Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 149: past

Looking at the four big characters of the "90s," Xiao Yu was there.

"90s, 90s spacecraft! It turned out that 90s spacecraft crashed here!"

Xiao Yu murmured to himself, "Before, I always thought that the 90's spacecraft was destroyed by the white dwarf alien beast, but I didn't expect it to crash here."

Xiao Yu subconsciously removed the woman's body from the Hebei, and carefully examined it again. Looking at this peaceful female body as if asleep, Xiao Yu's brain was chaotic, and even a small mistake appeared in his work.

In the satellite factory, a working robot took out a part made of glass and gave it to another robot, but the robot did not reach out its arm in time, so the part fell in He fell to the ground and shattered.

In space, a village class has collected enough fusion fuel from the gaseous planet number two and is passing through its planetary ring, intending to return to the satellite factory. There was a huge meteorite in front of it, but instead of doing a dodge action, it bumped directly into it, bursting a spark, and the entire ship became fragments.

Some search robots fell off the cliff, and some instruments were installed incorrectly ...

After five seconds, Xiao Yu returned to God.

Xiao Yu, who had discovered a work error, immediately started remedial measures, and at the same time, he remembered once again the situation when he got the little spaceship from the finger of a strange animal.

Xiao Yu remembered what the intelligent program that claimed to be the 90s spacecraft said to himself.

"Since the 90s were destroyed, I moved into this rescue capsule. For 10,000 years, I have been fighting against the third beast creature and not let it destroy the capsule. But Because the energy consumption is too long and the time is too long. Astronaut No. 1 is still dead. I have to save her body and wait for your arrival. The specific process is recorded in the black box chip. , You can check later. "

Xiao Yu is carefully analyzing this passage.

"It seems ... the 90's spacecraft was not completely destroyed. After this woman and the intelligent program were transferred to the rescue capsule, it also had a certain navigation ability, sailing all the way to planet one before crashing on It was here. Then, it was discovered by the Yasha, and the Yasha relied on the technology contained in this spacecraft to evolve to the stage of interstellar navigation ability. And the rescue capsule was by the white dwarf alien beast. Captive. During this time, the woman died, but this intelligent program was alive. Until the rescue capsule was obtained to me ... "

Xiao Yu restored the whole story in his mind.

"But, this has to do with me. What does it have to do with humans on earth? What does it have to do with it?" Xiao Yu pondered nervously. "Why is there such a distant body with human genes and human appearance in such a distant place, and why the text above the earth appears?"

"What the **** is going on?" All kinds of doubts entangled in his heart, Xiao Yu gave a silent cry.

After reluctantly calming down, Xiao Yu quickly dispatched hundreds of engineering robots. He drove over in a spaceship and began to clean up the debris attached to the outside of this weird spacecraft. At the same time, a large number of inspection instruments were brought through another spacecraft.

The cleanup took a full day to complete. During this time, Xiao Yu replaced all plants within a kilometer of the spacecraft. All the rocks were cleared and a ground leveled out. Then, the engineering robot was carefully transferred the spacecraft to the flat ground.

After the cleanup, the "90s" spacecraft was in the shape of a shuttle. In the middle of its hull, there were two bulges like wings, but one of the bulges has disappeared, leaving only the other side. . The length of this protrusion is about five meters. At the top of the protrusion, there is something similar to an engine.

The "90s" spacecraft has been completely damaged, but its material has not been damaged. After clearing up the debris, it resurfaced the smooth shell. There was a big hole in the belly of the ship, and there were many traces of animal movement in the spacecraft. Obviously, the spacecraft was used as a temporary shelter by some animals for a period of time.

"According to known information, it is estimated that this spacecraft crashed here for at least 10,000 years. Within such a long time, its shell is still as clean as new, and no rust has occurred. "Looking at the spaceship in front of him, Xiao Yu's heart was full of sighs.

Xiao Yu has carefully inspected the outer shell of the spacecraft. On the outer shell, many unknown text-like images have been found, but these words cannot be deciphered by Xiao Yu.

