Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 165: Bizarre phenomenon

At this moment, the closest star to Xiao Yu is the C star. Its color is yellow and white. This color indicates that its surface temperature is higher than that of the sun. Correspondingly, its mass is also greater than that of the sun, about 1.8 times that of the sun.

Depending on the surface temperature, the stars will show different colors, from low to high, followed by red, yellow, white, and blue. Generally, stars with higher surface temperatures have greater mass, but they are not absolute. Just like a red giant, its color is also red, but it can be many times larger than a red dwarf. It appears red because it reaches its end of life, its volume expands, and its temperature decreases.

The C star is a star with a yellow-and-white color. It is the largest of the four Eagle systems. Currently, the poor planet is orbiting it. Xiao Yu's destination also points to this star.

In general, the orbits of the planets orbiting stars are predictable. For example, at certain times of the year, the distance from the sun is fixed. Even if there is an error, it can be ignored. It is also stable. But this planet is not. At some point in the week around the stars, the last week and this week have often changed a lot. This means that its orbit is extremely unstable. It doesn't look like a stable planet, it looks like some comet from the interstellar space in the solar system.

Obviously, this instability is caused by the gravitational disturbance of the remaining stars. Moreover, this disturbance is extremely strong, causing it to frequently change host stars.

Fourteen years before reaching the Eagle, Xiao Yu had already observed the planet. During the period of the year. It replaced its host star a full six times and averaged it out. Change every two months. The extent of its orbital instability is evident.

After approaching this five-star system, Xiao Yu really felt its magic.

Because there is no diffuse reflection in the universe, when the universe matter, whether it is a planet or a spaceship, approaches the star, the side facing the star is day, and the side facing away from the star is night. But within this galaxy. There is no night to say. Xiao Yu's fleet, whether front or back, front or back, was illuminated by stars.

While observing the data of these stars, Xiao Yu went on his own journey. At this moment, there is only 300 million kilometers away from that planet.

Xiao Yu has fully penetrated into the interior of this star system.

Above this distance. Xiao Yu suddenly observed that the five stars flickered at the same time. At this moment, the positions of the five stars are shifted by about 0.3 degrees at the same time. But the next moment, they returned to normal. It's as if this change never happened.

This phenomenon caused Xiao Yu's alarm.

"What's going on? They can't move in an instant?" Xiao Yu thought in confusion, and retrieved all the observation data at that moment. Careful analysis.

But the results of the analysis made Xiao Yu even more confused. Because Xiao Yu saw, at that moment, the mass and luminosity of all the stars. All parameters, such as orbit, are extremely normal. This made Xiao Yu doubt. Is there something wrong with your own observation equipment?

But Xiao Yu quickly ruled out this conclusion. If a single instrument fails, how about thousands of instruments at the same time? The odds are too small to be ignored.

Xiao Yu faintly excited.

"I can't explain this phenomenon yet. The girl's diary once said that the mystery of the Great Unification Theory is hidden in this five-star system. Could this strange phenomenon have the same unification theory? contact?"

This is the most reasonable explanation.

"At present, I don't know how this phenomenon occurs and how it works, but as long as I stay here for a long time, I can always find a way to figure out everything. As long as the phenomenon is explained clearly, I believe it is far away from me The unification theory is not far off. "

Xiao Yu cheered up even more. The unknown is not terrible. The terrible discovery cannot be the unknown, but considers itself in control. For example, in the Newton era, the three laws of mechanics were summarized, and with this tool, people who discovered Uranus and Neptune even thought they had mastered the operation of the entire universe. Correspondingly, scientific theory began to stagnate in this era, until the genius scientists represented by Einstein discovered new unknown phenomena, and by studying these unknown phenomena, they came up with new theories to promote humanity. Accelerated social progress has entered the atomic age.

Both quantum mechanics and relativity have emerged in this great era. They have strongly and strongly promoted human development and driven people to study more unknowns and gain more knowledge.

Xiao Yu's spacecraft gradually approached the planet and entered an orbit around it. From a close distance, Xiao Yu clearly saw the surface of the planet.

