Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 142: First battle

On the first planet, Xiao Yu has not had time to build any mining bases, processing bases and other buildings, so all the materials for the construction base must be transported from above two satellites.

However, even if there is time later, Xiao Yu does not plan to carry out this kind of construction work on Planet One. Because these factories will definitely cause a lot of pollution, and from the perspective of the obsessive environmental protection concept of the Yazus, basically they will never agree with Xiao Yu to do these things. In addition, Xiao Yu didn't want to destroy the natural environment like a fairyland. This idea was completely dispelled by Xiao Yu.

Anyway, there are sufficient sources of resources on the two satellites, and they are not far apart, that is, one more transportation procedure. To Xiao Yu, these are nothing.

This ground base, once completed, will have almost indestructible steel walls. Inside it, it will have the ability to repair tens of thousands of combat robots at the same time. At the same time, it will also store one million robots that can fight one Adequate supply of the month.

In the sky, there are traces of vector beasts and country-class spaceships. Above the ground, there are still 100,000 combat robots on alert, and the construction robots inside can work with confidence.

Beside, in the vast grassland, there was a sudden fluctuation. These fluctuations were almost immediately noticed by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu couldn't help sneering: "You guys really dare to come ... just right, let me test the combat capabilities of landing combat robots!"

Xiao Yu immediately broadcasted a message: "Be prepared, a large wave of bugs is heading in this direction! All vector beasts are not allowed to leave the base within 10 kilometers of the base during the battle! Violators are caught immediately! Zhongguan was confined for one year! Understand! "



Immediately, Xiao Yu received the exciting message from Yazos.

"During the battle, pay attention to Ann ... uh." Xiao Yugang wanted to make a final call, but found out. Before their words were finished, these yabei rushed out and smiled bitterly.

In this battle, Xiao Yu did not plan to launch a spacecraft to attack. If so, one would cause great damage to the ground environment, and the other would lose the opportunity to test the combat capabilities of landing combat robots.

Anyway, fighting back the Zerg attack is a surefire thing, it can't stand it, and it's not too late to start the spacecraft again.

Under the command of Xiao Yu, a thousand combat robots lined up in a neat line. Began to move forward.

Their legs moved forward, striding forward, and their speed reached almost two hundred kilometers per hour.

As the combat robot was traveling, countless messages were transmitted to Xiao Yu's brain: "The pressure sensor's detection data is normal. The current pressure is ..."

"The joint tolerance test is normal, the current data is ..."

"The engine is running normally ..."

All kinds. Subtle information about any of these robots. Will be collected by Xiao Yu.

Just before the team of robots walked about five kilometers from the base, the front forces finally encountered the Zerg.

Xiao Yu saw that a worm that resembled a cockroach above the earth suddenly jumped off the ground, his forelimbs, which had turned into sharp machetes, glowed with cold light, and slashed at a combat robot.

"Hum." Xiao Yu snorted, and the combat robot immediately raised his arm. The powerful high-firing machine gun started firing, and almost half of the worm's body was broken almost instantly.

But the worm did not die, it made a squeaking unpleasant cry, and its momentum was unabated. Still rushing at the robot.

This combat robot took a deft evasion and hid the worm's attack. At the same time, a black light and a sharp steel knife appeared on the left arm's position. Before the worm lands, it will It was cut into two sections.

The first operation of the landing combat robot was neat.

The bug's attack seemed to sound the horn. Immediately, the endless bugs emerged from the hidden state, and they rushed towards these robots. At the rear, the long-range attacking bugs continued to radiate. Micro-energy cannons, forward, and melee combat melees that are agile are killing these robots together.

This is just a small unit of the Zerg Army. Outside of this, there is an endless sea of ​​bugs rushing towards this base under construction.

The war broke out immediately.

In a unit area, there are far more Zergs than combat robots. However, at this time, the powerful qualities of combat robots were demonstrated. They were also not afraid when facing dozens of times of siege of insects. These weapons are used in turns, quickly harvesting the lives of bugs.

