Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 163: Goodbye

This time the hydrogen bomb exploded, not only blasting a satellite as a whole, but also affecting its parent star, planet three.

Where Planet Three was facing a hydrogen bomb explosion, Xiao Yu saw that the gas there was ripples visible to the naked eye, they were quickly heated by the violent radiation, and the imbalance of heat caused a strong force in Planet Three. The storm was much stronger than the 12th typhoon above the earth, and it began to rag on the third planet.

The powerful hydrogen bomb exploded and gasified the Sana satellite in half. These masses will condense into small meteorites after cooling and continue to orbit Planet 3. They will spread on long orbits of tens of millions of kilometers, forming a ring. The remaining half of the mass of the Sana satellite, which has not been gasified, has split into several parts. The powerful hydrogen bomb explosion has affected their future orbits. They can no longer continue to orbit the planet 3 stably. Within the next few million years, they will gradually approach Planet Three, and after being beyond the distance of the Roche limit, they will be torn apart by the powerful gravity of Planet Three and strike the planet Three.

The death of the Zerg mother worm announced that this battle had been going on for several years, and the huge battle that covered the entire Aquila Tri-Star System finally came to an end.

Throughout the war, Xiao Yu did not use any speculative methods, but instead defeated the Zerg mother worm with his own strength. Moreover, in terms of the number of Zergs who are best at it, they have been suppressed in an all-round way.

"A thousand years of time, in this dark universe, I have also grown to this stage, and have the ability to defeat the enemy with strength." Looking back on every detail of the years of war, Xiao Yu was a little bit emotional.

When the hydrogen bomb exploded, the daughters and worms who fortunately escaped the hydrogen bomb explosion because of their good location lost their ability to move instantly after the mother worm died. Seeing this phenomenon, Xiao Yu once again confirmed the correctness of the brainworm cybernetics.

"It seems that this Zerg female has more computational power than me. It can even control so many worms at the same time. Unfortunately, its size is too large, and I do n’t want to study it, otherwise, it will Study it by slice, maybe it will bring some help to the development of my computer technology. "Xiao Yu sighed with regret, led a huge fleet and began to return to Planet One.

"Before leaving, there is still some preparation work to do." Xiao Yu thought carefully. "First, the Zerg corpses scattered in the Sky Eagle Samsung system need to be gathered up to collect the available materials. The spacecraft built with these materials , But the performance of a spacecraft built from ordinary materials is 50% higher. "

"Well, secondly, the large particle collider will also be recovered, and it is ready to continue to be built around the next arriving star for my research. Also, the Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and "Shijiazhuang's four largest city-level spacecraft, all transformed into white dwarf alien animal flesh and blood material."

Xiao Yu thought, in the distance, Planet One was already in the distance.

The vector beast mother star, the vector beast settlement, Xiao Yu's phantom still stands here. In the Zerg war that lasted for several years, thanks to Xiao Yu's advance preparation, it was basically not affected here. However, every day, Xiao Yu will tell the Yazos in real time.

"Today, I want to tell you the good news. Zerg mothers have been eliminated by me, and you don't have to worry about encountering Zerg attacks again." Looking at the tens of thousands of vector beasts sitting quietly on the square, Xiao Yu announced the news.

"Brother Xiao, is that true? Great!" Lorna cheered first.

"Of course it is true, Brother Xiao has never lied to you." Xiao Yu said with a smile. "In the future, everyone can live on this planet in a stable way, gradually grow and become stronger."

Having said that, Xiao Yu paused, swallowed the last half of the sentence into his stomach, and didn't say it.

"Let's say goodbye when I'm leaving, now I say it, it only adds sadness." Xiao Yu thought secretly.

In space, a comprehensive collection of materials has begun. Once again, hundreds of billions of ultra-miniature spacecraft came into play, and after a simple modification, they had the ability to collect the materials available on Zerg corpses. With such a large number of collecting workers, Xiao Yu's work progresses very quickly.

At the same time, on top of the two satellites of the Yasuke mother star, a huge construction factory was started again and construction began. The conversion of the four city-level spaceships is fully underway. Under Xiao Yu's existing manufacturing capacity, it is estimated that it only takes two years to complete the transformation.

