Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 976: Looking for flaws

This bubble has won the most precious year for Xiao Yu. If the Dark Star civilization knew that they were bearing the bubbles created by the counter-phasing of logical weapons, and now they had helped Xiao Yu, they did not know what they would think.

For Xiao Yu, as long as the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations can be held in a black hole for 1 in 10,000, Xiao Yu will not risk destroying the black hole. But this dark civilization is unknown. From their standpoint, in order to make Xiao Yu feel hesitant and believe this, they will definitely make more arrangements and create more signs to make Xiao Yu believe this. Xiao Yu believes that it is precisely because of this idea of ​​the Dark Star civilization that the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations have not been eventually destroyed-because the Dark Star civilization will worry that if Xiao Yu can learn through some of their unpredictable methods After the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations have been destroyed, their words will lose their deterrent effect, and naturally they will not be able to achieve the purpose of containing Xiao Yu.

Only the living Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations have value, and the dead Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations have no value.

This is the origin of the bubble. The Dark Star civilization gave orders to logical weapons. Through some unknowable method, logical weapons created such bubbles that can exist intact inside the black hole, protecting the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. Now it will also Xiao Yu protected it.

Xiao Yu had already told Ares and others. After learning that the Dark Star civilization actually helped themselves, everyone felt their emotions.

"However, I still have a bit of concern." Notting said, "Cosmic civilization is undoubtedly very powerful, and their perception of ours is undoubtedly determined. Then there is one point that is worth worrying about. Why is it left to us for a year. Let us find a way to deal with it? Since Xiao Yu can enter this bubble, why ca n’t the universe civilization? Why do n’t they break into the bubble directly to kill us all Dead, have to wait a year? "

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and didn't speak. Ares is the same. The remaining number four. Number five. Lina and others looked at Xiao Yu with a puzzled look.

This is indeed a very difficult question to understand, so everyone did not want to understand. But obviously. Xiao Yu and Ares have understood the key.

"The reason is simple." Xiao Yu sighed. "Because in this bubble, the civilization of the universe is not our opponent."

"A level eight civilization will not be our opponent? Isn't this possible?" Notting continued in doubt, but a moment later. Notting suddenly responded: "That was the case, it was the case."

"What the **** is it?" Lina asked impatiently.

"The reason is very simple ..." Notting sighed. "Like the original, the micro-level civilization of the seventh-level civilization is not our opponent of the sixth-level civilization ... The strength of the micro civilization lies in the micro, and the strength of the universe civilization It lies in the rules. We have reason to believe that only when the rules are controlled by ourselves and formulated according to our wishes, the battleships of the universe civilization can exert their power. That is to say, among the rules of the three-dimensional big universe currently pursued The battleships of the universe civilization are probably not our opponents. And they cannot change the rules in the bubbles. So they dare not come in. "

"Yes, that's it." Xiao Yu nodded and said, "This year is our last chance. It is our only hope of survival. So, we will use all the power we can use at present to find a cosmic civilization. The rules made are flawed. On the 4th, the 5th, Ruto, lead the Central Academy of Sciences to give up all the ongoing scientific research projects and devote all their energy to this matter. No matter which discipline or branch Scientists, all of them must be used. We must know that the flaws in the rules of cosmic civilization are likely to exist only in a very insignificant place, and it may belong to any discipline. Mechanics, optics, high-energy physics, life sciences, computational science, materials science , Fluid mechanics, etc. I will send enough probes into the outer space controlled by the cosmic civilization, provide enough initial materials for everyone, and then start our work. "

"After one year, if we can survive, we will celebrate our reunion again. Now, I order and start work!" Xiao Yu issued a serious order.

"Yes!" At this moment, everyone in the field, including Ares, including Notting, all said the word in unison. Everything is natural, as under Xiao Yu before.

