Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 124: The last moment (2)

At the last moment, only the last thirty seconds were left.

Through his own calculations and the reaction of this strange animal, Xiao Yu has determined that if the satellite No. 1 really hits the white dwarf, it will definitely trigger a nova explosion. The eruption of the nova will directly kill this powerful alien.

In other words, these thirty seconds will determine the fate of Xiao Yu.

"I have been through a long time of more than 10 million years, and I have grown from a weak mogul to such a powerful level now. In my life, I have experienced countless magnificent events, and I have encountered black holes and neutron stars at close range. I have experienced the tremendous energy of a supernova at close range, and I have encountered countless civilizations. Among them, there are beast civilizations, scientific and technological civilizations, and mechanical civilizations. They have been destroyed by me without exception. "

The message full of vicissitudes was transmitted to Xiao Yu's mind from this strange beast, who called himself "the beast".

"I have destroyed more than a hundred stars, countless planets devoured by me, and the number of various civilizations destroyed in my hands exceeds 3,000. Among them, the weakest civilization is better than you powerful."

"I believe that I will continue to survive. In this dark universe, to the end, even the Taihao civilization and the MSI civilization will be destroyed by me. Even if I fall into the lowest strength of millions of years, I Strength is not something you can fight against. "

"From the moment you step into the Skyhawk Nebula, you have been doomed. Don't make unnecessary resistance, just give up."

With the passage of these messages, Xiao Yu's suffering is getting bigger and bigger.

Thousands of planetary engines have been starting, but their direction and starting power are constantly changing. Thousands of bright blue flames twisted strangely in space, like a spectacular ribbon dance.

It was Xiao Yu who was constantly fighting for control of the planetary engine with this strange beast.

"I don't have your heroic or cruel experiences. I only come from an ordinary civilization." Xiao Yu replied, "My civilization is very weak, so weak that I haven't stepped into tripolar civilization, or even what you say That said, the lowest level of fusion energy is not really under control, and it is not even possible to leave the planet. "

"But my civilization has a total of more than seven billion people. Now they are dead, and all their hopes are carried by me. I am the last hope of our civilization. I will not lose, I The people of my country will not allow me to lose. "

In my mind, the pain was getting worse and worse, and even Xiao Yu's spirit showed signs of disorder.

But Xiao Yu is still firm, and hesitantly started to fight for control of the planetary engine.

At this moment, Xiao Yu remembered the ghost family he encountered. Remembering these people, at the cost of reducing their own energy radiation by more than half, they launched a space voyage close to the speed of light and rescued themselves from the crisis.

When the souls of these peoples left, the last two words left still appeared in Xiao Yu's mind from time to time.


"How can I lose, and how can I lose?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

The control of the planetary engine changed hands several times. The irregular forward direction and power of launch caused severe damage to the crust of the No. 1 satellite. Above satellite No. 1, geological phenomena such as volcanoes and earthquakes began to appear. The strongest volcanic eruption even exploded the geonuclear material of satellite No. 1 into space and gathered with the spectacular comet tail.

The closer to the binary system, the stronger the stellar wind, and the larger the tail of the comet behind satellite # 1.

If there is a creature in front of satellite number one, it can see this spectacular scene.

The comet tail formed by satellite No. 1 almost covered half of the sky. Comet Halley, Comet Halepop, etc. above the earth are nothing more than incomparable dust compared to satellite No. 1.

At this moment, the satellite No.1 has become a mighty death **** carrying destruction and death.

Five seconds before the final moment.

Whether Comet No. 1 hits the white dwarf directly or passes over 100,000 kilometers on the surface of the white dwarf, the gap between the two orbits is extremely small. In other words, the two major control directions are the same, and the difference is only at a very subtle point.

At this point, the fate of two, no, three civilizations will be determined.

One is Xiao Yu, the other is the beast civilization, and the other is a beast above the white dwarf.

