Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 110: Speed ​​up, speed up!

Xiao Yu looked at this white dwarf star stupidly, looking at the buildings full of beauty on its flat and smooth surface, immersed in it can not extricate themselves.

Wrapped in pale red cosmic dust, the white dwarf and a red dwarf are holding hands and performing a beautiful star dance.

"What a beautiful place, and only a great existence like a remodeler is worth living here."

"A white dwarf, on such an extreme star, it can move freely, and the technological strength of the transformer has surpassed my imagination. It is ridiculous that I just doubted it.

"As long as the innovator orders this 100 million tons of deuterium to be put into orbit, I will get its reward."

Xiao Yu's mind was completely immersed in this wonderful fantasy, unable to extricate himself.

At this time, a message was sent from the Heaven, and it was transmitted to Xiao Yu's mind by almost no time through the means of distance communication.

"Master! Master! You cannot give these ships to it! It is a demon! It is a demon!"

This message, like a thunder, instantly split Xiao Yu awake.

Xiao Yu muttered to himself: "It's a demon ...? A demon? It's a demon!"

"I was controlled by it again, and I was deceived by it again! Damn! What exactly is this reformer!" Xiao Yu was furious.

But Xiao Yu had no time to be angry. After being awake, Xiao Yu instantly saw the current situation.

"What! With two and a half minutes to go, the spacecraft will be in orbit!"

The powerful gravity of white dwarfs is constantly accelerating for these ships. In the current situation, it is no longer possible to escape from the gravitational field of a white dwarf.

"No. These spaceships can never be obtained by the transformers!" Xiao Yu gritted his teeth, and the huge computing power was running, thinking about countermeasures.

"It's too late to decelerate! And, the power of my spacecraft's engine is not enough to fight against the gravitational white dwarf. Reverse deceleration can only delay time a little, it doesn't work.

"So ... don't slow down! Speed ​​it up!"

Xiao Yu issued this crazy order.

This order was sent from Beijing to the first transit satellite in the Sky Eagle One Galaxy, and this transit satellite passed the information to the next one.

Every transfer. Hundreds of millions of kilometers have been crossed.

The signal processing speed of the transit satellite is extremely fast. This command is transmitted from the Sky Eagle One Galaxy to the Sky Eagle Two Double Galaxy, which basically takes no time.

In the end, this information was transmitted to the control center of more than a thousand spacecrafts that were constantly being attracted to white dwarfs.

"Accelerate! Accelerate! Accelerate at full power! It doesn't matter if all these ships are damaged, anyway. Don't let the transformer get these supplies!"

Xiao Yu's fleet is now sailing towards the white dwarf at a speed of approximately 6,500 kilometers per second. It is too late to slow down at this time, so there is only one feasible solution left.

Slow down, then speed up! Under the dual effects of the gravity of the white dwarf and the engine of the spacecraft, the speed of the fleet will increase to a terrifying degree. At that time, these spacecraft will not enter the orbit around the white dwarf, but will directly pass over the white dwarf!

Of course, within five million kilometers around this white dwarf, these spacecraft are no longer able to escape the gravitational field of the white dwarf again. Such a powerful acceleration will directly destroy the spacecraft hull. But Xiao Yu has settled on a belief.

"I have a lot of spaceships! It's nothing to destroy more than a thousand ships! In short, you must not let the remodeler get these supplies!"

After the order was issued, the tail of more than a thousand spacecraft simultaneously emitted bright blue flames, and the shells of fifty county-level spaceships full of liquid deuterium first deformed.

In this extreme environment. Even with the super-strength steel forged from flowing gold, it cannot resist the strong gravity pull.

Immediately, the acceleration of the fleet reached a terrifying point.

The speed of these ships under the gravity of white dwarfs. Originally, it has been increasing rapidly. Now, coupled with the acceleration of the spacecraft engine at four kilometers per second, only one minute later, the forward speed of the Xiao Yu fleet has exceeded 7,000 kilometers per second!

"Not enough, not enough!" Xiao Yu thought with some anxiety.

The escape speed of a white dwarf generally does not exceed 7,000 kilometers per second, which means that the current speed is enough to pass the white dwarf and will not enter its orbit.

But there is another serious problem, that is, the acceleration is different.

This white dwarf has been using gravity to accelerate Xiao Yu's fleet for several hours. If Xiao Yu's fleet course is compared to a straight line, the acceleration direction of the white dwarf to the fleet is a curve.