After this command, everyone started again. It was a huge force formed by the combination of trillions of people and Xiao Yu with super-computing power. Cosmic civilization is undoubtedly a powerful presence in this universe. I do n’t know how long there is. In these times, I do n’t know how many civilizations with powerful power or wisdom have failed under the control of universe civilization. Among these civilizations, when it comes to their strength, they are stronger than Xiao Yu. I don't know how many. But they all failed. Now, beside the bodies of countless seniors, Xiao Yu once again embarked on the journey.

Perhaps, as the music civilization said, only this type of existence of Xiao Yu, only after possessing unparalleled powerful computing power, can the comprehensive inspection of the rules formulated by the universe civilization be carried out. In the scientific and technical data, we find a small gap that is likely to be only a number of millions after the decimal point.

Or, many other powerful civilizations could not find the flaws in the universe civilization, and Xiao Yu could not find them. But at the moment, Xiao Yu must do so. This is the only chance to survive.

With the launch of Xiao Yu, the huge civilization machine once again violently turned on. In the Central Academy of Sciences of the Civilization spaceship, and among the branches of the Academy of Sciences among the tens of thousands of spacecraft, countless researchers are busy. Because the first batch of scientific and technological information has been transmitted.

Xiao Yu has produced detectors that meet the requirements at the fastest speed, and then spread them out like a sand. Under the weird rules formulated by the universe civilization, these detectors did not work at all at the beginning. Xiao Yu gradually explored and gradually improved, and finally improved them to the present state.

Detectors that are suitable for rules other than bubbles do not work inside bubbles at all. This is almost something in both worlds. It took a lot of energy for Xiao Yu to manage this step. But even so, after being launched, these detectors were damaging at an alarming rate. The average working time of a single detector cannot even reach one minute. In such a harsh environment, Xiao Yu tried his best to detect with a huge amount.

For now, every piece of information is extremely valuable. Now, these extremely valuable detection data are classified into different categories by Xiao Yu, and then sent to different scientific research project teams of the Central Academy of Sciences, where they are used to conduct preliminary screening and calculation of these data. Perform some related logical operations and the like.

These observations are by no means the same as those currently practiced in the three-dimensional universe. The simplest example, the speed of light, in the observed data at this moment, the speed of light is completely different from here. What Xiao Yu and these scientists have to do now is to use this basic observation data as a starting point, analyze the relationship between one kind of data and another kind of data, and find out the rules that exist here, that is, in this rule system. The physical laws of physics, and then combined with other observation data to verify these physical laws. If the results match, then there is no problem. If the results do not match, then further analysis is needed to see whether there is some unknown law at work or a simple contradiction of laws.

What Xiao Yu is looking for is the contradiction of these laws, that is, the rules are broken.

For example, in the three-dimensional universe, the second law of thermodynamics states that temperature can only be transferred from objects with high temperature to objects with low temperature, and objects with low temperature cannot transfer energy to objects with high temperature. Without any other impact. In other words, you ca n’t make the rest of the impact without ~ ~ lower a glass of twenty-five degrees Celsius by five degrees to make it twenty, then add those five degrees to one cup Thirty degrees of water makes it thirty-five degrees.

If such a similar contradiction occurs, then Xiao Yu needs to continue to look to see if there are any remaining effects in the process. If no other effects exist, so good, then this is the rule flaw in the current three-dimensional universe. Because the second law of thermodynamics has been supported by countless other observations and experiments, but there have been errors and omissions, and there are no other reasons to affect it. So what is this flaw and loophole?

What Xiao Yu needs to look for is this flaw. Music civilization says that as long as this flaw is found and then reproduced experimentally, the rules formulated by the universe civilization will completely collapse, which will lead to the destruction of the universe civilization.

"It's just ... it seems like music civilization can't be sure that there are any flaws in the rules created by the universe civilization. But there should be some thought ... The rules formulated by the universe civilization are not, after all, implemented in the current big universe. For more than a billion years, it has stood the test of more than 10 billion years ... "


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