Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 972: Divided river system

"I'm Xiao Yu, I'm here, come, come ..." Xiao Yu called. Where Xiao Yu is stationed, tens of billions of battleships have been lined up, like guards of honor, and welcome the return of Xiao Yu's old friends.

Millions of warships have already set out to meet this spot of light in advance. If they need help urgently, Xiao Yu can solve it for them in time.

Just a few moments after Xiao Yu's call, Xiao Yu received a response full of excitement: "Xiao Yu, is it really you? Have you come to save us?"

Xiao Yu heard the voice, and it was Ares. Outside Ares, there were a few cluttered voices: "Let me say let me say!"

That's the voice of Xiao Yu's only clan, Zhang Shengya, and the leader of the Yasu family, Lina. Xiao Yuman responded with a smile: "Are you all there? Good, great, now come to my base first, I have some things to do ..."

Xiao Yu is still closely watching various phenomena in the central black hole area. Xiao Yu saw that after the light spot containing the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations left the black hole, the volume of the black hole stopped shrinking almost immediately, and then returned to its original size very quickly. This means that in the central black hole area, the speed of light has returned to normal. And in this extreme and violent change of the speed of light, more intense incidents have occurred there, but Xiao Yu has no interest in these things.

Decades of hard work have yielded results in just a few hours. The Dark Star civilization is still in chaos, but there is no influence of Xiao Yu in the glorious spacecraft. These chaos are quickly subsiding. And because the leader of the organization has given relevant orders to logical weapons, at this moment logical weapons are still firmly in the hands of Xiao Yu, any creature of the Dark Star civilization. There was no way to get in before Xiao Yu's permission.

"Even if you have logical weapons? What if you have prepared tens of thousands of years in advance? What if there is a Level 7 Beast helping you? You are just losers, just losers." Thinking proudly, "Now it's time to end this thing."

That spot of light has escaped a safe distance from the central black hole. At this moment, Xiao Yu no longer has any scruples. Thus, an order was issued by Xiao Yu and passed to the control module of the numerous super-mega chain reaction space bombs arranged in the space around the central black hole.

An extremely violent reaction began to take place inside. These reactions eventually led to an out-of-control explosion of energy, and a common out-of-control explosion of energy across many nodes eventually led to more catastrophic consequences.

At this moment. The central black hole disappeared from all the observation instruments of Xiao Yu, as if there was nothing but nothing. Yes, this is indeed the case if viewed through optical equipment. There is nothing there. Because the chaos and fragmentation of space isolates the spread of all light. But the rest of the equipment saw something different. Xiao Yu detected that extremely violent energy fluctuations are spreading in space. This energy fluctuation is so violent that even if the human spacecraft is in an explosion, it will be ruthlessly destroyed.

This is the power of Xiao Yu's strategic weapons.

The destruction of the central black hole means that the struggle between the spokespersons and the rebels has come to an end. Xiao Yu has finally lived up to the expectations of music civilization and Chen Mo and finally completed this task.

The Dark Star civilization is the complete loser, failing to a utter defeat. At this moment, Xiao Yu has not had time to deal with the Dark Star civilization, and those landing robots are just occupying logical weapons. Did not affect the rest of the place. At this moment, the Dark Star civilization has completely calmed down the chaos. The leaders of the Dark Star civilization regained control of the civilization.

"Xiao Yu, did you succeed, did you succeed ..." Xiao Yu received a message from the Dark Star civilization full of deep powerlessness. The leaders of the Dark Star civilization seem to have no more anger, only fatigue, and despite all their efforts, they still cannot change the sense of powerlessness.

"I don't bother you now," Xiao Yu said coldly. "Now, stay with me honestly, don't try to resist, don't try to escape. In that case, I will destroy you without hesitation."

Xiao Yu heard a deep sigh. After this sigh, the Dark Star civilization really was a lot more honest-the situation could not help them lower their heads, because at this moment the battleships arranged by Xiao Yu beside them had exceeded 10 billion ships. .

