Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 143: Surround

After the first prototype of the No. 1 base, Xiao Yu transferred 100,000 ground-type robots and removed more than 90,000, leaving only 10,000 robots here.

With the help of steel walls and base turrets, this 10,000 robots will be able to firmly hold Base 1 in their own hands.

On top of the two satellites, Xiao Yu had already prepared the follow-up supplies, and has now completed the loading work. About 1,000 village-level spacecraft have flown to the second base construction site, with more than 90,000 combat robots. Under the protection of the company, the construction of No. 2 base began.

At the same time, Xiao Yu was not transported by the construction robot left in Base 1. Here they have another job to do.

That is, collect the bodies of at least one million bugs left here.

The Zerg also belong to the alien beast family. Although their bodies are far less than white dwarf alien beasts, they are also quite powerful. Their forelimbs and back shells have even exceeded the strength that Xiao Yu can build. The toughest material.

Zerg corpses in space battles are not easy to collect, but they are different on the ground. Xiao Yu has no reason to give up so much material.

Hundreds of thousands of construction robots have temporarily acted as cleaners. With special collection tools, they are busy in the battlefield that has become a corpse, and beside them, they are followed by countless transport robots, collecting a full After the vehicle, the transport robot will transport these materials back to the base, where there is a special loading robot to put these things into the spacecraft.

About ten kilograms of usable material can be collected from one worm. One million worms are 10,000 tons. What was collected this time was enough for Xiao Yu to build three or four village-level spaceships.

The material collection took more than ten hours to complete, and after completing the mission, these construction robots rushed to the second base on the spacecraft and continued to work. Several townships full of Zerg supplies returned to the satellite base.

Looking at the zerg limbs in the warehouse. Xiao Yu was very happy.

"The tens of billions of Zerg on Planet One are the source base of my construction materials. Although the spacecraft built with Zerg limbs cannot be comparable to the Hebei, it can also fully improve the current performance of the spacecraft, at least Fifty percentage points ... "

"Eh ... no more flesh and blood will be added to the construction of combat robots in the future. Use Zerg corpses instead. It does n’t matter if the performance is reduced, I ’ll make more. In addition, all future small spacecraft will use Zerg limbs Come and build, something as good as flesh and blood of the white dwarf, used to build combat robots and small spaceships. It was a bit wasteful. After building a few more city-level spaceships, the rest will be temporarily stored and used later. "

Having made up his mind, Xiao Yu immediately launched a study on how Zerg limbs were used. After the results were obtained, they were immediately put into practical use.

No matter whether it is the Hebei or Xiao Yu's combat robots, they are not all built with white dwarf alien beast flesh or zerg limbs. For example, in the spacecraft Hebei, about 35 million tons of hull mass is about 35 million tons of flesh and blood, which accounted for 70% of the total mass of the hull. This ratio is already the highest. After all, some materials cannot be replaced by other flesh and blood, such as internal circuits. And the first robots. The proportion occupied by the flesh and blood of strange animals is only about one thousandth.

It's just some expendable things, Xiao Yu can't bear to use good things like flesh and blood of a lot of animals on them. If the proportion of flesh and blood used by these robots is increased to a level comparable to that of Hebei, their combat effectiveness can be increased at least one hundred times on the current basis.

The first batch of 10,000 tons of Zerg limbs could produce about 10,000 combat robots. After calculation. These robots using Zerg limbs have a combat effectiveness of about 30% of the first batch of combat robots. Although they are not as good as the first batch of robots, they have this combat effectiveness. It is already about three times higher than combat robots that do not use any exotic material.

Overall, this data is quite satisfactory to Xiao Yu.

The second base is less than one hundred kilometers away from the first base. Xiao Yu's plan is like this, step by step, slowly increasing his sphere of influence, and eventually destroy the Zerg completely and completely, making them all their own warehouse. Among the construction materials.

Three days later, the second base was successfully completed. During the construction process, Xiao Yu also collected thousands of tons of Zerg limbs.

Thousands of tons of Zerg limbs means the release of thousands of robots. Between planet One and its two satellites, spacecraft are busy shuttles all the time, they transport the construction materials of a past ship in exchange for the zerg limbs of a ship ...

