within the black hole ... Is this determined? Are we in the black hole?"

Black hole adventure is a wonderful thing to say, but this thing is not feasible at all, even for the seventh-level civilization. Before reaching the black hole, any tangible or intangible existence will be torn by the horrible gravitational pull of the black hole. After crossing the black hole's horizon of vision, it will disappear from the universe forever and never return. Because the upper limit of the speed of this universe is the speed of light, the escape speed inside the black hole's horizon has exceeded the speed of light.

But this incredible thing really happened here. No matter how emotionally you don't believe it, but when all kinds of observations point to this conclusion, people have to believe it.

"First of all, we can only see the light when we observe this direction, but we cannot see anything when we observe the other directions. This is consistent with our previous inference, that is, there is only one direction inside the black hole. It is for this reason that we cannot see light in the other directions. "Ares said.

What happens when all the other directions disappear and there is only one direction left?

In our three-dimensional universe, there are countless directions for looseness, such as the front, such as one degree to the left, one degree to the left, and two degrees to the zero. Every direction is a direction. It is precisely because of these countless directions that all matter, including intelligent creatures, can move freely here. So imagine a situation where one day, all directions except "front" are gone. We don't have to worry about how this process is achieved, we just need to know that we have only one direction left at the moment. There is no back, no left, no right, and no direction such as forward left or right, only forward.

When we describe sports under normal circumstances, we would say, for example, that the ball is heading west, or the bicycle is heading twenty degrees south-south. But when there is only one direction left, the direction is meaningless. In this case, to describe the movement, we should say that the small ball is moving forward, or the bicycle is moving forward.

We don't have to explain the direction of the ball or bicycle, because there is only one direction left. As long as the material is moving, it must be moving in this direction.

Inside the black hole is a forbidden area of ​​thinking and logic. Ares has always believed that smart creatures have no way to know the scene inside the black hole. But when he was inside a black hole, the Chinese Academy of Sciences noticed this weird phenomenon. Yes, there is only one direction inside a black hole, that is, the direction toward the black hole singularity. Any substance, including light, must move toward a singularity as long as it moves.

Nothing can move away from the singularity, so there will be no light from the direction of the singularity, so on the side of the soap bubble, Ares can't see anything, only black.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences speculates that this is due to the strange spatial structure inside the black hole. As for the extent to which the spatial structure has changed, what is the situation at the moment, sorry, in terms of the scientific and technological level of the seventh-level civilization, these things cannot be described in detail. So Ares is unknown.

"Second, we have done many tests. We tried to send the test instrument out of the soap bubbles and let it reach the outside space. However, no matter what communication facilities we use and how sturdy the test instrument is, we do not have We have received any echoes. We have reason to believe that without the protection of soap bubbles, those test instruments, including signals, have also begun to move in only one direction-toward the singularity. This is the inside of the black hole, and we are Inside the black hole, there is nothing wrong, "Ares said sadly.

"So ... what is this soap bubble? Why can it protect us so that we don't start moving towards the singularity?" Lina asked curiously.

Lina didn't feel so heavy or worried. After Xiao Yu left, under the care of Ares and Notting, Lina began to firmly believe in the truth that Ares and Notting are the most omnipotent characters except Xiao Yu. Any difficulty will Solved by them. What kind of worry do you have when such a person is present?

Ares patted Lina's head with a little affection ~ ~ said: "We don't know yet. But according to the speculation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the structure of this soap bubble is different from what we have previously understood Matter. It does n’t seem to be a substance, it ’s just a barrier, alas, a rule barrier. The rules that the black hole follows are completely different from the big universe we are familiar with. This rule barrier isolates the rules inside the black hole from us Drive away, so that the rules inside the black hole do not affect us, so we can live, so we don't start moving towards the singularity. "

"This must be a category that can only be reached by the eighth-level civilization." Notting said, "In fact, until now I don't know what happened, we received a signal from Xiao Yu, and then hurried to this flying kite. Galaxy, but not only did we not find Xiao Yu, but we were inexplicably thrown into this black hole ... and the strength of this soap bubble that has been protecting us has been steadily weakening ... what can we do? What can we do ? "

"Waiting for rescue, waiting for Xiao Yu to save us." Ares said lightly, "During this waiting process, I made every effort to collect intelligence information inside the black hole. I suspect that these wonderful rules inside the black hole, and promotion There is a certain relationship between the technology needed to reach the eighth level of civilization. If we can finally escape the day of birth, we will give these things to Xiao Yu-these things we can not understand, but Xiao Yu must be able to analyze them. I believe This is crucial for Xiao Yu's promotion to the eighth level of civilization. "

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