Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 968: The distance that cannot be crossed

Waiting for rescue, this is the only way for the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization at this moment. But people's hearts are heavy. Because how long I will wait, whether I can really wait for rescue after a long wait, it is unknown. The future is bleak.

Because the light entering the black hole, the radiation will be stretched by the wavelength of the gravitational force, and all the incidental information will be lost, so Ares and Notting can not detect any external events. But the situation is weird. Within this soap bubble, Ares found a somewhat inexplicable instrument. According to the inspection and judgment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is speculated that this may be a device that can send information to the outside of the black hole. Of course, this is only speculation, and the actual situation is temporarily uncertain. However, this is a glimmer of hope, so Ares specially arranged to take care of this instrument, through which it continuously sends out help messages that no one has received.

The current situation is still tightly sealed. Most ordinary people do not know what is happening at this moment, and they do not know much about their situation at this moment. Civilized seniors are aware of this. Almost everyone who knows the current situation is worried, except for the lunatics of the Central Academy of Sciences.

Ares and Notting used the word lunatic to describe the enthusiastic group of scientists. After learning that they might be inside a black hole at this moment, the lunatic scientists not only did not have any worry about their own destiny, but instead used a variety of quirky instruments to express the situation outside the soap bubbles with interest every day. research. They said, "You get the opportunity to study the inside of a black hole. What if you give up your life?"

Under the support of this mentality, more and more scientific data and more and more strange phenomena have been discovered by them. Whether these phenomena can be explained for the time being. Information on these phenomena has been thoroughly recorded.

"Black holes have undoubtedly touched on the origin of this universe. As long as we study the black holes thoroughly, we can fully and thoroughly understand this universe. Space is the carrier of all changes in all matter and energy, and it is also practiced in the universe The carrier of the rules. The strange space inside the black hole has separated the rules from the space, and the space here is pure. The rules override the space, and only have a limited grasp of the operation of matter and energy, observe the space and How the rules are combined and how they interact, which is very good for the development of our science and technology. In fact, we believe that the eight-level civilization masters the rules. These technologies are only obtained through black hole research. "

A scientist was enthusiastically speaking loudly on the rostrum. Below the rostrum, Ares and Notting are tired, and obviously they are not interested. Although what the scientist said is true, it is also very important, but nothing will be meaningless unless the immediate crisis is resolved.

"We have observed many interesting phenomena, and this is one of them. Everyone knows. The singularity is infinitely small-after the gravitational force of matter has pressed the incompatible repulsive force between neutrons, No force can stop the material from collapsing. So maybe someone has a question. How big is the singularity? "

"How small is infinitesimal? When we put a singularity under the laboratory's observation instruments and really observe it, what will we see? I believe many people will be interested in this issue. Before answering this question, we must first clarify a concept, that is, infinitesimal is not a specific range, but a process, that is, infinitesimal means that the volume of this substance is continuously shrinking. . Of course, because the space and time inside a black hole are weird and complicated, the real situation is much more complicated than this. But there is nothing wrong with this simple understanding. "

"At the same time, we also know that there is only one direction inside a black hole, which determines that all matter will move toward the singularity. Then a very interesting problem arises. The matter captured by the black hole, radiation, light, is moving toward the singularity. When a point moves, in what kind of form will it finally come into contact with a singularity in the process of shrinking? "

"Our mathematical model shows that the singularity shrinks faster than the speed of light, but at the same time we also know that infinitesimal and zero are not the same. This seems to be a contradiction, like the one you have in your hand. The diameter of the cup is five centimeters. If it shrinks at the speed of light, it seems that it should completely disappear in a very short time, but this is not the case. Although the singularity of the black hole is extremely small, it is The speed beyond the speed of light keeps shrinking, but it never shrinks so that it disappears out of thin air. "

"And this has led to another phenomenon. Although these light, matter, and radiation are moving closer to the singularity at a very high speed, they can never really touch the singularity. Simply put, just Like a pillar in front of you, it's only a few meters away from you, you have been walking towards this pillar, but you can never reach this pillar. Your speed is one meter per second, and this pillar The reduction speed is two meters per second, so you can never reach it. "

"So our conclusion is that just after a black hole has just formed and just after it has formed a singularity, its mass and energy are already doomed and will not decrease or increase. Of course the mass of a black hole will increase, but those The material and energy that it swallowed into the body are always in the process of moving to the singularity, and they can never reach the singularity. "

"Perhaps this is a very sad thing. All materials are running desperately towards the singularity. The distance between them and the singularity is very close. Success seems to be within reach, and they are advancing fast. , But they can never reach the end. This is a distance that cannot be crossed. "

There was a murmur of whispering from the audience. The things the fatal scientist said were so counterintuitive and logical that most people couldn't understand them. Ares first raised his hand and asked, "Okay, this kind of thing is really wonderful. But I have a question. Also using that pillar as an example, you say that the pillar shrinks faster than I can move forward, So I will never be able to touch it, but the distance between me and it is constant, and I can always complete this distance. My question is, according to this example, I ca n’t catch up with the pillar, But should I be able to do it beyond the pillars? "

"You overlooked one thing, my leader." The scientist smiled strangely, and continued: "This is the fascination of physics, it can violate people's usual perception and make people feel incredible. , But there is a strict logical support behind it. My answer is that you cannot catch up with the singularity, and you cannot go beyond the singularity. The reason is very simple. The process of you surpassing the singularity can also be said to be far from the singularity Process, because in this process, the distance between you and the singularity increases. As I said before, there is only one direction inside the black hole, and any matter and energy are close to the singularity, and it is impossible to stay away from the singularity. Point. So you have long been denied this by the prerequisites. "

Ares thought for a moment, confused, then nodded and sat down.

"Perhaps, with the inaccessibility of the singularity, we can develop a device and equip it with our spacecraft, so that our spacecraft can never be destroyed-all attacks cannot be How could it be destroyed when exposed to it? "Said the scientist." Now we have started the research on related aspects, some models have been built, and feasibility studies are currently underway. Perhaps in the future, this This kind of device will be popularized on a large scale within our civilization, and once again comprehensively enhance the strength of our civilization ... "

"And, there is the most important point ~ ~ This scientist continues to say in a focused tone," The research direction of this device is just a trivial one of the technological nutrients we have learned inside the black hole. Just the details. The inside of a black hole is like a natural treasure house, which contains endless wealth. There are more and more amazing principles and phenomena being analyzed, and through these principles and phenomena, we can create devices and instruments that were previously unimaginable. Cheers, my fellow citizens, we are grateful for the existence that put us into the black hole. If it were not for him, we would have noticed that these treasures could be delayed for millions of years. "

The scientist continued his enthusiastic speech, while Ares and Notting looked at each other helplessly.

"I admit that the prospects of these studies are very enticing. It even makes my heart beat faster, but the real difficulties are also in front of us. Scientific research is the thing of the Central Academy of Sciences, and it is our thing to lead our civilization out of trouble. This is also our responsibility, and we can't excuse it. "Notting said," But I doubt whether our civilization will be able to successfully get out of this treasure-house full of treasures this time ... "

"I believe we can go out," said Aris. "Xiao Yu has never let us down, hasn't he? Maybe Xiao Yu is right now around this black hole, where he is fighting to save us. ... "(to be continued ...)

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