Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 970: Loopholes in logical weapons

At this moment, Xiao Yu's landing robot troops and the leader of the ideal heaven organization are standing in front of logical weapons. It was beyond Xiao Yu's expectations that the appearance of logical weapons was absolutely different from Xiao Yu's expectations. Xiao Yu originally thought that since it is a weapon, it should be a weapon, but a logical weapon does not have a traditional weapon.

It is just an instrument, just like an ordinary instrument manufactured by Xiao Yu, without any special features. The moment he saw the logical weapon, Xiao Yu had a lot of conjectures in his mind.

"Leader, give orders for logical weapons ... There are no restrictions on logical weapons themselves, no authentication mechanism, and all the restrictions established by your civilization, all authentications have been broken by me. Its only restrictions at this moment are One is that only the intelligent creatures of the Dark Star civilization can manipulate it. "Xiao Yu said.

"So, what order should I give it?" The leader asked Xiao Yu respectfully.

Xiao Yu groaned for a moment and said, "You have to give the following two orders. First, if there are civilizations trapped in the central black hole, then rescue them. Second ... destroy the universe civilization. Will Cosmic civilization is completely removed from our three-dimensional big universe, destroying all their intelligent creatures ... "

"Since you want to die, then you should die." Xiao Yu thought lightly.

"Okay, I will obey your orders." The leader said respectfully.

It cannot fail to abide by Xiao Yu's orders, nor dare to make any changes to Xiao Yu's orders. Because Xiao Yu has enough miniature space bombs in his thinking organs. Xiao Yu can even monitor its thinking. An idea arises from the mind, and then the body makes the execution, which takes time. And Xiao Yu was sure after the thoughts that were not good for him had occurred in the leader's mind. Kill it before it has been executed. It knew this very well.

The leader stood in front of the logical weapon, and according to Xiao Yu's instructions, he uttered these two commands, and they fully expressed the meaning of Xiao Yu's words.

"So ... what about the third order?" The leader asked.

Xiao Yu knew the leaders' minds very well. The first two orders are for Xiao Yu. This third command should serve it.

"The third order ... Block off the logical weapons around, except from Xiao Yu's side. Anyone, any equipment, any creation, any existence. Any energy. All are not allowed to enter without permission." Xiao Yu said.

"Okay, follow your instructions," the leader said.

Xiao Yu did not attempt to revoke the Dark Star civilization leader's order that "logical weapons can only be controlled by Dark Star civilization." He did not attempt to hold logical weapons in his own hands. The reason is very simple. Logical weapons have counterattacks, and Xiao Yu does not intend to withstand this counterattack, so let Dark Star civilization take care of it.

"At the beginning ... the leader of the Dark Star civilization was afraid that his civilization would endure too great a backlash, and even did not dare to issue a command to destroy me. At this moment, I have ordered the leader of the organization to issue a command to destroy the civilization of the universe. Destroying the civilization of the universe is undoubtedly more difficult than destroying me, and the counter-phasing must be even greater. Such a huge counter-phasing. I can't bear it. Destroyed, what are you doing with me? "

Use logical weapons to destroy the civilization of the universe, and then use logical weapons to backfire and indirectly destroy the Dark Star civilization. The ultimate beneficiary is Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu basically paid no price, but destroyed two enemies and rescued the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization trapped in the central black hole. After the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations were rescued, the central black hole was destroyed and Chen Mo's purpose was achieved again. Four birds with one stone, this is Xiao Yu's intention, Xiao Yu's purpose.

"This war, which lasted for thousands of years, should finally come to an end." Xiao Yu sighed lightly.

After giving an order to the logical weapon, Xiao Yu began to wait quietly. While waiting, Xiao Yu carried out close observations on the central black hole, this star field, and the distant void. Xiao Yu tried to know what kind of mechanism the logical weapon would use to fulfill the orders he gave him.