In this case, the tens of thousands of mining bases on the two satellites and the foundry were operating at full power at the same time, and astronomical materials were produced at every moment. The number of bases on planet one was It is increasing rapidly at a rate of five per day.

After the number of bases increased to one thousand and occupied the entire grassland, Xiao Yu launched an initiative. Under the precise control of Xiao Yu, a team of robots cooperated to fight against the Zerg in the grassland.

At this point, Xiao Yu's total number of combat robots has reached as many as one million units. Their full-scale attack has returned, and the result of the return is that the zerg limbs that Xiao Yu has harvested have begun to multiply.

The increase in the number of combat robots means that Xiao Yu's ground combat capabilities are once again enhanced. The enhancement of ground combat capabilities means that Xiao Yu can build ground bases more quickly. This is a virtuous cycle.

This grassland occupies an area of ​​about 100,000 square kilometers. It is next to the largest forest on planet No. 1. This forest covers an area of ​​millions of square kilometers. On the other side, it is a vast expanse. Great desert.

After this grassland was occupied by the ground base, Xiao Yu began to build a base in the desert. After the desert, there was another plain next to the mountain ...

After spending a year, Xiao Yu built tens of thousands of bases around this forest. These tens of thousands of bases surround this forest exactly in the center.

Among the forests, Xiao Yu has built more than 500 large-scale supply bases, ensuring that in this forest, there will be a supply point only at most every 30 kilometers.

After the construction of these bases was completed, the total number of combat robots on Planet One reached 10 million.

"It's time to start a general battle ..." Xiao Yu thought secretly as he looked at the tens of thousands of ground bases that had been constructed.

This is what Xiao Yu planned long ago. In this forest covering an area of ​​one million square kilometers, at least one billion insects are hidden. It is one of the largest insect gathering places on Planet One. Xiao Yu's combat goal is to wipe out all these one billion insects by tens of thousands of ground bases built around this forest and tens of millions of combat robots.

This will be the largest battle on Planet One. After the end of this battle, until the death of the Zerg, I am afraid there will be no larger battle than this one.

The battle in the forest meant that Xiao Yu could not use weapons of mass destruction, such as hydrogen bombs, such as large energy artillery shells. Second, the number of bugs is as high as one billion, and Xiao Yu's combat robots are only 10 million. On the ground combat strength, Xiao Yu is at a disadvantage.

In order to meet this huge battle, Xiao Yu made full preparations and formulated a detailed combat plan, which basically gave him more than 90% confidence.

I heard that Xiao Yu was going to start such a huge battle. The Yabes were boiling with blood, and they all clamored to go to fight. Even the old Yabes that were so old that they could barely fly in the atmosphere broke out. With youthful blood, tears begged Xiao Yu to "hand-kill the enemy who invaded our homeland."

In particular, Lorna has taken her cute offensive to the extreme. Relying on the unique characteristics of the Yabes, she can transform into a kitten, and look at Xiao Yu with tears in her eyes, and change into one. A puppy, rubbing lightly next to Xiao Yu's virtual shadow, the most exaggerated, she turned into a giant panda, squatting squatting in front of Xiao Yu and refused to leave.

In total, she begged Xiao Yu for three days ~ ~ Xiao Yu refused to agree to her request.

Not only Lorna, Xiao Yu rejected all Yasui's requests. Jokingly, tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of small-scale battles can also allow these vector beasts to participate, anyway, under the protection of combat robots and airships, they will not be dangerous. But this time is different. In this battle, there are a billion bugs. The number of vector beasts is too small to play a big role. The battlefield this time is in a complex environment like a forest. This means that Xiao Yu has no power to protect them, and the airship has lost the ability to monitor because of the trees.

I don't know when it started, Xiao Yu's role before these beasts has quietly changed. In the face of these young beasts, Xiao Yu feels more like a father. He has to worry about their safety, think about their future, and at the same time, in the face of their wrong practices, he must punish his father with severe Stop them.

"However, this feeling is pretty good. These pure beasts, who do not know what the conspiracy is, deserve so much energy to consider for them." Watching the change became a giant panda, relying on myself Xiao Liao, who was not willing to leave, thought about it with emotion. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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