Xiao Yu does not intend to let the Dark Star civilization. Xiao Yu has never forgotten what this civilization, which can almost be said to have grown up, has done. The destroyed Tianyuan IV continued to persecute themselves and escaped several times. Until now, they even put the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations into black holes to kill themselves. Dark Star civilization has committed an unforgivable sin.

But now Xiao Yu has a stronger enemy and a more serious threat. Before dealing with these things, let Dark Star civilization survive for a while.

Xiao Yu was quietly waiting for the development of the situation.

The explosions at the spatial level have one thing in common. Although the explosion ’s lethality is huge and can even destroy a river system, after losing power, its recovery speed is also extremely fast. After all, the universe's self-healing ability is more than just talking. After the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy was destroyed, the fluctuations there decreased rapidly at a speed almost visible to the naked eye. After these fluctuations have completely subsided, the central black hole has disappeared.

The loss of a central black hole in a river system is equivalent to the loss of the foundation of existence. There is a very vivid and simple analogy, like a person holding a chain hammer in a continuous circle, then the hammer head of the chain hammer will inevitably fly. But in the course of this circle, the chain of the chain hammer suddenly broke. What will happen then?

The phenomenon that occurs at this moment is very similar to the phenomenon after the chain of the chain hammer is broken. The central black hole is equal to the person who shakes the chain hammer. The gravity of the central black hole is the chain of the chain hammer, and the hammer head of the chain hammer is the billions of stars in the flying kite galaxy. Suddenly the central black hole is lost, and they will fly out like a hammer with a broken chain.

But because of the upper limit of the speed of light, this process does not happen instantaneously, it is a relatively slow process. Xiao Yu saw that the asteroid closest to the central black hole first sensed the disappearance of the central black hole, and immediately flew out along the tangent of its previous orbit. The other star behind it flew out a little later.

After that, a huge star flew out like a crazy monster, and then some other stars. Unstoppable panic is spreading towards this river system at the speed of light. This huge river system with a diameter of one million light years is being destroyed at the speed of light.

The river system will be torn apart. It will split into many small river systems and many single stars. The end result depends on the speed of these stars. Some fast-moving stars will leave here directly, stepping into the depths of the universe at endless distance, and nothing can stop them. However, some systems that are relatively close to each other and have already formed a star cluster structure, the connection between themselves will not be severed, and they will escape together.

Then came the slower moving stars. After this change, they will be like living creatures and will still stay here. Because in this river system, in addition to the central black hole, the river system itself also has huge gravitation. They can't break free of this gravity.

The stars that remain here will be the majority. But in the long evolution in the future, they will belong to different groups, forming different numerous river systems. These small river systems did not have a black hole at the beginning as their core of stability, so they would be chaotic. But just like heavy things will eventually sink to the bottom, many small black holes in these small river systems will also settle to the core of the galaxy, and then merge with each other ~ ~ eventually form a black hole sufficient to dominate the river system .

The small river system and the small river system also interact with each other. They either rotate around each other, or merge with each other, and finally come together again. Above the original site of the Flying Kite Galaxies, a huge river system is destined to form again, but this is at least something that may be completed by the evolution of the next tens of billions of years. Just to say now, the destruction of the flying kite galaxy will last more than half a million years.

What will happen after tens of billions of years? At least, Xiao Yu's thinking can't cross such a distant time to such a distant future.

"The galaxy flying is over, then, it's time to think about me ..." Xiao Yu thought silently.

Just after the central black hole was destroyed, Xiao Yu once again received a message from the universe civilization.

"Xiao Yu, very good, very good, you have finally completed this task and did not live up to our expectations. But there is a very unfortunate point we need to tell you, even if you finally complete the task, we still do not intend to let it go. Pass you. Destroy a seventh-level civilization, and we can still bear the consequences. That's right, as you said, our civilization's perception of you has been determined, and we will put you to death anyway ... "(To be continued.)

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