Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 164: Chaotic world

Looking at the distant planet No. 1 and the fading Tianying III, Xiao Yu felt inexplicably sad. .

This is another long journey. Sky Eagle 4 is 2.5 light years away from Sky Eagle 3. At Xiao Yu's current speed, it will take about ten years to arrive.

Xiao Yu's current maximum speed can already reach 70,000 kilometers per second. In fact, in space navigation, before being restricted by relativity, as long as the fuel is sufficient, the spacecraft can accelerate unrestrictedly. Previously, Xiao Yu's sailing speed had been low due to the limitation of the portable fuel.

But this problem was largely solved after the spacecraft Hebei was built. Hebei now has a total mass of nearly 100 million tons, half of which is nuclear fusion fuel. In addition, Xiao Yu also built dozens of material transport ships the size of a provincial spacecraft. In addition to the alien beast fingers and Zerg materials, and some of the construction materials in reserve, they are full of nuclear fusion fuel. . Due to their simple structure, these spacecraft do not require too much effort to build.

Building a large spaceship is more than simply stacking steel plates. Among them will be materials technology, engine technology, large-scale protective cover technology, and matching weapon technology, power technology, and many other branch technologies. Xiao Yu has made an estimate. Calculating at the development speed of human science and technology in the earth era, it takes about two hundred years to develop from a city-level spaceship to a provincial-level spaceship.

In other words, to be able to create a provincial-level spaceship, the civilization is already in the third-level civilization, and it already has enough knowledge reserves, and it is no longer far away from the fourth-level civilization.

That's why Xiao Yu was so eager to go to the Sky Eagle Four Galaxy. Because there may be hidden mysteries about the unified theory.

Previously, the Luca civilization, which was still at the third level of civilization, once owned a provincial spaceship and was later destroyed by the attacks of the ghosts. The spaceship was actually exchanged for the contribution of the Guardian Alliance.

In the vast space, Xiao Yu's fleet is slowly accelerating.

Because of the existence of large transport ships, Xiao Yu's fleet acceleration was only about 30 meters per second. Xiao Yu will continue to accelerate at this acceleration for a month, then sail for about ten years depending on his usual name, and then decelerate for another month to reach the Tianying Four Galaxy.

Xiao Yu's fleet consists of more than 100,000 large spacecraft and dozens of material transport ships. All of the ultra-miniature spacecraft were recovered by Xiao Yu, and the rest were abandoned by Xiao Yu. It is not necessary to carry these things during the long journey.

During this long journey of more than ten years, Xiao Yu intends to build several more city-level spaceships with flesh and blood as the main body. At the same time, some small and medium-sized spaceships at the county, township and village levels will also be partially upgraded. Regeneration and transformation, from ordinary materials to Zerg materials.

By then, Xiao Yu's overall combat effectiveness will increase several times.

At this moment, Xiao Yu hasn't left the Aquila Samsung system. Through the telescope, he can still clearly see the mountainous mountains stacked on the vector star. Thinking back to the little years of living with the Yazos, Xiao Yu's heart was filled with emotion.

In space, traces from the battle with the Zerg can be seen everywhere. There are zerg stumps and wreckage. At this moment, they have been mixed together, orbiting around the planet, or revolving around the three Eagles. The total amount is as high as tens of billions.

Because their orbits are not stable, it is foreseeable that within the next few millions years, the Aquila Samsung system will become a high incidence of meteor impacts. Above the beast mother star, meteor showers also occur frequently.

"In the bright night sky, surrounded by stars, countless meteors cut through the sky, that kind of scene must be very beautiful." Xiao Yu thought, looking back at the Yashou mother star again, resolutely turned his head, Never go back and take a look.

Xiao Yu has crossed the orbit of Planet Three. After this, with the accuracy of the naked eye, you can't see the trail of the Yasamu mother star. Above this distance, Sky Eagle III is still bright. Xiao Yu can feel its power and majesty effortlessly.

At this moment, Xiao Yu is still being blown by its stellar wind. After about a month of sailing, Xiao Yu would reach its stellar wind boundary and enter interstellar space again.

This day is coming soon. Xiao Yu's fleet officially announced that it had left the Skyhawk Samsung Department and began to gallop towards the Skyhawk.

