Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 156: Ways of War for Mechanical Civilization

This result was not unexpected by Xiao Yu. Anyway, at least half of them can be regarded as science and technology civilization, and science and technology civilization has always won by quality. Therefore, a war loss ratio of 1: 3.6 is still expected by Xiao Yu.

After the first batch of ultra-miniature ships were all damaged, Xiao Yu began the construction of the second batch of improved spacecraft. At this moment, on the main satellite, Xiao Yu has built more than 2,000 large-scale manufacturing plants, and can produce at least five million such spacecrafts every day.

Five million ultra-miniature ships a day are already the limit of the load capacity of this satellite, so Xiao Yu accelerated the construction of the second satellite.

The mass of the second satellite is smaller than that of the first satellite, and there are a lot less mineral deposits. The ultimate load capacity of the second satellite is about 3 million spacecraft per day.

In this regard, Xiao Yu is not comparable to the Zerg mother worm. For example, for the same satellite, all its resources can build a billion ultra-miniature spaceships or equivalently consumed worms. Zerg mothers can swallow them directly into their stomachs, at a rate of 10 million worms per day. After spending a hundred days to digest it, Xiao Yu can only achieve the speed of one million spacecrafts per day, and it takes a thousand days to digest it.

However, Xiao Yu has another advantage, that is, the zerg mother can only swallow one planet at the same time, and Xiao Yu can perform construction operations on ten or even a hundred planets at the same time as long as the computing power is sufficient.

With the sufficient reserves of the first satellite, the construction speed of the second satellite is much faster. With the busy construction of hundreds of millions of robots, the second satellite took only one month to complete. Construction mission to start mass production of miniature spacecraft. Xiao Yu's construction power has climbed to the point of 5 million ships per day.

It was also at this time that the Zerg mother had completed her strength accumulation and started her first active attack. In this attack, the Zerg female worms mobilized 10 billion daughter worms and aggressively killed them towards Planet Two.

At this moment, Xiao Yu ’s ultra-miniature spacecraft reserve has just reached 20 million ships. Even at a war loss ratio of 1: 1, it is far from being an opponent of so many bugs. There is no way. Xiao Yu only dispatched his The power of the cards, more than 100,000 large spacecraft, and less than 20 million miniature spacecraft, went forward to meet the enemy.

At the time of construction of these satellites, Xiao Yu had prepared sufficient space turrets and ground laser turrets. In addition, tens of millions of ground combat robots were performing defensive tasks, so the stability in the rear could be basically obtained Assured, Xiao Yu could safely control the fleet and go forward to meet the enemy.

This is another great battle. Due to the number of disadvantages, Xiao Yu spent two days, exhausting 20 million ultra-miniature spacecraft, and paying the price of dozens of county-level spacecraft and thousands of small spacecraft. Eliminate the Zerg.

In this battle, the performance of Hebei was still very eye-catching. In fact, if it wasn't for Hebei as the hub, in this battle, Xiao Yu would have to pay at least two city-level spaceships to receive the same results.

During this battle, Xiao Yu also discovered a relatively unusual phenomenon.

This phenomenon caught Xiao Yu's attention. That is, the zerg mother's body seems to be a little smaller than before.

When Xiao Yu first saw the Zerg mother worm, it had swallowed the whole satellite in his stomach. After a while, it fled once and then returned again. In the process, it produced about 50 billion worms.

"Calculated based on the gravitational disturbance of this satellite on Planet Three. When I first saw it, its total mass was about 250 million metric tons. 50 billion bugs, the weight of one bug At two tons, that's about 100 billion tons. Well ... "

Xiao Yu calculated the mass of the current Zerg mother worms, and the results came out quickly.

After comparison, Xiao Yu found that the quality of the Zerg mother worm was indeed a part lower than when it was seen last time. And the reduced amount ... happens to be about 100 billion tons.

After getting this result, Xiao Yu began to think about a question, that is, how many daughters can a zerg mother worm produce for a planet with a total mass of 2,500 megatons?

