Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 125: The last moment (3)

In less than two hours, satellite No. 1 will hit the white dwarf head-on. .

During this time, there is no longer any force to change this fact. Maybe the Taihao civilization and MSI civilization mentioned in the mouth of this strange animal can do it, but they obviously have no interest in changing all this.

"Finally succeeded." Xiao Yu sighed and looked at Chen Mo's image in front of her. I didn't know what it was like.

"I will develop my technology, calculate all the human genetic maps, and then I will reshape the body for you." Xiao Yu said, "But the body can be created, the soul? You without the soul, or you ?"

Xiao Yu was a little at a loss.

Even now, Xiao Yu's research on the soul is still blank.

Every sentence that Chen Mo said and every expression he made was constructed by Xiao Yu based on his memories of Chen Mo.

Xiao Yu sighed and turned off the 3D stereo projector. Chen Mo's image disappeared.

"My friend, thank you. Although we are all going to die, our hope is still there on our mother planet, and our heritage will not be cut off. Thank you so much."

The surviving more than a thousand vector beasts sent a thankful message to Xiao Yu.

"All death? We obviously have won ... eh?" Xiao Yu suddenly responded at this moment.

"Yeah, of course we will die. At such a close distance, even with the powerful body of our other beast creatures, it is impossible to withstand the powerful energy of the nova burst. Even if lucky, our bodies will not die , Our souls are absolutely unable to withstand the super strong radiation of the nova burst. "Yazos replied.

Xiao Yu's heart became bitter. Xiao Yu found that he ignored this.

Xiao Yu's body is still in the Sky Eagle One Galaxy. A nova explosion, after all, is not as good as a supernova explosion, and its range of influence is extremely limited.

In Xiao Yu's calculations, this time the nova burst will not have much impact on himself. If the energy release of this nova burst is really too strong, Xiao Yu will build a base on the back of Sky Eagle A and use the entire Sky Eagle A as a shield. The destruction of these thousands of ships is not worth the distress.

Anyway, Xiao Yu has a long-range communication method. Before the intense gamma-rays and X-rays reach the Skyhawk galaxy, they can know their intensity in advance to determine the next course of action.

As long as there are sufficient resources and time, the number of spacecraft is only a number for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu has enough means to cope with this nova, but ... how about these vector beasts?

Here, only 300 million kilometers away from this crazy double star system. Moreover, these vector beasts are following the No. 1 satellite and approaching the white dwarf at a speed of more than 50,000 kilometers per second.

Yes, due to the gravitational traction of this dual-star system, the speed of satellite No. 1 has exceeded 50,000 kilometers per second, and this speed is still increasing.

This means that instead of two hours, just a little more than an hour, satellite No. 1 will hit the white dwarf.

"You can hide behind that gaseous planet, so ..." Xiao Yu suddenly thought in his mind, but before he finished speaking, Xiao Yu realized that this would not work.

The reason is simple. They are too fast. Over such a short distance, they cannot slow down in time. This means that even if they can reach the back of the Sky Eagle II Z, they will hit at a very high speed. Such a high-speed impact will not suffer less damage than a Nova explosion. Their ending is still death.

"My friends, I'm sorry, I have no way to save your lives." Xiao Yu said this a bit sadly.

"It doesn't matter, my friend, can destroy this demon, so that our civilization can continue on the mother planet, and we are very satisfied. Thank you, my friend, thank you."

Xiao Yu received a message full of gratitude and peace. It seems that these vector beasts do not take their life and death to heart.

"Before dying, we have a wish, and hope you can help us achieve it," said these beasts.

"Please say, as long as I can do it, I will help you complete it." Xiao Yu responded resolutely.

"Well ... you know, due to the indulgence of this **** demon, all the people in our civilization who have interstellar navigation capabilities have come here. Above our mother planet, there are only some aging ones. , And ethnic groups that are still in their infancy. Their combat effectiveness is extremely limited, and they cannot leave the surface of the planet. This means that if they are violated by foreign enemies, they will not have any ability to cope. I hope you can replace We, protect them for a while, and then leave after they have the ability to protect themselves, "said the beasts.

