Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 155: Super miniature spaceship

During the construction period of Xiao Yu, the Zerg mother insects never sent a large-scale attack force, and some of them were just a small group of harassing insects. These swarms were quickly eliminated under the attack of Xiao Yu's more than 100,000 spacecraft.

In fact, in terms of Xiao Yu ’s fleet strength, any swarm below 100 million can only be regarded as harassment for Xiao Yu. This is not the surface of the planet. Here, energy cannons, laser cannons, large-equivalent hydrogen bombs, Xiao Yu can be used unscrupulously.

Xiao Yu speculated that Zerg mothers may not know what they want to do. After all, the combination of scientific and technological civilization and mechanical civilization is too rare in the universe, and the Zerg mother worm should not have encountered such a play. Therefore, it is normal to have doubts, and it is normal to miss the best time to stop yourself.

And until now, after Xiao Yu has the primary comprehensive manufacturing capability, it is not so easy to stop Xiao Yu.

The construction progress of the supercomputing center has reached 10%, and more than 1,000 supercomputers are already in place. These computers immediately assumed most of the computing tasks, and Xiao Yu's construction progress was accelerated again.

The same speed as Xiao Yu ’s ever-increasing construction speed is the speed at which Zerg mothers produce daughter worms. After it came to Planet 3 and received sufficient fuel to replenish it, Xiao Yu saw that its speed of making worms was also accelerating. It has grown from more than one million per day to nearly two now Tens of millions only every day, and it is constantly accelerating.

Calculate at this speed. It only takes five days to create a huge army of 100 million bugs.

However, it did not launch a large-scale attack. Rather, it constantly creates worms and spreads around itself. Xiao Yu knows that this should be his defense against the Hebei attack.

Xiao Yu's construction power is not inferior. With the cooperation of the Supercomputing Center and countless robots, it took Xiao Yu less than three months to spread a large construction factory across the surface of the satellite. After Xiao Yu built the first miniature combat ship, Xiao Yu's construction plant began to develop on the remaining satellites.

Both sides are accumulating strength. Ready for the coming shock.

This is a unique way of war between infinitely proliferating beasts and mechanical civilization. In such a war, a legion composed of hundreds of millions of individuals can only be regarded as a small-scale army. The rest of the other beast civilizations, or scientific and technological civilizations, I am afraid I cannot imagine such a way of war.

Xiao Yu's basic combat unit is an ultra-miniature spaceship with a diameter of only one to ten meters, and their size. It basically corresponds to the size of the zerg. What is commensurate with their tiny size is their extremely weak combat capabilities. Due to the limitation of volume, their energy can only supply extremely weak energy shields. Their weapons are also mainly based on miniature energy cannons and miniature laser guns, and their fighting power. Not to mention the township, even compared to the village-level spacecraft is far worse.

However, such a super miniature spacecraft, Xiao Yu can be manufactured in extremely large quantities, unlimited quantities! These ultra-miniature ships are controlled by the supercomputing center. Under the command of the Supercomputing Center, they will be in the order of tens of millions. War against the endless sea of ​​insects.

"How much is the number of worms? It doesn't matter. I also have a lot of super miniature spaceships." Xiao Yu sneered in his heart.

There are a large number of large factories on this planet. At the bottom of the supply chain are various mining bases. The mining base separates various ore and processes it into primary materials. Then, these materials will be transported to the foundry for further processing. After adding various other elements in different proportions, they will be forged into various special steels. , Electrical materials, chips, housings, etc., and then they will be shipped to the assembly plant, after being processed into parts, where the final assembly procedures are performed, a super-mini spacecraft is completed.

At the same time, there are countless acquisition space shuttles between Planet Two and the base, carrying huge amounts of nuclear fusion fuel, and countless robot manufacturing factories, which are constantly providing a large amount of labor, and Various turrets and large spaceships all over the sky provide a safe construction environment here ...

Under Xiao Yu's overall control and the details of the supercomputing center, everything went well.

Today is the day when the first ultra-miniature spacecraft set off for combat.

The first batch of ultra-miniature spacecraft, Xiao Yu built a total of 10 million ships. The 10 million ultra-miniature spacecraft, under the control of the supercomputing center, began to set off toward planet three.

This batch is for trial use only. Xiao Yu will find out the weaknesses and improvements of these ultra-miniature ships in this battle. This batch of spacecraft is destined to be completely destroyed by the Zerg. But Xiao Yu was not distressed at all. Even with Xiao Yu's current manufacturing capacity, these batches of spacecraft are only manufactured in a few days.