It was smooth ground with black crystals, and there were basically no undulations, no mountains, no valleys.

"It's really pathetic." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, and in his heart, his sympathy for this planet rose a little more.

Its surface condition clearly shows what kind of torture it has suffered. Those black surfaces are rocks that have once melted. It can be imagined that in the past, it has approached the star countless times, and then was burned by the huge heat of the star, causing the rock surface to melt away. Then, when it was away from the star, it cooled and condensed until it next approached. As the stars continue to melt ...

In this repeated process of coagulation, melting, coagulation, and melting, all the geological details on its surface have been erased.

It does not have an atmosphere. In fact, even if it had an atmosphere when it was first formed, it was stripped off by stars in the endless torture. As it is now, it is only about 50 million away from the C star, less than half the distance between the earth and the sun. In addition, the star activity of the C star is also much higher than that of the sun. Above this distance, if the earth is here, the earth's atmosphere will be completely stripped off within one million years.

Under the illumination of the C star, its surface temperature reached about 400 degrees Celsius, and below this temperature, its rocky surface began to emit a dim red light, like a horrible lava hell.

Except for the C star, the D star and the E star are not too far away, at a distance of 170 million and 200 million kilometers, respectively. From the point of view of this planet, the C star is like the size of a grinding disk and is dozens of times brighter than the sun. The D star is the size of a basketball and the luminosity is slightly dimmer than the sun. The E star is the size of a football and appears faint red , The brightness is a tenth of the sun, but still a thousand times brighter than the full moon.

There are three stars shining in this hell-like world.

On its back, the scenery is even more wonderful. Because it is now gravitationally locked by the C star, it always faces the C star on one side. On its back are A and B stars 770 and 800 million kilometers away. Above this distance, the two stars emit a light equivalent to ten to several hundred times the brightness of a full moon, and their surface is dim, which is roughly equivalent to the dusk above the earth. If anyone reads a book here, He will be able to read the words in the book without the help of the remaining light sources.

Its back temperature is about ten degrees.

This is probably the situation where Xiao Yu is staying.

"The environment is not so good, I will barely take a look." Xiao Yu smiled bitterly in his heart.

This place is no different from the sky, compared to the Aquila Samsung system and the vector animal star.

In such an environment, Xiao Yu began his preparations.

First, a large particle collider is a must. But here, it is not appropriate to orbit it. So Xiao Yu chose to reduce its size and let it orbit the planet. Secondly, in addition to studying various unknown phenomena here, Xiao Yu also plans to upgrade the fleet, so large docks are also necessary ~ ~ There are no gaseous planets here, so the fuel source becomes a problem. In order to solve this problem, Xiao Yu had to start a mineral survey on this planet, intending to replace nuclear fusion energy with nuclear fission energy.

In Xiao Yu's plan, nuclear fusion fuel is an emergency material and cannot be used lightly. The energy sources in the Four Eagles galaxy will be mainly solar energy and fission energy.

At the same time, in order to get enough building materials, Xiao Yu also needs to build a base on this planet. In order to combat the high temperature of the stars, these bases need to be built underground, which undoubtedly increases the amount of engineering. But Xiao Yu was not in a hurry. It is a long-term process to overcome the theoretical barriers of unification, and Xiao Yu does not expect to make a breakthrough in a short time.

After launching many satellites for geological exploration and a detailed understanding of the planet, Xiao Yu transported many modified robots to the surface of the planet and began the construction of the base.

In the midst of the rush, Xiao Yu still did not drop his observations of the five stars.

Three days after coming to this star, Xiao Yu observed another strange momentary star displacement. Unlike the last time, this time, the phenomenon happened on the night side of the planet.

In Xiao Yu's field of vision, two huge and bright moons suddenly disappeared, appearing at another location, offset by about 0.6 degrees. It lasted for about one thousandth of a second, and returned to its original position, still hanging slightly in the air, as if nothing had happened.

"Has it finally appeared again?" Xiao Yu was excited.

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