Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 148: the 90s

Seeing that Lorna agreed, Xiao Yu asked with a smile: "Tell me, what stage have you learned now?"

Hearing Xiao Yu's question, Lorna said sadly: "Only one of our most powerful warriors has mastered controllable fusion technology. It has found a way to evolve fusion engines by itself. The professor gave it to us. But it has already died, so we only know how to evolve fusion engines, and various related technologies, and the specific theory is unknown. We ... basically only reached the stage of the three laws of mechanics. I do n’t know the technology. "

"Well, it doesn't matter. It's a long time anyway, I will teach you little by little. By the way, where is the ship that fell on your planet? I need to do some research on it."

Xiao Yu knows that the vector animals can evolve to the point where they can carry out interstellar navigation, thanks to the spacecraft that accidentally crashed on their planet. From this spacecraft, they get relevant technology.

Of course, even if the alien beasts do not get the relevant technology, in the long years, they will slowly summarize the relevant technology through various natural phenomena. It's just that this speed is many times slower than the development of evolution by directly looting technology.

Since this spacecraft can perform interstellar navigation, it seems that it has at least mastered nuclear fusion technology. On it, there may be some information about fourth-level civilization technology. Xiao Yu naturally did not want to let go.

Lorna shook her head with regrets and said, "I don't know. The spaceship has been properly kept before, but since the Zerg struck, we have lost its trace. We only know one thing, it must be It's still on our planet, but we don't know exactly where. "

Xiao Yu nodded: "Well, leave this to me. Okay, let's go play first. At this time tomorrow, we will start the first class."

"Well!" Lorna nodded strongly.

The Zerg thing happened, and there will be no more threats in a short time, Xiao Yu's heart finally relaxed a little.

"I also need to develop technology as soon as possible," Xiao Yu thought, "first assemble the large particle collider."

In the Skyhawk galaxy, the large particle collider built by Xiao Yu has been disassembled into parts and shipped on the spacecraft. So Xiao Yu saved a lot of trouble, instead of spending time rebuilding, but just assembled it.

Of course, because of the different masses of Sky Eagle One and Sky Eagle Three, the orbits of large particle colliders that orbit them need to be different. Xiao Yu also needs to make some modifications to these particle colliders. But this only belongs to the details, and Xiao Yu can complete it in a short time.

"In addition to this, there are many things to do ... First, we need to provide signal coverage for the Skyhawk Samsung. Second, we must also build various fortifications as soon as possible to prevent the Zerg from coming again. Also, the construction of new spacecraft To put on the agenda, the development of computer technology, and the repair of the Lukas' body ... hey, there are too many things to do. "

Xiao Yu sighed and devoted himself to his busy work.

Xiao Yu had already felt a tremendous amount of computational pressure when the Tadpoles were cleared on Planet One. Xiao Yu's computer now. It is based on quaternary and photon computing technology. It is not known how many times the computing power has been improved compared to the earth, but it is still not enough.

In the Zerg war, Xiao Yu invested a total of 300 million robots, including each robot. There are more than five hundred sensors. Among various terrains, Xiao Yu has deployed at least ten trillion monitors to collect intelligence. There are also hundreds of thousands of factories on top of two satellites, and various construction and repair robots of up to two billion units. There are also various related scientific and technological researches. The computational power required for these tasks is astronomical.

What's more, Xiao Yu's mind has a vague plan to deal with the Zerg. The execution of this plan requires a huge amount of computing power. Xiao Yu's current computing power is far from enough.

Every time you increase your fleet size, you are always the first to be challenged in computing power and feel the pressure.

All kinds of things, Xiao Yu's schedule is full.

Xiao Yu first carried out the installation of a large particle collider. At any time, the development of science and technology is always ranked first, and whether it is possible to break through the existing science and technology theory and master the unified theory, the key depends on this large particle collider.

In the busy construction schedule, Xiao Yu also mobilized a little computing power. On the first planet, the Yasha gathering point projected a phantom, and began to carry out scientific education on the Yasha. At the same time, a large-scale search force was also organized, and a search operation was launched on the first planet.

