Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 974: Change the past

"Xiao Yu, when you saw this message, we have left for a long journey. We have left these things for you. I hope these things can help you a little.

"We are a music civilization. We are a music civilization that is loyal to the spokesperson and is full of kindness to you. And the one who traveled to the Flying Kite galaxy to fight against the eighth civilization of the rebel camp is the universe civilization of our camp. The universe civilization is full of malice towards you , They may have some adverse effects on you. In order to prevent this from happening and to protect you, we have left this information. We hope that you will not use this information, but if things really develop At that point, we hope that this information will help you a little bit. "

"Sorry, limited to the internal rules of the camp, we can't give you much help, we can only remind you about the weaknesses of the universe civilization. As you can see, the universe civilization is good at making rules that are beneficial to our own environment. The rules are not as good as their civilizations, and they will be restricted when fighting against the universe civilization. Even among the eight civilizations, the universe civilization is a very powerful civilization, let alone you are only a seventh civilization. "

"But you also have your own advantages. Your strength lies in your huge computing power. So, use your huge computing power to find the weaknesses of cosmic civilization ... Cosmic civilization is not the big universe itself after all, even the rules they set No matter how strict it is, it is like the rules of the universe itself that have been tested for more than 10 billion years. Among these rules, there must be conflicting and incompatible places. What you need to do is Find these contradictory places, and reproduce them experimentally in the space controlled by the universe civilization. In this way, the rules formulated by the universe civilization will all collapse. The universe civilization itself will also be destroyed. This That is the only way to destroy the civilization of the universe. "

"This flaw in the civilization of the universe is not a secret. Some eight-level civilizations that have a history know this, but in this long time, no civilization has ever found this flaw .. But you are also unique. You have the computing power that no other civilization has. So, go and destroy the civilization of the universe, and do n’t worry about the consequences. All the consequences of the destruction of the civilization of the universe will be borne by the civilization of those who are loyal to the spokesperson and the spokesperson itself ... If you can't find these flaws, it's a pity. We can't help you any more. "

"That's it, Xiao Yu, good luck."

This piece of information came to an abrupt end. From the content point of view, it is clear that this piece of information was previously quietly stored in Xiao Yu's storage device. The meaning of the information is also well understood, but Xiao Yu's heart. However, some other thoughts were born. This thought gave Xiao Yu a bigger cloud of doubts about logical weapons. About some of the so-called universal truths that I have always believed in.

First of all, Xiao Yu easily understood the meaning of this message. The rules followed by the universe are strictly self-consistent. What Xiao Yu needs is to find out where the rules of the universe's civilization are inconsistent. That's all. This is obviously the most important thing at the moment, but the idea that came out of Xiao Yu's mind along with this piece of information left by the music civilization is so amazing that Xiao Yu involuntarily made it simple. Thinking.

The idea, in short, is that the piece of information left by the music civilization came out because the logical weapon appointed itself as an executor, or because of this information, the logical weapon appointed itself as an executor? Which of these two things is cause and which is effect?

If it is because the music civilization has left this information in its own memory, the logical weapon appointed itself as the executor-this is also the most reasonable guess, then there is nothing unusual about it, but ... Over here? That is, because the logical weapon has appointed itself as the executor, the message left by the music civilization will appear-if this is the case, what does it mean?

Although this possible possibility is small, Xiao Yu has to consider this aspect. Because what this might mean is too amazing, it means that not only the future can be changed, but even the past can be changed. Because obviously, according to the timeline experienced by Xiao Yu, the "music civilization left information in its own memory" happened before the "logical weapon appointed itself as an executor". According to the timeline, the matter of "logical weapons appointing themselves as performers" is fruitful, and the matter of "music civilization has left information in its own memory" is the cause. But the logic weapon is too mysterious. Who knows if it is because the logic weapon now appoints itself as an executor, so the music civilization left information in its memory before?

In simple terms, this speculation is that nothing originally happened. Music civilization did not leave any information for Xiao Yu. All events are advancing according to the timeline, and time has developed to the present. The logical weapon is to appoint itself as an executor. Needs, so changed the past, so music civilization left a message for itself.

The logical relationship contained in this is too chaotic, and this matter is too incredible, so Xiao Yu at this moment did not put much energy into thinking about this matter. Xiao Yu temporarily buried this doubt in his heart, and reluctantly gathered his mind, and began to think about how to deal with the current predicament.

The actual situation makes Xiao Yu a little despair. Xiao Yu has found a way to fight against the civilization of the universe-it is enough to find out the loopholes in their rules, but this requires a lot of observation data and a lot of time to calculate. It is undoubtedly a major project for Xiao Yu to test all the rules, physical laws that are being pursued in this space at the moment, and it is also a time-consuming thing.

But at the moment Xiao Yu has no time. Under these chaotic rules, Xiao Yu can conclude that even a human-like starship-class spacecraft cannot last for three days, but only three days, what is enough?

"It shouldn't be like this. I need a way to defeat the civilization of the universe. Now the music civilization has told me this way, but I don't have the time to implement it now. No, it won't be like this. There must be a way for me to win. Enough time ... "Xiao Yu muttered to himself, thinking hard about it.

"The only category of rules I can access right now is to detonate the space through numerous super-mega chain reaction space bombs. Only by this method can the rules within a space be temporarily confused, and not to mention whether this method is not feasible, At this time, it was impossible for me to deploy enough space bombs. This method is not feasible, so what method should be used? "Xiao Yu thought silently.

Xiao Yu did not stop his work. From the moment he saw the information left by the music civilization, Xiao Yu had already begun this work. Xiao Yu was quickly observing the rules in this space at the moment, and he began to use his huge Computational power calculates these things. Even if he knew that time was not enough, Xiao Yu did not stop the job. Maybe I can be very lucky to find these things in a very short time?

Cosmic civilization's ability to master rules has obviously reached a point where it is amazing. Xiao Yu even noticed that the Dark Star civilization, which was only a few light years away from him, was not affected by the changes in the rules, and only the rules in the area where he was located changed. This phenomenon made Xiao Yu's heart even heavier.

"Maybe, I can get a little more information through logical weapons?" Xiao Yu thought silently, and quickly issued a command to the leader of the ideal heavenly organization that was before the logical weapon in the glorious spacecraft. The following order requires logical weapons to provide me with a way to support me long enough under the attack of the cosmic civilization. "

Fortunately, even though the rules have changed a lot at this moment, the transmission of information is still limited. ~ Xiao Yu successfully passed this information to the heads of the organization.

"Okay." The organization leader promised, and immediately conveyed the order to the logical weapon. However, an incredible scene appeared, a logical weapon that always obediently accepted the order, and at this moment, Xiao Yu's order was rejected. A message full of mechanical and old-fashioned meaning was noticed by Xiao Yu: "Sorry, the logical weapon is currently in an extreme energy overload state and cannot accept any orders for the time being."

"Extreme energy overload? Is it because it is too difficult to execute the order to destroy the civilization of the universe?" Xiao Yu quickly turned his thoughts in his mind. Xiao Yu couldn't verify this speculation. Xiao Yu only knew that at this moment, he could not count on logical weapons.

So who else can we count on? In this space at this moment, in addition to logical weapons, who else can get enough time for themselves, so that they can feel at ease looking for flaws in the rules of universe civilization?

At this time, Xiao Yu saw the bright spot that envelops the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization, the soap bubble. At this moment, the soap bubble was still approaching Xiao Yu. At this time, Xiao Yu only felt that he was shining.

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