"My friend, you must succeed. Our civilization is a civilization that is indisputable and just wants to live in peace. We have the ability of interstellar navigation, but we still do not want to touch the dark world outside. We give up and continue to be strong Hope, and willingly stuck in a small galaxy. "

"These seven thousand beasts have all the fighting power in our civilization. On the mother planet, there are only some aging and still young people. We are their hope. If this one is The aliens escape the white dwarfs, and they will be killed. "

"My friend, please, for our race, please be successful, be successful!"

Several messages from Yasuke passed into Xiao Yu's mind. Xiao Yu was unmoved, not even the slightest fluctuation in his spirit.

"You have lived long enough, and it's time to rest." Xiao Yu said.

"I will live forever and reach the end of the universe," said the white dwarf beast.

Xiao Yu is suffering from unimaginable pain. The pain from the spiritual level is countless times stronger than the physical pain.

In the cabin, the image of Chen Mo still watched Xiao Yu deeply.

"Director Xiao, do you still remember that day? Well ... I always remember it very well. That day, May 21st, I was dressed up at home for a long time before I set out to work in the institute, even almost late . "

"Do you know why I have to dress up for so long? Normally, I have always been plain."

"But, but, in your head, there are only those research materials and only jobs. Why don't you just look at me more? Well, even if you don't like me, but why do you want me to be driven by Director Xiao What about it? Is it wrong for you to like me? "

"Do you know how sad and sad I am?" Under the three-dimensional stereo projector, Chen Mo's face darkened, as if tears were shaking in his eyes.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's huge computing power only took a tenth of a millionth of a second, and he found the memory of that day from the huge database.

"Sure enough, you can only cherish it if you lose it." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, and suddenly a strong confidence developed in his heart.

"How can I die? I ... how can I die ?! Who will inherit our civilization and who will save our civilization if I die? How can I make up for my fault if I die?"

"So **** demon, you go to death!"

With infinite confidence, spiritual power erupted from Xiao Yu's mind. At this moment, Xiao Yu completely ignored those mental pains.

Time has come to the last second.

The tail flames from thousands of huge planetary engines suddenly became straight and no longer shaken. This means that they will be able to work steadily and change the orbit of satellite-1 stably.

The target trajectory of Xiao Yu and the target trajectory of the white dwarf alien animal basically overlap, with only slight differences.

To correct this little difference, one second is enough.

This slight difference will cause a change in the orbit of more than 100,000 kilometers after a 300 million km voyage. Satellite No. 1 has moved from the orbit of the white dwarf to the orbit of the white dwarf.

At this moment, the overall situation is set and the outcome is set.

At this moment, there is no longer any power to change the orbit of satellite-1. It will be attracted by the strong gravitation of the white dwarf, and will hit it forward.

Xiao Yu heard a roar from the white dwarf.

"No! I'm not willing, I'm not willing! How can I die! I have lived in the dark universe for more than 17 million years and struggled for more than 17 million years! Taihao civilization did not kill me , The Alliance of Civilizations did not kill me, and even the central black hole failed to pull me into the border of the horizon. At the end of UU reading, I was going to die in the hands of a small tripolar civilization ?! "

"You've lived long enough and it's time to rest."

At this moment, the mental control power in Xiao Yu's mind suddenly disappeared. Xiao Yu once again gained full control of himself.

"I won't die! How can I die?"

Xiao Yu saw that above the white dwarf, this strange beast was roaring wildly. It squatted down again, and its strong hind legs slammed straight. It rushed towards the universe like a shell.

However, it only jumped a distance of more than 100,000 kilometers, under the huge gravitational pull of the white dwarf, exhausted all its power, and once again began to fall to the white dwarf.

After falling on the surface of the white dwarf, it quickly stood up and started another jump.

That's it, it jumps, falls, jumps, falls. Every time it falls, it will hit the surface of the white dwarf into a large pit, releasing the energy equivalent to billions of tons of equivalent hydrogen bomb explosion.

It seems crazy.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's tense spirit finally relaxed.

"My friends, I succeeded, I succeeded." Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

"Did you succeed? My friend, did you finally succeed?" Only a thousand Yazos left were excited, and hundreds of messages were sent to Xiao Yu's mind.

"Yes, I succeeded, my friends."

Hundreds of millions of kilometers away, the strange beast was still jumping wildly on the surface of the white dwarf.

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