Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 975: Eternal life

It was a soap bubble enclosing all the people of Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization, all spaceships, all creations. This soap bubble protects the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations from surviving inside the black hole without falling into an endless process of chasing singularities. It protects the space inside the soap bubble from being affected by the rules in the black hole.

It must be able to isolate regular attacks. The moment Xiao Yu saw this soap bubble, Xiao Yu's mind quickly came out of this idea. At this moment, Xiao Yu was like a drowning man who caught the life-saving straw, manipulating all the remaining battleships, and quickly rushed towards the soap bubbles.

"Aris, if you can, turn on this soap bubble and let me in ... I am being attacked by the rules of a level eight civilization in the direction of the universe. I have found a way to deal with them, but I need time ... I Need shelter from soap bubbles. "Xiao Yu quickly sent this message over.

"This soap bubble seems to exist only at a purely regular level. It is not physical. Strictly speaking, there is no obstacle between it and the space around it. You can come in without any hindrance. My Old friend, come back here, all of us have been waiting for the moment to fight with you again ... "

"Friend, comrade-in-arms ..." At this moment, Xiao Yu had an inexplicable emotion in his heart. Xiao Yu recalled the information that Dark Star Civilization had told himself, "We released a message that said that you Xiao Yu encountered difficulties in the Flying Kite Galaxy and needed their help urgently. They were fooled and soon Came here. "

In simple terms, this is a very poor lie. There are so many loopholes that it is impossible to say exactly where the loopholes are. The Dark Star civilization directly gave this information to the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. Then the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations came here in a hurry without being able to determine the accuracy of the information. Even if the chance of this lie is only one in 10,000, but-what if Xiao Yu really is in danger there? For this one-ten-thousandth chance, the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations are willing to come here at the risk of nine-nine-nineths.

What if this is true?

Similarly, at the beginning, Dark Star civilization told Xiao Yu. They imprisoned the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations in the central black hole. Destroying the central black hole would kill those detained inside. This is also a piece of information that cannot be verified or falsified, but. Xiao Yu also chose not to destroy the central black hole for the time being, and even willingly failed Chen Mo's instructions and refused to destroy the central black hole. There is only one reason for Xiao Yu to do this-what if it is true? What if the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations were really held in this central black hole?

On top of these issues. There is a common understanding between Xiao Yu and Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. Xiao Yu is convinced. This is the friend and loyal comrade who deserves to pay his own back, to believe with all his heart, to deserve his life and to save.

"I am here, my comrades, and the time for us to fight side by side is here again. What about the eighth level civilization? We will definitely find its flaws and eventually destroy them." Xiao Yu muttered to himself. Quickly rushed into the soap bubbles.

The information links of the two major seventh-level civilizations were quickly connected, and Xiao Yu's computing power rolled in. Once again, I went back to the place I used to stay. Xiao Yu's image once again appeared in the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization's flagship at the moment, the Civilization Star Cluster-class battleship. And at this moment, in front of Xiao Yu, Ares, Ruto, Notting, Lina, Luca No. 4, No. 5, Zhang Shengya and others have all stood up.

The first to rush to Xiao Yuhuai was the leader of the Yabei family. After all, she is a fourth-level beast. Her physical quality can easily kill everyone in the field 10,000 times-this ability allows her to rush in front of anyone and directly hit Xiao Yu's arms. .

"Brother, I miss you so much, I waited for you for a long time, and finally saw you again." Lina said tremblingly.

The substantive ghost image of Xiao Yu gently embraced Lina with one arm, rubbing her hair gently with her hand, and the other hand stretched out, and this was once her own enemy of life and death, but later became In order to save their lives, the hands of people with countless legendary experiences clasped together.

