Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 154: Supercomputing Center

Under the control of Xiao Yu, Hebei's slow hind legs gradually moved away from the Zerg mother worm. As the distance increased, fewer and fewer engine bugs could reach the Hebei. In the end, all these engine bugs stuck to the Hebei were eliminated by Xiao Yu.

But Xiao Yu knew that as soon as Hebei approached, these engine bugs would still appear. The inability of Hebei to approach means that the large-equivalent hydrogen bomb attack cannot be launched, which means that this battle plan has been destroyed by the Zerg mother worm.

Under this situation, Xiao Yu launched his second battle plan.

That is, fight a real sea war!

The advantage of the tapeworm mother worm is that as long as it has sufficient raw materials, it can produce daughter worms indefinitely, but this is also Xiao Yu's advantage!

With sufficient computing power and raw material support, Xiao Yu can also create a variety of small attack weapons indefinitely! Although Xiao Yu's computing power is not sufficient now, Xiao Yu can solve this problem by manufacturing automation equipment.

Before that, Xiao Yu refused to manufacture automation equipment, but chose to operate any instrument by himself, in order to ensure coordination and accuracy. However, in the face of the Zerg mother worm, when launching the sea tactics, there is no need for high coordination and accuracy between the various weapons of our own. The limited intelligence provided by automation equipment is sufficient.

数量 When the number rises to a certain point, the advantages brought by intelligence will be wiped out.

The two types of civilization, mechanical civilization and zerg, are superior in quantity, or manufacturing power. Xiao Yu does not think that his manufacturing power will be lower than that of the Zerg.

"So, retreat to planet two and planet one!" After making up his mind, Xiao Yu, using the huge and powerful Hebei as a pioneer, killed a **** path in the infinite sea of ​​insects, leading a huge fleet. Begin home.

After the puppet left Planet Three, the number of Zerg was much smaller. It seems that this Zerg mother worm also knows the principle of ensuring rear stability. After Xiao Yu left, he did not launch too much pursuit force, but instead stationed most of the bugs on different satellites of Planet Three.

There are dozens of satellites on Planet No. 3, and five have reached hydrostatic equilibrium. The total number of satellites of Planet 2 is even more, and as many as nine have reached hydrostatic equilibrium.

Xiao Yu will use Planet 2 as the fuel source base, and use these nine satellites as the main manufacturing base to fight against the Zerg.

More than 100,000 spacecraft landed on Planet Two. Over the past period, Xiao Yu has established several large bases on the satellites of Planet Two to collect fuel. At this time, these bases will serve as Xiao Yu's first forces.

"At this stage, the speed of Zerg female worms to produce worms reaches 1.5 million per day. Then, within a month, I will exceed this level!"

After Xiao Yu set the short-term plan, he immediately started large-scale construction activities.

A large number of satellites were launched, and each satellite with a diameter of more than 500 kilometers was surrounded by at least hundreds of thousands of artificial satellites. Even satellites with a diameter of less than 500 kilometers and gravity too small, Xiao Yu didn't let it go, but sent a landing robot to the site to start exploration directly.

To carry out large-scale construction operations, sufficient supplies are necessary. Xiao Yu will launch a comprehensive exploration operation for Planet Two. Above these satellites, mark every place where available minerals exist, and build corresponding mining bases there.

The first batch of one million robots landed on the largest satellite, and the advanced building materials are fully self-contained. These robots will first carry out the construction of mining bases. Only with the support of huge amounts of raw materials, Xiao Yu can start the subsequent large-scale construction.

This one million robots are just an advance force. Xiao Yu has sent a fleet of 10,000 spacecrafts. They will return to the satellite of Planet One, and there will be tens of millions of manufacturing robots there, as well as various All the instruments that took a long time to complete were shipped to Planet II.

At this stage, there is no longer a need for such a huge construction force on Planet One. Hundreds of millions of combat robots on Planet One are fully capable of protecting the Yabei for at least ten years under the endless attack of insect sea. And Xiao Yu's overall combat plan only has five years.

五年 Within five years, win this massive war spreading across the entire galaxy.

It is foreseeable that within the next few years, the entire Aquila Samsung system will be covered by numerous Zerg corpses and mechanical remains.