"Except for the four characters of the 1990s, the rest are some kind of extraterrestrial characters." Xiao Yu concluded, "Two types of characters mean two civilizations, one civilization, using Chinese characters in the era of the earth. , Well, for the time being, let ’s assume it is an earth civilization. What is another civilization? ”

"This seems to represent the fusion of two civilizations? Perhaps this woman belongs to the earth civilization, and then she came to another very advanced civilization ..." Xiao Yu was slowly speculating while carrying out her work. .

"Enter the spacecraft and have a look ..." Xiao Yu thought, manipulating two robots with various detection equipment installed, and entered the spacecraft from the huge hole.

"The strength of this material is beyond my expectation. At least, they are stronger than the material of the Hebei spaceship doped with the flesh of the white dwarf alien beast. What an advanced civilization can make such materials? ...... What powerful force is needed to break through this material? "Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

The space inside the spacecraft is huge. The dirt, debris and other things inside have been cleaned up by Xiao Yu, revealing their true colors.

Here, Xiao Yu discovered several similar instruments with unknown effects. One of them is similar to a computer, but does not have the various components that Xiao Yu is familiar with. An instrument that communicates with the shell seems to be a weapon, but it has no gun barrel and I don't know what type of weapon it is. In addition, there are many things. But these things were completely broken, and Xiao Yu couldn't even try to restore them.

The interior of the spacecraft is roughly divided into several areas. In Xiao Yu's speculation, some should be living areas and some are working areas. At the same time, there are similar storage areas, power areas, and weapon areas.

Among them, the storage area is already empty and there is nothing. There are some unknown instruments in the power and work areas. The weapon area has been completely damaged.

"The Yazos once said that one of the most powerful fighters in their race got fusion technology from this spacecraft. It is better to ask them to see what happened when the spacecraft just crashed."

Xiao Yu thought, and issued an instruction.

So, Xiao Yu Xuying, who was teaching the beasts on the square, stopped teaching, and said, "Lona, please inform your clan, all come here to gather. I have some questions for you."

Lorna nodded nicely and agreed.

Not all Yaos are here to listen to Xiao Yu's lectures. Among the vector animals, some aging ones are not interested in how to continue to evolve, and they are more willing to use their remaining lives to enjoy life. Therefore, they are not above the square at this moment.

After Lona's notice, half an hour later, all the vector animals came to the square, and there were about 20,000 in total.

Looking around the square, densely packed, with different shapes of vector beasts, Xiao Yu asked: "Among you, who still remembers the spaceship that crashed to your planet? Among your races, the most How did the powerful warrior get fusion technology, do you remember? "

The beasts looked at each other, and Lorna shook her head first: "I was born more than 7,000 years ago ~ ~ This spacecraft crashed more than 10,000 years ago. Before I was born, I did n’t know . It seems that from the time I was born, this spacecraft has lost all its energy and has become like a stone. Um ... Shuma, do you remember what happened? "

Granny Shu is an extremely old Yabe, and now has a life span of more than 29,000 years, which is not far from the life limit of the Yabe family. She is the oldest of the Yazoi clan.

The tree grandma lay on the ground lazily, and when she heard Lona's call, she first looked at Xiao Yu with a little doubt, and then frowned, recalling carefully.

"I still remember something. Well ... that was probably more than 10,350 years ago. At that time, I was still a strong warrior who was practicing flying combat skills between two mountains. At this moment, there was a huge roar suddenly in the sky, and when I looked up, I saw something like a meteor, dragging its long tail down. "

"You know, at that time, we had not evolved interstellar navigation capabilities, so we didn't know a bit about the universe. This thing caused us a lot of curiosity, so we found this thing and found After having a hole in its belly, we selected the two strongest vector animals, entered its interior, and launched an exploration operation. "

This old vector animal slowly recounted, as she told, Xiao Yu's thoughts seemed to have come to that time and space. (To be continued ...)

ps: the second arrival, the next chapter at 7 o'clock

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