Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 111: Escape

Just when Xiao Yu's spacecraft reached the critical point less than half a minute, under the stare of Xiao Yu's startled eyes, the weird creature jumped.

The gravity of the surface of a white dwarf is about 10 million times to 1 billion times the gravity of the earth due to the difference in mass.

The gravity of this white dwarf is about 20 million times that of Earth. Under such gravity, no material known by Xiao Yu can preserve the complete structure. No matter how solid a substance is, in this environment, it will be reduced to the most basic material structure, the atom.

Above the white dwarf, matter cannot even maintain its molecular structure.

So, above white dwarfs, there is no difference between diamond and graphite. These two substances, above the white dwarf, are carbon, not carbon molecules, but carbon atoms.

However, in this extreme environment, this weird but powerful creature jumped up to a height of more than 100,000 kilometers in one fell swoop!

This weird creature has a height of at least 500 kilometers and arms outstretched, more than 400 kilometers! A paw has a length of tens of kilometers.

However, its huge body did not affect its flexibility. Its bouncing power is unknown how many times stronger than the spacecraft engine. Xiao Yu observed that its take-off speed reached 6,000 kilometers per second!

The speed of this shock, if it is jumping above the earth, its reaction force is estimated to derail the earth from millions of kilometers orbit. Even this jump may not completely destroy the earth.

Only an extremely dense and extremely massive star such as a white dwarf can withstand such a huge force.

It is rising fast at this speed. If nothing unexpected happens, in twenty-five seconds, it will reach an altitude of 150,000 kilometers, capturing Xiao Yu's spacecraft in his hands.

"Here, what kind of monster is this! How could there be such a powerful creature in the universe!" Xiao Yu was shocked and couldn't help himself. In his mind, all this strange creature was shocked.

This is the surface of a white dwarf! Gravity is 20 million times higher than Earth! It is here not only to maintain its integrity, but also to jump 100,000 kilometers high!

Even if Xiao Yu was bold and crazy, he would not dare to imagine such a picture.

This is really beyond the thinking limit of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yuman was shocked to see this weird creature approaching his spaceship.

At this moment, after continuous leaks, Xiao Yu's fifty county-level spacecraft also stored nearly 80 million tons of liquid deuterium.

Xiao Yu can already be 100% sure that the exquisite buildings and lightweight machines that he saw before are fake, and are all illusions created by this creature in order to seduce him.

All this is just to convince myself that it is an extremely advanced scientific and technological civilization.

Its real purpose is just to let it transport these deuterium gases for itself!

How could Xiao Yu make it happen!

However, facing this powerful and weird creature, Xiao Yu had no choice. In the face of this weird creature, Xiao Yu didn't think his weapon could work. What is a gravity bomb? What is a laser cannon? What is a hydrogen bomb? It is a powerful creature that can survive on the surface of white dwarfs!

At this moment, Xiao Yu's spirit was tense to the extreme.

Xiao Yu's fleet is heading towards the white dwarf at a speed of 12,000 kilometers per second. It is expected that it will reach a critical point in twenty-five seconds, and then it will cross the white dwarf and continue to move forward.

This weird creature has a take-off speed of 6,000 kilometers per second. It is expected to reach the critical point of Xiao Yu's fleet closest to the white dwarf in 25 seconds. In other words, Xiao Yu's fleet will Grabbed by this weird creature, then 80 million tons of deuterium will be captured by it!

This weird creature has spent all its effort waiting for more than a hundred years, and its conspiracy must be huge. This is almost 100 million tons of deuterium gas, which is necessarily very important to it.

If the deuterium gas is obtained by it, Xiao Yu does not know what will happen next, but in short, he will certainly not end well.

There are 25 seconds left. Twenty-five seconds before this weird creature gets 70 million tons of deuterium.

"Explosion! Explosion!" At this moment, Xiao Yu gave a roar.

Xiao Yu thought of a way.

