Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 973: Rule attack

After this piece of information about the universe civilization on the street, Xiao Yu's heart tightened.

"This is counterintuitive! Destroy me, what good is it for the civilization of the universe? Why do they do it, because they hate me, so they would rather risk being punished after returning to the camp, but also destroy me? Xiao Yu thought in shock, "It shouldn't be like this. What did they change their intentions for?"

Xiao Yu carefully combed every sentence that this universe civilization has said to himself since its appearance, and analyzes the meaning in these words carefully, and then came to such a conclusion. Xiao Yu has at least 80% certainty that he can be sure that after completing the task himself, even if the universe civilization really doesn't have a good perception of themselves, they shouldn't do anything to themselves. But I don't know why. At this moment, the universe civilization changed its mind and decided to destroy itself.

This means that during this period, there must be some changes that Xiao Yu has not yet understood. It is this change that made the universe civilization change its plans.

This is almost certainly an internal matter of the universe civilization. What happened to Xiao Yu is unknown, but at this moment, Xiao Yu's mind came up with something else.

"This thing ... is it related to logical weapons?" A chill came from Xiao Yu's heart. "I issued an order for logical weapons to destroy the civilization of the universe, and then logical weapons chose me ... as this The sub-task performer? "

If this is the case, then everything can be explained. It is precisely because of the secret influence of logical weapons that something that has not been understood has occurred within the universe civilization, and it is precisely because of this that the universe civilization has changed Your own plan, and then the universe civilization decided to shoot at itself. Then I will force myself to have to deal with the universe civilization and become the performer of this mission to destroy the universe civilization ...

This speculation seems logically contradictory, after all, it is precisely because Xiao Yu has no ability to destroy the civilization of the universe. That's why orders are given to logical weapons. But the logical weapon assigns itself the role of performer? There are no such pit people. However, although the reason is contradictory, this speculation is impeccable from the logical point of view.

There is one more point. That is the question of backwashing of logical weapons. Xiao Yu even suspected that the task of assigning the performers to himself was a little bit the universe itself punishing itself?

Most likely, it's for both reasons. These two reasons are combined. That's what made me an executor.

"But how could I be an opponent of universe civilization?" Xiao Yu murmured in his heart. "According to the past performance of logical weapons, the orders given to logical weapons must be completed. Then, if I really Executor, what will happen if I fail to execute it? What method will logical weapons use to complete this task? "

These thoughts only appeared for a moment in Xiao Yu's mind. now. The central black hole of the flying kite galaxy has just been blown up, the Dark Star civilization is still being forced to move there by its own billions of battleships, and the light spot surrounding the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization is still approaching itself, just at this time. All situations have been completely changed.

Xiao Yu noticed some unusual signs.

At this moment, the space in which I am living seems to have become unfamiliar and no longer familiar to me. This is clearly shown from Xiao Yu's shuttles.

Cosmic civilization has been silent since sending that message to Xiao Yu, and did not send any other messages. But it is clear that the universe civilization did not stop its actions, but made some hands and feet in secret.

"The curvature constant has increased." Xiao Yu keenly realized this. An increase in the curvature constant means that it takes more energy than usual to enter the curvature space, and it is more difficult. Under the influence of this point, almost at this moment, the speed of Xiao Yu's spacecraft immediately decreased. Previously, Xiao Yu's spacecraft could reach a maximum speed of more than 1,500 times the speed of light. Now, the maximum power of the engine can only reach less than 800 times the speed of light.

And this speed is still decreasing. This means that the curvature constant is still increasing.

In addition to the curvature constant being changed, more changes are happening in this space. More basic physical rules have changed, and these changes contradict Xiao Yu's spacecraft structure.

It is not modest to say that Xiao Yu's spacecraft structure is extremely precise. At the beginning, these precisions were not only reflected in the manufacturing process and material technology, but also extremely sensitive to various energy changes. Those instruments have extremely strict requirements for energy supply. They must be maintained at a stable level for these instruments to work properly. In ordinary times, Xiao Yu could naturally do this, but now, certain physical rules have been changed. This affected Xiao Yu's warships almost immediately. Due to the instability of energy supply, many internal instruments of the spacecraft were burned at this instant, and many of them fell into silence at this instant-although their appearances were still intact, their interiors had been destroyed. Destroyed, they are dead.

However, changes in rules are still happening, and even the dead bodies that caused these dead ships cannot be kept. The most basic four basic forces have all changed, the material structure has become unstable, and Xiao Yu's extremely tough spacecraft shell in normal cosmic space has begun to break down at this moment.

Xiao Yu watched all these changes closely, not only did he not panic, he gradually calmed down.

"The power of cosmic civilization is unquestionable. They don't even need to shoot directly. They can be destroyed only by changing some rules. But ... the things at the level of these rules still seem to be affected by the reality of the universe. These changed rules have a greater impact on my small ships, but less on large ships. According to the current situation ... under the erosion of these changed rules, national warships can Continue to support it for several hours. Continent-class, star-rated, and star-rated battleships can support it for a longer period of time. Star-class battleships can support the longest, which can support a few days. "

"But even if it can last for a few days, then what? I don't even know where the universe civilization is, and I don't know what kind of attack can be used to hurt them. The gap between the eighth level civilization and the seventh level is like Naturally, in the face of cosmic civilization, I have no chance of defeating them. "Xiao Yu thought bitterly." Issuing orders to destroy cosmic civilization through logical weapons ... It looks like he shot a stone and hit his own foot. Do it yourself ... "

Quiet in this star field, no war happened. The destruction of the central black hole has not yet passed here. But in this situation, weird things are happening in succession. Xiao Yu's spaceships, like ice and snow under the sun, are rapidly melting away.

In the face of this situation, not to mention how to fight back, Xiao Yu couldn't even escape. Because the curvature constant has now risen to a terrifying level, curvature navigation is almost banned. Until now, only continents and above can use curvature to sail, and the fastest speed is only less than fifty times the speed of light. Moreover, the change of the curvature constant will make the space more difficult to manipulate. Under such circumstances, it is very risky to conduct curvature navigation.

"No, no, there must be a solution to the current predicament. Cosmic civilization must not be defeated ..." Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart. "Unless I die, I will never give up and work hard." hope."

Xiao Yu and Dark Star civilization have been deadlocked for thousands of years. Xiao Yu defeated the Level 7 Beast, defeated the Dark Star civilization with logical weapons, and set up obstacles for himself in advance, not only completing the mission of the spokesperson camp, but also saving the civilization of Shenzhou and Pegasus. ~ ~ Everything seems to be perfect. However, at this time, the situation was so drastic, and in this very short time, Xiao Yu was trapped in a crisis.

Xiao Yu is thinking about all this nervously, Xiao Yu is closely watching all the flaws in the outer space, trying to find a glimmer of life in this desperate situation. However, the gap between the seventh-level civilization and the eighth-level civilization is so large. How slim and difficult to grasp that vitality?

"There must be a way, and a way can be found." Xiao Yu thought silently, "First of all, the logical weapon has not failed. Since it chose me as the executor, does that mean that I It is also possible to defeat the civilization of the universe? Is this logical weapon prepared for me by something else, but it has not yet come out? "

This speculation is very likely. If Xiao Yu is really the executor, then logical weapons have no reason to let Xiao Yu die for nothing. After all, the gap between Xiao Yu and cosmic civilization is too great. Without external help, Xiao Yu could hardly be an opponent of cosmic civilization.

It seemed to be to verify Xiao Yu's idea. At this time, Xiao Yu suddenly received a very unexpected message.

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