"The logical weapon is undoubtedly the product of the rule level. According to speculation, it should also achieve the goal through the rule level. Alas, if there is an executor, it will achieve the goal through the executor. Without the executor, it will pass The universe itself achieves its purpose. To save the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations from the black hole, if there is an executor, then it must be an eighth-level civilization. The seventh-level civilization does not have this ability. Is it ... the performer will be a universe civilization? Or is it Macro civilization? "Xiao Yu thought secretly." For what reasons will these two civilizations try to save the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization trapped in the black hole? "

"Also, who is the executor who destroys the civilization of the universe? A powerful technological civilization, such a civilization will basically not be destroyed by the universe's own changes, that is, there is a great possibility that it will be another Civilizations come to kill the universe civilization. Who will it be? Probably the macro civilization hidden in this galaxy. "

Xiao Yu's speculation is reasonable and logical. The reason is simple. Cosmic civilization is too powerful. To destroy them, the power must be stronger than them. Only this is the macro civilization.

"But if macro civilization shots, wouldn't it violate the agreement between the spokesperson camp and the rebel camp?" Xiao Yu thought with some worries, but immediately relaxed: "The execution process of the order accepted by the logical weapon Is bound to be reasonable and reasonable. That is to say, even if macro civilizations take out and kill the cosmic civilization, they will also be based on a reasonable and reasonable reason from their standpoint. This reason will certainly overwhelm the agreement between the two camps . Just wondering what this reason would be ... but I should have no chance to know. "Xiao Yu thought secretly.

Xiao Yu speculated that the rescue of the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations trapped there from the black hole would be macro civilization or universe civilization. Or, it is precisely because one of these two civilizations rescued the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations that eventually intensified the contradictions, led to hostility between the two civilizations, and eventually led to the destruction of the universe civilization. But Xiao Yu was wrong. During this time the logical weapon completed the order and saved the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. No executors existed. Because of the huge intelligence detection network laid out by Xiao Yu, the strange movements of the stars were detected again. At this moment, trillions of stars started a reasonable but slightly weird movement at the same time. Their influence, through the space level, finally reached the core of this river system ...

Xiao Yu did not interfere in any way with this effect. Xiao Yu was just watching quietly, observing, analyzing, and speculating about this change. This is undoubtedly a rule-level change, and rules are something that must be understood for the promotion of a level 7 civilization to a level 8 civilization. Xiao Yu has no reason to let go of this opportunity.

This time, Xiao Yu couldn't use the virtual universe to deduce the result of this change. Because this involves areas that Xiao Yu has not yet touched on, this leads to insufficient initial parameters. However, the initial parameters are insufficient, so it cannot be deduced naturally.

Xiao Yu was watching quietly here, watching quietly.

"This is quite beyond my expectation. It would be the universe itself to make changes to save the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations trapped in the black hole. Perhaps there is no reason for the universe civilization and the macro civilization to make a shot ... "

At this moment, the impact of the changes in these billions of stars in the Flying Kite Galaxy has passed to the core of this galaxy. Xiao Yu has noticed some strange energy changes, but what these energy changes mean is still unknown to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu is still watching quietly, waiting for the next change.

But Xiao Yu's heart suddenly moved, and a thought suddenly emerged without warning. This thought shocked Xiao Yu's mind violently, and made Xiao Yu's thinking tense immediately.

"Is this a logic loophole? The logic weapon ~ ~ No, is this cosmic rule, will it leave such an obvious loophole?"

Xiao Yu thought of a way to use logical weapons reasonably without having to worry about any backwash. This method is very simple, and now Xiao Yu is using this method, that is, to give logical weapons to another civilization controlled by himself, and his orders are conveyed through this controlled civilization. According to common sense, by this method, the benefits will be taken up by you-your own orders are realized, and the disadvantages will be borne by the civilization under your control-they will be backwashed by logical weapons.

It seems ... by this method, one can use logical weapons unscrupulously. This method can bypass the limitation of logical weapons and only enjoy the benefits without suffering the disadvantages.

But ... is this really the case? The perfect rules of the universe that have been running for more than 10 billion years will leave such loopholes for people to exploit?

Xiao Yu's mind was gradually tightening. Xiao Yu remembered the process of handing over logical weapons to the Dark Star civilization by the rebel camp, and thought of the difference between the rebel camp and his own practice at the moment.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt a little cold. (To be continued ...)

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