With the orders of Xiao Yu, countless containers filled with liquid deuterium suddenly burst at the same time. Under the powerful radiation of white dwarfs, these deuterium gases were rapidly heated and rolled out from the rupture of the spaceship, turning into Clouds of dense cloud after cloud.

The deuterium gas reserves in the 50 county-level spaceships were reduced by 50% within 25 seconds, leaving 35 million tons.

As for whether the deuterium gas turned into cloud gas could be obtained by this weird creature, Xiao Yu had no time to take care of it.

With the reduction in quality, Xiao Yu's fleet's sailing speed instantly increased by several hundred kilometers per second.

So, just one hundredth of a second before the weird creature reached the critical point, Xiao Yu's fleet had passed by. At the moment when this weird creature leaped up to the critical point, Xiao Yu's fleet had already flown here and arrived dozens of kilometers before the critical point.

In such a cosmic scale, the distance of tens of kilometers is the same as the distance of a hair strand.

However, it was this short distance that saved Xiao Yu's defeat! Xiao Yu saw that the huge claws of strange creatures waved in space. It was almost only that they caught Xiao Yu's fleet, but it never caught it!

At this moment, Xiao Yu's fleet successfully escaped!

"No! You **** technological civilization, I must kill you and exterminate your civilization!" Xiao Yu received a long roar.

In the roar of weird creatures, Xiao Yu's fleet has rushed forward at a speed of 13,000 kilometers per second.

"Finally, finally escaped, and finally, not caught by it." Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, Xiao Yu saw that the weird creature's leap was finally exhausted, and it began to fall towards the white dwarf.

The first cosmic velocity, orbiting velocity, of this white dwarf is 6,500 kilometers. This weird creature made a leap forward, its initial speed was only 6,000 kilometers per second, and it was 500 kilometers away from its surrounding speed. This means that it will not be possible to escape the gravitational field of the white dwarf, but only to fall back on the white dwarf once the force is exhausted.

Xiao Yu saw that under the huge gravitational pull of the white dwarf, it fell quickly towards the white dwarf, and it took only ten seconds to fall to the surface of the white dwarf.

The huge impact caused the entire white dwarf to shake a little. But it's only a little bit.

Around the point of impact, Xiao Yu observed that the surface of the hard, smooth and extremely white dwarf was struck out of a large pit. At this moment, the energy equivalent to a ten trillion-ton equivalent hydrogen bomb exploded.

This is the tremendous energy released by the impact.

"This huge energy burst, I don't know if I can kill it?" Xiao Yu had a little hope in his heart, but the next moment ~ ~ Xiao Yu's hope became a shock.

Xiao Yu saw that when this strange creature turned over, it emerged from the impact pit. It stood on the surface of the white dwarf, his arms raised, and he pointed at the space far away.

At this time, Xiao Yu's fleet had escaped hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. Above this distance, Xiao Yu's spacecraft can no longer withstand huge acceleration and the gravitational pull of white dwarfs. Xiao Yu saw that fifty county-level spacecraft finally exploded.

Fifty dazzling flames suddenly appeared in space. Immediately after the explosion, fifty county-level spacecraft had turned into scrap iron. Part of the spacecraft's wreckage was attracted by the huge gravitation of the white dwarf, and it began to fall towards the white dwarf.

The impact of each piece of debris caused at least one 10-million-ton hydrogen bomb to explode. These special steels refined by Xiao Yu's painstaking efforts were assimilated by the white dwarf as soon as the impact occurred.

Xiao Yu's forged titanium, zirconium, carbon, tungsten and other elements were separated out. Then, these elements were decomposed into single atoms with the iron element, merged into the white dwarf, and disappeared .

After fifty county-level spaceships, there are more than 1,000 township and village-level spaceships. The spacecraft repeated the destruction process of the county-level spacecraft. After the explosion, the wreckage began to hit the white dwarf and was assimilated by the white dwarf.

As of this moment, Xiao Yu's expeditionary fleet, with the exception of only a few spacecraft that were not close to the white dwarf, remained at 10 million kilometers from the beginning, and all were destroyed.

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