Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 971: 1 highlight

Perhaps this example can be more extreme. M

Suppose Xiao Yu has obtained a logical weapon, and then starts to search for low-level civilizations in this universe, keeps them in captivity, controls them absolutely, and then finds a low-level civilization when he has a purpose and needs to achieve it with logical weapons Throw logical weapons to them, and let them issue orders that originate from them. If this low-level civilization is destroyed because of back bite, then their bodies will be thrown away.

The birth of civilization is extremely difficult, and Xiao Yu knows this very well. But thanks to the huge base, it is certain that the number of lower civilizations will never be less in this universe. This means that Xiao Yu's method can be used repeatedly. Even if a civilization is sacrificed by using a logical weapon once? Anyway, there are so many low-level civilizations in this universe. Xiao Yu could catch hundreds and thousands of low-level civilizations and reserve them.

This method has very low requirements for the quality of civilization. Xiao Yu does not even need to find civilizations that have already entered the scientific and technological society. Even if they are primitive civilizations, as long as they have the thinking ability, they will meet the requirements.

In fact, in this incident, Xiao Yu asked Dark Star civilization to issue this order instead of itself, which is essentially no different from capturing weak and low-level civilizations and letting them issue orders for themselves.

"The first thing that is clear is that I can think of things. As one of the most powerful beings in this universe, it may not have been possible for the Rebel Alliance to think about it ... but why didn't they do it?"

This is the most critical point. If this approach really works, then why aren't the rebel camps used? Why is the rebel camp not used?

To be more precise, the rebel camp used this method to a certain extent-they gave the logical weapon to the Dark Star civilization, and let the Dark Star civilization use the logical weapon. Backsweeping is also undertaken by the Dark Star civilization. However, the rebel camp did not directly control the Dark Star civilization to issue orders to logical weapons!

Directly controlling low-level civilizations to issue orders to logical weapons is undoubtedly the most efficient and trouble-free. Clear and fast. But the rebel camp did not do so, but Xiao Yu did!

what does this mean? Does this mean that the rebel camp knows that this will not work. That's why I simply gave the logical weapon to the Dark Star civilization and let the Dark Star civilization play freely. What order to give the logical weapon let the Dark Star civilization decide for itself? Conversely, does this mean the moment. Even if Xiao Yu gave an order to the logical weapon indirectly through the Dark Star civilization, but the backwash of this order would still be borne by himself?

Xiao Yu's heart shuddered.

"If ... the destruction of my commanded counter-attack by logical weapons can destroy the Dark Star civilization, then the logical civilization can destroy the civilization of the universe. Can this counter-effection destroy me too?

This is a serious problem. But how to develop this problem, Xiao Yu has no ability to interfere. Orders for logical weapons have been issued, and it is certain that the relevant situation has begun to be implemented at this time. How could the order be revoked?

Xiao Yuqiang suppressed his uneasy heart and continued to observe the current situation. This is the most crucial moment to save the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization trapped in the black hole. However, another part of the computing power has begun to calculate quietly. If this kind of counterattack really comes to yourself, how should you deal with it.

There is only one situation that can be used for reference, and that is the situation of the Dark Star civilization after being backstabbed. That back-bite caused the seventh-level alien beast to die. After the seventh-level alien beast died, the uncontrollable alien beast's body brought to the Dark Star civilization how serious casualties. Xiao Yu was very clear in his eyes. ——Almost one third of the intelligent civilization of Dark Star died tragically in this accident. The strength of the entire civilization was severely weakened, and it could not be recovered for hundreds of years.

Another point that can be used as a reference is that the destruction of an eight-level civilization will definitely be much more serious than that of the Dark Star civilization. Many, many ...

Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart. At this moment, the environment in this space has been quietly changing.

Xiao Yu couldn't describe these changes accurately, because many of these changes were not understood by Xiao Yu's mechanism and principle. What kind of consequences they would bring, Xiao Yu couldn't know. Xiao Yu just watched quietly here.

Xiao Yu suddenly saw that the central black hole in the Flying Kite Galaxy seemed a bit smaller.