Time passed slowly, and every second represented a distant distance of tens of thousands of kilometers. At such high speeds, Xiao Yu's spacecraft collided with the dense interstellar dust particles of the Sky Eagle Nebula, resulting in a magical phenomenon.

Under the high-speed impact of particles, a large number of X-rays were emitted. With the X-rays, there are also rays of visible light. This light, showing a faint pink, the light of the light blue energy shield on the Xiao Yu spacecraft was masked. From a distance, it looks like Xiao Yu's spacecraft has turned pink, which is very beautiful. .

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yu was a little speechless.

"Pink spaceship? This is also too funny. If I was seen by the otakus in the Earth era, I don't know how much fantasy will be born. Unfortunately, although the spaceship is pink, there is no loli in it. Some, It's just an icy killing machine. There are also strangely shaped Lucas in the eyes of the Earth people. "

Thinking of the Lucasians, Xiao Yu took a bit of attention and looked at the scenes inside the two new ships, the New Home and the Heaven.

Since the time of the white dwarf alien beast time, all Lucas have fallen asleep, even those who have not changed are also sleeping. Because Xiao Yu does n’t know when he will have a cure for them, and the unmutated Lucas are generally unwilling to have a big age gap with their loved ones, friends, etc., so in this society Under the factors, they simply went to sleep, and have not been awake until now.

Time slipped away in Xiao Yu's busy construction work. In addition to several city-level spacecrafts that have already been rebuilt, the Xingtai and Handan are also undergoing busy rebuilding. Ten years passed in a flash. Xiao Yu's fleet approached the edge of the star again. After entering the stellar wind range of the Sky Eagle Four Stars, the color of the spacecraft finally changed from pink which made Xiao Yu somewhat embarrassing back to normal.

The Sky Eagle four-star system is composed of five stars. They are roughly divided into two groups. One group is composed of two stars. At the current stage, they show some characteristics of the binary star system. The two stars are around their common center of mass. Rotate, the other three stars are mixed together, chaotic operation.

These five stars were named by Xiao Yu in alphabetical order, the first star was called Xiao A by Xiao Yu, the second star was called by Xiao Yu B, and so on.

The two star groups formed by these five stars are referred to by Xiao Yu as the first group and the second group.

Among the four galaxies of the Sky Eagle, while the two groups of the first group and the second group are operating separately, they also operate around the common center of mass of the five stars. These five stars as a whole, together with the Sky Eagle Nebula, are orbiting the silver heart.

The operation of stars is so complicated.

Together, these five stars create a star system that makes the brain swell, but there is a certain internal law between them.

This stellar structure is not stable. It is very likely that some day in the future, a certain star of the first group will be captured by the gravitational force of another group, joining their group, or it may be thrown out by gravity after a period of operation, losing this Group structure.

In short, the operation of three or more star groups is very chaotic and irregular. Their orbits have the possibility of prediction only in a short time ~ ~ Long-term prediction, at least Xiao Yu can't do it.

This means that a star may suddenly change its orbit and start to rush towards Xiao Yu's fleet. In general, the Four Eagles Galaxy is really not a good place to be nostalgic.

Even Xiao Yu had a little doubt about this trip.

"Such a place would have something to do with the Unification Theory?" Xiao Yu thought, slowing down the fleet once again and slowly moving towards these stars.

As the distance approached, Xiao Yu made an amazing discovery.

In such a chaotic place, Xiao Yu even discovered a planet. It is still a small rocky planet, about the size of Mars.

"What a pitiful little fellow." Xiao Yu couldn't help sighing as he watched the poor planet moving slowly around the stars.

In this stellar arena, not even stars can have a stable orbit, let alone the planets that depend on them. This poor little guy is destined to be kicked by the stars, without a stable home. If you are unlucky enough to get too close to the star during a change of hands, you will be torn by the star's gravity.

But judging from the fact that there are no large-scale asteroid belts in the Four Eagles Galaxy, it has not yet been torn apart. Of course, if the torn material is directly swallowed by the star, then it is another matter.

"Just use this little guy to settle down." Xiao Yu thought for a while, made a decision, began to control the spacecraft, and flew towards the poor little guy.

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