The first one million robots under Xiao Yu's control burst into powerful manufacturing capabilities. In just ten days, more than one hundred mining bases were built on this satellite. These more than one hundred mining bases can provide Xiao Yu with millions of tons of various primary materials on average every day.

数百 The millions of tons of material will be a powerful weapon against the Zerg after various processing and casting.

While the mining base was under construction, Xiao Yu also dispatched hundreds of thousands of other robots from the spacecraft and began the construction of various foundry factories. At the same time, a large robotic production line is under construction.

The construction progress accelerated once again after tens of millions of robots from Planet One arrived. Under the control of Xiao Yu, these tens of millions of precise, dexterous, tireless and error-free workers who did not need to rest, built the factories envisioned by Xiao Yu one by one.

It took only one month for Xiao Yu to have a basic full-scale construction capability. At this time, Xiao Yu started the construction of one of the most important projects.

That is, build a huge computing center. This computing center will take on the task of the brain in the years-long war. Xiao Yu will be relegated to the second line, no longer directly using his own computing power to manipulate various weapons in the battlefield, but this computing center will be responsible for micro-devices that may reach hundreds of billions and trillions in the later period. Computing tasks.

Within this giant computing center, there will no longer be only one supercomputer, but tens of thousands of supercomputers will coexist. Of course, due to the limitations of distributed algorithms, these supercomputers are not connected in series to provide computing power, but each supercomputer is a separate existence. Each of these supercomputers will reach 80% of the computing power of the supercomputer in Hebei. After its completion, the total computing power will reach nearly 10,000 times the computing power of Hebei.

Giant computers are big consumers of energy. Above the earth, the supercomputers made with the technology of the earth era have a power consumption comparable to that of a small city. These supercomputers are countless times more powerful and powerful than the earth-time giants. Xiao Yu's special optimization, but its energy consumption still reached a horrible level.

If these tens of thousands of gigantic machines are operating at full capacity, they consume more energy than Xiao Yu, the more than 100,000 spacecraft, in a state of war.

应对 To cope with this huge energy demand, Xiao Yu will build thousands of large nuclear fusion power stations around the supercomputing center. Anyway, not far away is Planet Two, which has infinite fusion fuel on it, so Xiao Yu need not worry about energy at all.

While the supercomputing center is being constructed, Xiao Yu will also complete the software writing of the primary intelligent equipment. In order to make the weapons built later have the highest cooperative operations and precise combat capabilities, huge and accurate software is necessary.

In this software, Xiao Yu needs to consider any situation that these miniature combat tools may encounter and write a corresponding solution. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and Xiao Yu cannot think of it all, so this software also needs a little initial self-learning and preliminary logic calculation ability.

In addition to combat missions, this computing center will also perform computational tasks for all the instruments on all the acquisition bases ~ ~ built on these nearly a hundred satellites. Xiao Yu has only grasped the situation in the overall macro situation and will no longer be involved in specific details.

Xiao Xiaoyu will be freed from the endless computing ocean. His main energy will be on the control of more than 100,000 spacecraft.

On top of this satellite, Xiao Yu completed the construction of a robot manufacturing factory. This robot manufacturing plant has reached the level of 100,000 robots per day, and the robots it produces are quickly diverted to various construction bases and participate in vigorous construction tasks.

There are hundreds of such robot factories under construction. When completed, the number of robots will increase at a terror rate of millions of units per day.

But even so, in Xiao Yu's prediction, this speed can barely keep up with his own construction progress. After all, there are too many things Xiao Yu needs to build. Various factories across dozens of planets are like black holes that can't be seen to the bottom. God knows how many robots are needed to be fully satisfied.

Planet No. 2 will become the rear of Xiao Yu. Here, countless factories will create countless "children" belonging to Xiao Yu to fight against the Zerg mother worm.

Xiao Xiaoyu's battle plan is like this. Unscrupulous schemes such as beheading cannot be achieved, then from the front, the enemy is uprightly defeated.

"Do you want to make manufacturability with me ..." Xiao Yu smiled coldly in his heart, "Don't forget, I have combined the superexistence of intelligent civilization and mechanical civilization at the same time! If I compare manufacturability, I will be afraid of you "? To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give rewards to mobile phone (), your support is my greatest motivation.)

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