Xiao Yu must get the broken ship.

According to the Yazos, the ship was missing in a mountain range. That mountain range has had a volcanic eruption in recent times. Xiao Yu speculated that the spacecraft might have been washed away by rolling magma or simply buried underground. Therefore, in this area, Xiao Yu launched a focused search.

Of course, it is also possible that the Zerg transported them away. But according to the Yazos, they can be sure that the Zerg did not transport this spacecraft away from Planet One, but may have transported it somewhere and hid it.

On the first planet, the gathering point of the vector beast. On a wide square, there are more than 10,000 young vector beasts and some old vector beasts sitting quietly, listening to Xiao Yu's virtual shadow in the center of the square, teaching some Primary scientific knowledge.

"Today, let's talk about relativity and quantum theory." Xiao Yu's virtual shadow made a grand voice, covering the whole square. "The first thing to tell is the overview of relativity and quantum theory, and their meaning. This will let You have a general understanding of these two theories. I will teach you detailed formulas in the future. "

"One of the most important conclusions of the theory of relativity is the formula of mass energy. This is E = ^ 2. Do not underestimate this formula. In fact, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and the energy source of stars are based on this formula of relativity. . Regarding quantum theory, it has the most intuitive phenomenon, which is the hyper-range communication that we have already mastered. Hyper-range communication is based on the study of quantum entanglement in quantum theory. "

"Brother Xiao, I have a question." When Xiao Yu was talking about this, Lorna sitting in the front row raised her hand.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Ask."

"Well, if you take a piece of matter from a white dwarf or neutron star, what will they look like? Will it continue to the original density?" Lorna asked.

"This question ..." Xiao Yu groaned and said, "Most white dwarfs are composed of carbon and helium, while neutron stars are composed of neutrons. Can you guess what would happen if they were taken out? Let's think about it. "

"It should be to maintain the original state." A Yazo said.

"No, I guess they will explode." Another Yasui countered.

Above the square, the beasts started a heated argument. Xiao Yu looked at all this and did not stop it.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yu clapped his hands and made the Yazus quiet. Then he said, "I don't have the ability to actually take a piece of material from the white dwarf or neutron star. I can only tell you my guess."

"First of all, the extremely high density of white dwarfs and neutron stars is maintained by the strong gravity of their stars. After cutting a piece of material from their stars, they lose their gravity and maintain their own density, so they will swell. Expansion to normal mass density. Some people have already spoken this point, which is good. "Xiao Yu nodded and continued:" As for what they will become ... this is very simple. White dwarfs are mainly composed of elemental helium atoms and carbon Atoms are formed. After expansion, they will be composed of atoms to become helium and carbon in the usual sense. Neutron stars are different. There are no complete nuclei in a neutron star, so no matter what the neutron star is made of, What element is formed, after its substance is taken out and expanded, it will only form one thing, that is, hydrogen. "

"This way ..." Lorna's eyes were full of sighs. "That is to say, even if I grab a handful of dirt and throw it on top of the neutron star, after processing it, and then taking out the dirt, they will turn into hydrogen ? "

"Yes." Xiao Yu nodded.

"It's really amazing." The Yazos sighed.

"Okay, let's continue with the next course ..." Facing the countless eager beasts ~ ~ Xiao Yu started his own lecture.

At this time, Xiao Yu finally received a report of a robot dispatched to look for the crashed spacecraft.

A team of search robots found a broken ship in a valley somewhere. The spaceship is about tens of meters long and about seven or eight meters high. In Xiao Yu's plan, this size belongs to the category of township spaceship.

After inspection, Xiao Yu could confirm that this spacecraft was definitely not made by himself.

The ship was lying there quietly, already covered by weeds, dirt, and rocks. Under the command of Xiao Yu, a team of robots approached it slowly, cleaning up the debris on it.

Above the cabin, four large characters were gradually exposed.

These four characters need no translation, Xiao Yu understands its meaning. Because, they are Chinese.

"Nineties." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.)

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