Generally speaking, the volume of a black hole does not refer to the volume of a singularity, but the volume of a sphere formed by the black hole's horizon boundary. Now, the volume of this black hole is gradually decreasing.

The phenomenon that the volume of a black hole decreases, Xiao Yu found out the most probable cause almost instantaneously—the volume of a black hole depends on its gravitational force. When its gravitational force decreases, its volume naturally decreases, and its gravity decreases. What does it mean? Of course it means that its quality is reduced.

But this is not the case. Xiao Yu's observational instruments show that the mass of this black hole has not decreased in the slightest during this period of time. On the contrary, it has also slightly increased-these increased masses originate from the black hole during this period of time. The interstellar gas or dust, the asteroids and the like.

As the mass increases, the volume of the black hole should also increase, but why is its volume decreasing?

Xiao Yu thought for a while and understood.

"It turned out that this method was used to rescue my friends who were trapped inside the black hole ... At this moment, the speed of light in the black hole area has increased." Xiao Yu reached such a conclusion.

The speed of light is one of the most important rules in this big universe. Xiao Yu's speculation is not wrong. To save others from a black hole, the only way is to pass the rules.

The horizon boundary of a black hole is the boundary between the black hole and the surrounding space in the usual sense. Outside the horizon boundary, the escape speed of a black hole is less than the speed of light. So the light there can still escape the black hole and can be observed. The speed of escape inside the Horizon Border is faster than the speed of light, so no matter can escape from the Horizon Border. The escape speed above the line of sight border is exactly equal to the speed of light.

Because the speed of light is constant and does not change, it is usually represented by the speed of light, which is an accurate number of 300,000 kilometers per second (the exact number of vacuum light speed is not 300,000 kilometers per second. Here is an approximate value ). Therefore, it can also be said that the escape speed on the line of sight is exactly equal to 300,000 kilometers per second. The escape speed inside the line of sight is greater than this number, and the escape speed outside the line of sight is less than this number.

At this moment, due to the changes in the rules caused by the combined action of all the stars in the Flying Kite Galaxy, the speed of light in the area of ​​the black hole has increased. How much did it increase? Xiao Yu does n’t know. Xiao Yu only knows that because of the increase in the speed of light, the horizon of the black hole is continuously receding, and the volume of the black hole is continuously decreasing. Space is exposed outside the black hole.

It is foreseeable that the volume of black holes will continue to shrink, and more space will be released, and the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations trapped inside the black holes will also follow these released spaces. Together, they finally escaped from the black hole.

Xiao Yu watched with eager eyes everything that happened at this moment, watching this powerful black hole like ice and snow under the sun constantly melting and constantly reducing his volume.

The change in the speed of light brings a series of reactions. The accretion disk of this black hole reacts more violently. After the light speed barrier is increased, their surrounding speed also increases, and the kinetic energy carried by them increases accordingly. Big. As a result, their collisions became more intense, the two jets from this black hole were brighter, and the energy they carried was more terrifying ...

Xiao Yu is still watching quietly here, so far, the volume of this black hole has been reduced by almost one-fifth. Just then, Xiao Yu found a weird bright spot on the side of the black hole.

Most of the black hole accretion disks are concentrated on the ecliptic plane of the black hole, which is the most violent area. If this bright spot is placed there ~ ~ it will not attract Xiao Yu's attention at all. But it appeared on the side of the black hole, and it suddenly appeared. This quickly caught Xiao Yu's attention.

After this bright spot suddenly appeared, it paused for a short period of time, and did not seem to figure out what exactly happened. But at the next moment, this bright spot suddenly acted and began to escape the black hole area quickly.

"My friends, finally see you again." Xiao Yu muttered to himself in his heart.

A black hole is like a puppet that can't go in and out. Xiao Yu now uses various methods to finally get what he wants out of his belly.

At this moment, Xiao Yu was filled with joy. That is the joy after thousands of years of struggle finally yielding results. This means that he can finally find a balance between fulfilling Chen Mo ’s expectations and saving the people he cares about. Prior to this joy, the anxiety over the backlash of logical weapons faded a lot.

"So, blow up this black hole ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

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