In this war, these combat robots showed strength beyond Xiao Yu's imagination. Xiao Yu saw that in the close combat of the white knife entering the red knife, without any advantage, these robots can even achieve a one-to-ten without falling into the wind. The end result is often that the combat robot killed all ten bugs, but it did not even break the protective cover.

You know, when fighting close-up, each of these worms is dozens of times more fierce than tigers, lions and other beasts above the earth.

The vector beasts also showed their strength. These vector beasts have changed into various forms, some of them have changed to look like black bears on the earth. There, you can smash a worm with one palm, and some of them have changed into fierce beasts. Their claws and teeth are biting at these Zerg, and some simply change into the appearance of a combat robot, learning the robot's combat mode, harvesting the Zerg life with a machete in their hands.

Xiao Yu saw that on the side of the base, a robot was separated from the large army and surrounded by hundreds of bugs. In this case, it still violently fired the bullets, and after finishing the bullets it carried, the miniature The energy of the laser cannon was exhausted, the black machete cut out the gap, and the energy shield shattered. When the mountain was running out of water, it jumped up suddenly.

This time, he jumped up to ten meters high, jumped a distance of dozens of meters, and suddenly broke away from the encirclement of the swarm. It fell to the ground in a half-kneeling position, cushioning the impact of a high-altitude fall, and immediately stood up, running and jumping without stopping, and in just half a minute, it passed through countless bugs and ran. Within the base.

In the base, there were more than a dozen maintenance robots immediately began to replace parts, repair damaged parts, and refuel. This series of work only took a dozen minutes. Immediately after repairing it, it became alive again, ran outside the base, and started killing.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield. Such a scenario occurred in hundreds of places in the battlefield at the same time.

The battle was fierce and fierce. The number of Zerg is at least several million, and this number is constantly increasing. Numerous Zerg have gathered from all directions, turning this grassland into the world of Zerg.

However, in the middle of this grassland, this unbuilt base, under the protection of 100,000 combat robots and 500 Yazos, has withstood the shock of the Zerg tide again and again, and has always stood still. .

One hundred thousand robots formed a solid line of defense, blocking these incoming Zergs out of the way, preventing them from moving forward. Five hundred beasts took on the task of the fire rescue team. When they saw where the defense line was in danger, they immediately rushed to the rescue.

During the war, combat robots showed only a very low total loss rate. In most cases, they are just damaged parts, and they can continue to fight as long as they are repaired. However, there were some unexpected situations. Xiao Yu saw that in the battlefield, when a robot was fighting all the weapons and was about to escape, the moment it jumped up, it was hit by another bug that jumped at the same time. After coming down, it was drowned by the endless sea of ​​insects. Ten seconds later, Xiao Yu lost contact with the robot.

But this is only a minority after all. Up to now, only one hundred thousand robots have been completely damaged and cannot be recovered.

The war has been going on for more than three hours. During this time, at least more than one million zerg have been killed. Within dozens of kilometers around the base, there were corpses of bugs everywhere, and the dark green liquid that they flowed out everywhere.

Here, it really turned into a dead sea.

After five hours of fighting, the battle came to an end. Maybe it was Xiao Yu's great experience. Around the battlefield, no new Zerg were added, but the Zerg who remained in the battlefield were quickly swept away by Xiao Yu.

After the war, the five hundred beasts returned to their respective transport spaceships, and in the cabins ~ ~ they were exhausted but did not go to rest, but shouted excitedly.

"What a pleasure! It's so happy!"

"I killed three hundred bugs! How about you?"

"You killed 300? I killed at least 500!"

"The next time I build a base, I will come again!"

"Me too, be sure to kill these abominable bugs!"

The beasts are stunned, talking excitedly. They will take these ships and return to Handan for rest.

In just five hours, the construction of this base has begun to take shape.

"It is estimated that there will be seven hours before the construction of Base 1 can be completed. Well ... it is enough to station 10,000 robots here. Then, start the construction of Base 2.

Xiao Yu made a decision. (To be continued ...)

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