After detecting the movement of Xiao Yu, the Zerg mother worm sent a team of tens of millions of daughter worms to meet the enemy. The two sides met one billion kilometers from the orbit of Planet Three, and a war broke out.

These ultra-miniature crafts manufactured by Xiao Yu are not equipped with kinetic weapons. Because kinetic weapons occupy too much space and have low attack capabilities. Rather than having so many bullets on the equipment, it is better to save the location and replace it with fusion fuel. The energy provided by these fusion fuels and the attack power of the laser cannons and energy cannons launched can far exceed the kinetic weapons.

Therefore, when the two armies were still 100,000 kilometers apart, the first salvo fired by these ultra-miniature ships was not a kinetic weapon, but a miniature laser cannon. Under the irradiation of tens of millions of laser beams, a large number of casualties occurred in the swarm. However, the swarm was not willing to be killed. Xiao Yu saw that the front end of these worms suddenly appeared a light blue flash at the position of the mouth. After that, there were countless groups of miniature energy cannonballs attacking the ultra-mini spaceship cluster Come over.

There are tens of millions of energy cannonballs! With the arrival of these attacks, immediately, the super-mini spacecraft cluster began to flash like stars, and countless stars appeared in the fleet. Xiao Yu knew that it was a flash of light from the breaking of the energy shield of the ultra-miniature spacecraft. Without the energy shield, the protection of these spacecraft alone is not very powerful. Therefore, at this stage, Xiao Yu's ultra-mini spaceship fleet suffered a large number of casualties.

Because of the limited range of the weapon, the long-range attack by both sides ended. Afterwards, the two sides met with each other, rushed into each other's forces, and launched close-kill attacks.

Xiao Yu saw that in the imaginary and dark space, countless bugs and countless ultra-mini airships mixed together, occupying a space of several million kilometers. In this space, the Zerg and the spacecraft are entangled with each other, killing each other.

A super-mini spacecraft fired a laser and merged with the lasers from the other hundreds of spacecraft. It instantly penetrated a worm's head, penetrated its head, and announced the worm's death, but the next A moment later, another close-attack bug jumped on it suddenly. The bug lifted its sharp forelimb and chopped it down severely.

At this moment, the torn-out energy shield of the spacecraft finally broke. At the next moment, the forelimb of the bug split the spacecraft through, the damaged instantaneous device of the miniature fusion engine was activated, and the remaining Fusion fuel was triggered by a fusion reaction at the same time, a huge amount of energy burst out, and the entire spaceship turned into a ball of fire, carrying the zerg on it, and set foot on Huangquan Road together.

Each of these ultra-miniature ships is equipped with ultra-long-range communication equipment and intelligence gathering equipment. The environment in which they live, the degree of damage to themselves, and the level of fuel remaining will pass through the ultra-long-range communication equipment. It is sent to the main base in real time, and the supercomputing center is constantly receiving the impact of the flood of data.

The supercomputing center will aggregate these tens of millions of different information, then analyze the most reasonable fighting method, and then send these instructions back to control the actions of each spacecraft. Including when to launch a laser cannon, when to launch an energy cannon, which angle to start, how long to fire, when to go forward, and when to retreat, every small detail is under the control of the supercomputing center.

Xiao Yu monitors all this through the millions of inspection equipment installed in the supercomputing center and the monitoring program of the primary intelligent program to ensure that they do not make big mistakes.

Looking at the data like the turbulent sea, while Xiao Yu was secretly shocked, UU read the book www.uukanshu. com is also secretly grateful for the decision to choose to create a supercomputing center.

Space operations are not the same as ground operations. The amount of calculation required to operate this tens of millions of ultra-miniature spacecraft is almost equal to 100 million ground combat robots.

In this cruel and beautiful sea of ​​stars, Xiao Yu's fleet of ultra-miniature spacecraft is rapidly depleting. In the fierce battle, up to 10 million ultra-miniature spacecrafts were wiped out after supporting for only five hours.

The price paid by the Zerg is more than 36 million bugs. The war loss ratio reached a ratio of 3.6.

"The result is not bad. Well, the power and defense of the ultra-miniature spacecraft still need to be strengthened a little bit. At the same time, the share of the miniature energy cannon is reduced and allocated to the laser cannon. After completing these improvements, the estimated The loss ratio can reach one to four. "

Xiao Yu was thinking silently. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

PS: I'm crazy code words! The next chapter is in an hour and a half!

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