"Old friend, long time no see." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's been a long time," said Ares full of emotion. "After we hurried to the news that you were trapped here, but somehow invested in the central black hole, I used to think , The flying kite galaxy will be the place where our civilization perishes, and we will never see you again. Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, we are standing side by side again at this moment. "

"In the beginning, we stood side by side and defeated the sweeper civilization we once thought invincible. At this moment, we will also defeat this eight-level civilization." Xiao Yu said with a smile. "Ruto, Notting, No. 4, 5 No, are you all right? Aya, my sister, are you okay? "

"I'm fine," Ruto said with a sullen voice. "But there are some issues that I can't figure out. I studied with Number 5 for a long time and couldn't reach a clear conclusion. The scene inside the black hole is too mysterious. Now, we suspect that these things have something to do with how to advance to the eighth level civilization. Alas, now that you are here, then use your computing power to help us deduce it. "

No. 5 also nodded, staring at Xiao Yu eagerly.

"Let's talk about this later." Xiao Yu smiled bitterly. "At this moment, my computing power still has very important things to do. This has something to do with the survival of our civilization."

Xiao Yu's eyes turned to Notting, and Notting said with a light smile: "My old friend, I'm fine. After you left, I and Ares led the integration of Pegasus civilization and Shenzhou civilization. I am now the deputy of Ares. I have learned a lot from leaders during this time. "

"Actually, there is much in common between the Shenzhou civilization and the Pegasus civilization. I have long been thinking about the integration." Xiao Yuman said with emotion, "but you were too strong at the time, and your civilization is also Too tough, I didn't mention it. "

Notting continued to laugh, shaking his head slightly, without speaking.

"How about you, number four? How is your life sciences developing?" Xiao Yu asked with interest.

"It's okay." No. 4 scratched his head with a bit of distress. "Yabetsu is a very strange creature, they are not the same as ordinary other beasts. Thanks to the cooperation of the Yabei family, I The School of Life Sciences has developed many valuable things. At this moment, the people in the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations have basically not been troubled by the disease. However, one thing is that the life of the people can never break the limit and get eternity. Life. We have encountered a bottleneck. After this matter has passed, I hope to get your help, and we will start the research on this topic together. "

"Eternal life?" Xiao Yu's heart moved, "Does ... intelligent creatures also have a day that breaks the rule of life and death? Hey? But then again, presumably life and death can also be counted as this universe. One of the rules is that the eight-level civilization is the rule of control. Then, after becoming the eight-level civilization, it is not impossible for intelligent creatures to obtain eternal life. Just do n’t know, for intelligent creatures, eternal life Is it a good thing or a bad thing? "

Leaving aside the issues of social ethics and morality of this matter, and considering only from a scientific perspective, this is indeed a very interesting thing, and it is worth Xiao Yu's calculation power to calculate.

"No problem, I'm also very interested in this matter." Xiao Yu nodded and agreed.

Xiao Yu's eyes finally focused on Zhang Shengya, the only tribe of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu asked with a warm smile, "How has this time been?"

There are many things in Zhang Shengya's eyes. Her lips moved, and she seemed to want to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything. She just walked over and hugged Xiao Yu tightly for a few minutes. Before releasing it gently. She never said a word, but Xiao Yu noticed a feeling of conscience, spreading between herself and her.

"Okay ~ ~ It ’s all done. Now we are serious." Xiao Yu's expression became serious. "I need the help of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. With the help of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I will find Exploit the loopholes made by the rules of the universe civilization, and then destroy the universe civilization. First of all, I will tell you bad news. After entering this soap bubble, I started various tests on it, although I did not I understand the principle of its construction too well, but I can see that under the erosion of the rules formulated by the universe civilization, its strength is constantly weakening. At the current speed ... we can support one year. "

"In the course of this year, find the final solution ... My allies, stand side by side with me again!" Xiao Yu said with pride.

At this time, the message of the cosmic civilization was passed over again: "Hey ... very magical bubbles that can resist the invasion of the rules of our cosmic civilization. However, this thing can only resist us for a year at most. It doesn't matter, in a year, we can afford to wait. "

"That's it. See you one year later. One year later, when the bubble bursts, you are destroyed ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: Damn it. . . It took an hour to get into the background. . . That's it for today. I'm exhausted. . Go to bed first, tomorrow 3 more

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