There is an angle between this curve and the line. Xiao Yu calculated that if this angle is less than 20 degrees, the spacecraft will still pass by the white dwarf 100,000 kilometers although it will not enter the orbit of the white dwarf!

Xiao Yu doesn't think that the orbiting track of 100,000 kilometers in height that the reformer explained in advance would be a casual comment. Since it has chosen this distance, it must have its reason. The biggest possibility is that above this distance, it has its own means to obtain these materials.

Then, in order to ensure insurance, and in order not to achieve the goal of the transformer, Xiao Yu must increase the number of angles to 25 degrees. In this way, Xiao Yu ’s fleet will pass by 150,000 kilometers from the white dwarf. .

All of Xiao Yu's current behaviors are working hard to improve the degree of this angle!

Because of its huge structure and relatively low density, the county-level spacecraft can withstand a maximum acceleration of three kilometers per second. Now, due to the full load of liquid deuterium, this value has been reduced to 2.5 kilometers.

But now, with the full effort of the engine, the acceleration of the county-level spacecraft has rapidly climbed to four kilometers per second!

This means an extremely powerful tearing ability. Xiao Yu saw that the hulls of the fifty county-level spacecrafts had already undergone severe deformation, and the light of the protective cover began to dim.

"We must support the past, we must support the past!" Xiao Yu was so anxious that the nano-robots deployed in the county-level spaceship were fully launched, and hundreds of billions of nano-robots poured out of the nest and started. Try to repair where the ship broke.

Although it is impossible for a nano-robot to repair a spacecraft intact, it is still possible to let the spacecraft last for a while.

At this moment, the number of angles has risen to 23.5 degrees. It's a minute from the nearest point. Within this minute, Xiao Yu must raise this degree by 1.5 degrees to complete his goal.

The repair speed of nano-robots is not as fast as the speed at which the spacecraft is damaged. Xiao Yu saw that the container holding the liquid deuterium had broken, and a large amount of liquid deuterium had flowed out and scattered in the universe. At the next moment, it was heated by the violent radiation of the white dwarf and turned into a large group. Cloud gas, like cosmic dust, began to orbit white dwarfs.

This was an unexpected situation. Xiao Yu couldn't do anything about it and couldn't stop it. Xiao Yu only had a silent prayer in his heart: "The reformer asked me to send 100 million tons of deuterium instead of directly from the material transported by the red dwarf to the white dwarf. It must have its reason. The biggest possibility is that red The material in the dwarf is unusable, so it made me transport it from elsewhere. Then, only hope, the deuterium leaked out, it is also unusable. "

It took less than a minute from Xiao Yu's early warning from the young Luca scientist to speed up. It seemed that Xiao Yu's change was finally noticed, and the voice of the reformer became manic: "Weak science and technology civilization, what are you doing?"

"Do you want a unified theory? Do you want a superlight navigation technology? You want ..."

This voice was full of strange temptation, which led to Xiao Yu's momentary loss of mind. But Xiao Yu, who had been psychologically prepared, recovered from this abnormal state in an instant. Immediately, Xiao Yu scolded frantically: "I want your mother to be a head!"

"Your disrespect angered me, I decided to kill you and exterminate your civilization!" At this moment, the message of the reformer was full of coldness.

"Come on, who is afraid of anyone!" Xiao Yu roared loudly, at the same time urging the spacecraft to accelerate.

The number of angles is slowly increasing. Finally, the moment before reaching the critical point, it rose to 25 degrees.

This means that this fleet will pass by 150,000 kilometers on the surface of the white dwarf. This distance is 50,000 kilometers higher than the distance previously specified by the innovator.

"No!" At this moment, Xiao Yu received a message from above the white dwarf. This message is full of unwillingness.

"I failed once 300,000 years ago ~ ~ Now, in the face of such a weak civilization, shall I fail again ?! No! I am not willing!"

In such a frantic message, Xiao Yu was shocked to see a picture.

On the surface of the white dwarf, all the beautiful buildings and light robots disappeared instantly, replaced by a huge and strange creature.

At this moment, it was half-squatting on the white dwarf. At the next moment, its powerful hind legs suddenly bounced off, and the entire huge body was like a cannonball, rushing towards space.

The moment it rushed up, it stretched out its huge claws. Its claws are tens of kilometers long. In front of its claws, Xiao Yu's county-level spaceship is like a humble fly.

In Xiao Yu's horrified eyes, this huge claw grabbed at the fleet passing by 150,000 kilometers from the surface of the white dwarf! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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