"The total mass is 2,500 megatons. Of course, this does not mean that all of these masses can be manufactured into worms. To produce worms, various elements must be mixed in a certain proportion before they can be manufactured. For example, the forelimbs of worms are made of similar special species. Made of steel materials, their blood is mainly composed of water, and their muscles are mainly composed of high-strength cellulose ... "

"The lack of any of these materials will make it impossible to make worms. In other words, how many worms a planet can make is determined by its shortcomings. However, I have no way to know if this is possible. The detailed elemental composition of the satellite, then, only a rough inference can be made. "

"At present, it is probably known that the main composition of this satellite is silicon and aluminum. These two elements account for 70%. According to the normal element composition of a planet, some of its trace elements, usually The proportion will not exceed one millionth, and there is still the problem of being at the core and difficult to mine. So in a comprehensive calculation, this satellite can probably be used to make one trillion worms! After hundreds of millions of worms, this satellite will no longer be able to provide it with material. Then, it will inevitably spit out the residue of this satellite and swallow it for another planet. "

"There are probably more than a hundred stars with a mass of more than 5 trillion tons around Planet Three ... The volume of these stars is generally ten kilometers by ten kilometers by ten kilometers or more. Stars below this mass are not available. The value it devours. Then it is very simple. For these stars, large stars that can be destroyed and cannot be destroyed, they will be occupied, and the zerg mother will consume the mass of the satellite in its stomach. No supplement! Starve to it! "

By observing this phenomenon, Xiao Yu obtained such a combat plan.

After this war, both sides need to build up their strength again. Therefore, during this period, apart from small-scale mutual tentative trials, the two sides have not erupted into major conflicts again.

This has provided sufficient development time for Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu has developed a robot that can fight on the surface of satellites. These robots were named as ground-type II robots by Xiao Yu. They are slightly different from ground-type robots above the vector animal star. They are more suitable for combat in a low-gravity vacuum environment. In the future, such robots will be manufactured in large quantities by Xiao Yu. With the cooperation of the ultra-miniature spacecraft, they will occupy all the large stars around the Zerg mother worm.

"Fight a battle of attrition. After all, you have only one individual and can't devour two planets at the same time. After that planetary resource in your stomach is exhausted, I see how you can create the worm.

Xiao Yu thought secretly, speeding up the construction once again.

So far, about 80% of the supercomputing center has been constructed, four planets have been covered, and the remaining five planets are in rapid development.

Xiao Yu completed the research and development of the drawing of the ground type II robot in a very short time, and by the way solved several technical details, he began to manufacture this robot on a large scale. These nine planets and the nearby planet two provided Xiao Yu with inexhaustible resources, and how Xiao Yu wasted and wasted.

In the large-scale construction in full swing, Xiao Yu and the Zerg mother insects launched several large-scale battles. Each battle involved hundreds of millions of daughter insects and ultra-small spaceships. Such a large-scale war will transform the entire The Aquila Samsung system has become a giant dump. Even more than a dozen large-scale meteor showers erupted above the Mother Beast Star. ~ With each meteor shower, thousands of meteors fell across the sky.

Xiao Yu knew that it was the Zerg stump and the wreckage of the miniature spacecraft that were attracted by the gravitational pull of Planet One, and when it hit the planet One, it formed friction with the atmosphere of Planet One.

Remains of several battlefields where large-scale battles took place formed several asteroid belts that orbited the Aquila III. These war trash will continue to bombard the major planets in the Aquila Samsung system for the next tens of millions of years. None of them can be spared.

Under such a war situation, Xiao Yu and the Zerg mother worm entered a stalemate stage. Zerg mother worms have achieved an efficiency of 50 million per day, and this speed is still increasing. Among its numerous spouts that spread throughout the huge body, there are worms at all times Being sprayed out.

Xiao Yu's speed of making miniature spacecraft has reached 13 million ships per day. In the factories above several satellites occupied by Xiao Yu, every second a miniature spacecraft was removed from the assembly line, filled with fuel, and then flew into space and had combat capabilities.

Overall, the strengths of the two sides are flat.

In this case, no one on both sides can do nothing. But Xiao Yu was not in a hurry, because Xiao Yu had his own plan.

The resources on the satellite in the Zerg mother's stomach will be consumed by it sooner or later, but Xiao Yu's source of resources can be said to be unlimited. One day, the Zerg mother will no longer produce worms. By then It is time for Xiao Yu to kill him.

Xiao Yu believes that this day, the distance is not far away.

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