Xiao Yu agreed without hesitation: "Please rest assured, as long as I am alive, as long as I have the last spacecraft, I will not allow your people to be harmed."

"Thank you very much, my friend. In this way, we will have no regrets. My friend, don't be sad about our death. In the universe, everything is inevitable, even the stars, even the fate This galaxy has a day of extinction, and what is our death? "

From this message, Xiao Yu noticed a number of emotions called "No Care" and "Relief".

Xiao Yu's mood has been a little sad.

"It turns out that the universe is not completely dark. There will always be some kind civilizations."

"These well-meaning civilizations, like the lights in the night, bring light to this world."

"You are great." Xiao Yu said sincerely.

"Thank you for the compliment. It's not far from the final moment, so let's watch the death of this demon together."

"Okay, we are together."

Xiao Yu answered.

The beasts were silent, Xiao Yu saw that in space, these beasts were facing the direction of the white dwarf, constantly changing their shapes, and seeming to express some emotion.

Within this time, Xiao Yu has one more job to do.

That is, launch at least a thousand satellites and accelerate in full force in the opposite direction. In this way, these satellites can survive for an additional minute after the white dwarf explodes. This minute will be a critical moment for Xiao Yu to collect data.

After everything was ready, Xiao Yu's thousands of spacecraft, along with the No. 1 satellite and more than a thousand vector beasts, rushed towards the white dwarf star.

Above the white dwarf, the other beast has stopped jumping. It lies on the surface of the white dwarf, and its head is raised high. It seems to want to see clearly and destroy its true face.

The speed of satellite No. 1 is getting faster and faster, getting closer and closer to this white dwarf, and getting closer to the final moment.

"Do you ... have any last words to say?" Ten minutes before the final moment arrived, Xiao Yu sent a message.

"Last words? Hum. Your civilization needs at least millions of people to control these spaceships. I will not be wronged if your people accompany me to die." This powerful strange beast said coldly.

"I said it, all my people are dead, and I am the only one left of my civilization." Xiao Yu said, "These spaceships are only controlled by me. And ... my body, at one point Four light years away, in fact, all of these spacecraft were controlled by me remotely. Didn't you see that there were no living things in these spacecraft? "

"What? You manipulate it by yourself? Why ... do you have such a powerful ability?"

"Oh, it's nothing. You're going to die anyway. It doesn't matter to tell you. I just combined my soul with the central computer." Xiao Yu responded lightly.

"You, you ..." The emotion of this strange beast suddenly agitated, "So, what are those scientific and civilized creatures a little four or four light years away?"

"Oh, that's just that I encountered a technological civilization, and by the way they captured their creatures ~ ~ Xiao Yu replied strangely.

"This is the case, this is the case." The mighty strange beep muttered to himself, and suddenly, he laughed wildly.

"Originally, originally, you still succeeded, you finally succeeded! Combining the soul with the central computer ... It turned out to be this way, I'm not injustice to die in your hands."

From this passage, Xiao Yu heard a lot.

Xiao Yu instantly thought of the key item that allowed him to separate his soul smoothly and integrate with the computer, the black mysterious stone.

"What's the matter with this? Why is this strange animal saying that you 'finally' succeeded? What does it know?" Xiao Yu's mind was nervous.

"Who are they? What succeeded?" Xiao Yu asked immediately.

The strange beast uttered a weird laughter of unknown meaning and replied: "I am about to die in your hands, and you still expect to get information from me? Don't think about such a good thing, just go slowly and explore it yourself. Haha It turned out to be this way, it turned out to be this way! "

"Tell me! What the **** is going on!" Xiao Yu growled.

From the last moment, there is not much time left.

"With your doubts, slowly walk to death, ha ha ha ha ha! You don't want to get even a little information from me! Well, it's better to die if you are anxious, angry, and tortured by curiosity, my mood It's so easy. I'm going to die, and I will go to the dark with the information related to your destiny. "

"Goodbye! Weak technological civilization!"

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