After finally obtaining a stable time, Xiao Yu did not have the rest to rest, but was once again devoted to the heavy scientific research tasks. By building that huge supercomputing center, Xiao Yu obtained a lot of valuable data. By studying these data, Xiao Yu will hopefully increase his computing power by dozens of times again.

Through this war, Xiao Yu truly felt the benefits of supercomputing power. Such a huge number of ultra-miniature spaceships and combat robots were handed over to Xiao Yu to control. After exhaustion, Xiao Yu couldn't control it, and it was controlled by artificial intelligence programs. But artificial intelligence programs also have some obvious drawbacks. For example, the same number of fleets, one controlled by Xiao Yu and one controlled by artificial intelligence, no matter how much this artificial intelligence reaches, it is easy for Xiao Yu to defeat it.

As for how to synthesize the advantages of the two, it will depend on Xiao Yu's study in the later days.

In the busy work, two years passed in a flash. The collection of available materials on Zerg corpses was fully completed, and a billion tons of materials entered Xiao Yu's capsule. In the future, Xiao Yu will use these materials, as well as the flesh and blood of the strange beast, to reconstruct his fleet again. By then, the overall strength of the entire fleet will increase more than a few times.

With all the work done, the five-star system of Tianying IV has become even more tempting to Xiao Yu. From the memoir of the girl named Zhang Shengya, Xiao Yu knew that within this five-star system, the mystery of the Great Unification Theory is likely to be hidden.

"It's time to say goodbye ..."

At the Yasushi gathering point, Xiao Yu once again convened all Yashous and announced the news.

"Today, I have a very important news to tell you, I'm leaving, leave this galaxy, go to the endless starry sky, and continue my journey. I'm glad to meet you and live with you for so long, I am very Happy. "

Xiao Yu said with a smile, before being finished, he was interrupted by Lorna.

"Brother Xiao ... Brother Xiao, are you leaving?" Lona's eyes were shaking with tears, her voice, and a little choked, "Don't you go? Is Lona annoying you? Lona will not dare in the future, Lorna will change in the future, will you stay ... "

Xiao Yu shook his head: "No, Lorna, how could I be mad at you, and I hurt you too late. But I still have very important things to do. These things are related to my life and death, relationship. To the life and death of my civilization. Lona, do n’t cry, do n’t be sad, you are about to grow into a brave warrior, cry and cry, what does it look like? ”

Lorna looked at Xiao Yu with tears in his eyes and said, "So, Brother Xiao, can you take me away?"

Xiao Yu smiled suddenly, shook his head, and said, "Sometimes in a space voyage, it will take thousands of years. There is eternal loneliness, there is endless danger there. Even if you stay safe, you will Will gradually grow old in the icy cabin and eventually die. Is this the result you want? Lorna, obedient, don't be willful, here is your home, the icy dark universe, not what you should go local."

"As long as I can be with Brother Xiao, I'm not afraid of anything!" Lorna said stubbornly.

Xiao Yu was still smiling, slowly, but shook his head resolutely.

"So, what about this?" The tears in Lorna's eyes finally fell down ~ ~ but still looked stubbornly at Xiao Yu. In Xiao Yu's surprised gaze, Lona's appearance gradually changed, and eventually, she became a young human girl.

At this moment, Xiao Yu was a little lost, and he couldn't help muttering the two words in his mouth.

"Chen ... Mo?"

"I was in the big spaceship and stumbled upon this sister's shadow. Is she your lover? Is she dead? Then let me be her, will you take me away, Brother Xiao ..."

Lorna changed into Chen Mo's appearance, still begging Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu sighed and managed to put his mind back, watching Lona, who had changed into Chen Mo, opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

In the end, as if he had made up his mind, Xiao Yu shut down the Yashou Gathering Spot in an instant and displayed his own ghost. Xiao Yu disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, a paragraph of Xiao Yu fluttered.

"Lona, I left you a municipal ship. The controller is the piece of jade I gave you. If you are in danger, you can hide on this ship and start a space voyage ..."

"This is your home. I can't take you away. I'm gone. If there is a fate, we will see you again."

"Goodbye, dear Lorna."

Xiao Yu's huge fleet has set off and began to sail into the void space.

In Xiao Yu's heart, there was a sentence that was always echoing.

"Xiang Ye Yi Mo, if the last phase forgets the rivers and lakes ..."

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