Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 169: Star Tug of War

One day before the planet's tear began, Luca III raised a question.

"Dear host, if in this five-star system, as you guessed, it is because of the chaos of gravity that those strong sources of gravity that do not have rules appear everywhere, then, in this upcoming Samsung In the front-line phenomenon, it is very likely that a large-scale random strong gravitational source will emerge due to some kind of gravitational engagement. We should prepare for observation in advance, maybe we can use this event , To fully understand the mechanism of the occurrence of strong gravitational sources. "

Luca III in the Paradise, said respectfully to Xiao Yu's ghost.

Xiao Yu thought for a moment, and nodded. "Your guess is very reasonable. It is possible that this last name will happen. I know. It will increase the relevant observations."

"Okay, master." Luca 3 bowed and then stepped back. Xiao Yu gathered all the satellites scattered in the vicinity and began to converge in this direction.

To be sure, this first-line phenomenon of Samsung may take a long time to happen once. Because of their chaotic orbits, when this happens will be largely unpredictable. It may happen once a day, or it may not happen once a billion years apart. This phenomenon can be observed within a few years after coming to this galaxy, which has to be said to be Xiao Yu's great luck.

"The so-called gains and losses must be." Xiao Yu thought. After putting aside some negative emotions caused by this incident, Xiao Yu began to observe the whole process of the event with full attention.

Xiao Yu saw that the A and B stars were moving around each other, slowly approaching the planet. Above this distance, their gravity has already affected the planet. The planet began to show some irregular swings, and at the same time, the planet showed some slight deformation.

Its irregular swing is getting stronger and stronger, which means that the gravitational force it receives is getting stronger and stronger. Xiao Yu saw that within this day, its longest diameter reached 10,000 kilometers, and the shortest diameter on both sides was shortened to less than 7,000 kilometers. It started to become very flat, like an egg.

"Poor fellow." Xiao Yu sighed in his heart and continued to observe these phenomena carefully. In the Paradise, several kilometers of Luca scientists gathered in front of their respective display screens, staring nervously at groups of data.

"Come here, come here!" Xiao Yu cried secretly. Xiao Yu saw that in the process of two stars orbiting each other, they just sandwiched the planet in the middle. On one side, it is the B star, with a distance of only two million kilometers, and on the other side, it is the A star and the C star, with a distance of 50 million and 20 million kilometers, respectively.

At this moment, the gravitational pull of the A and C stars converges, exerting a strong pulling force on the planet. At the same time, the B star is also pulling its other side.

This is a spectacular starry tug of war. In this game, there are no winners and only one loser.

The three stars are largely unaffected, but the planet will be torn apart.

Xiao Yu observed that under the tear of three different stars, the planet was pulled longer and longer, and pulled longer and longer ...

On one side, it continuously receives the gravitational pull of the A and C stars, but on the other side it is pulled by the B star. On both sides, they exhibited a tremendous force it could not resist. In desperation, it only divided itself into two and used its own death to calm the anger of the three big men.

It was torn. When its longest diameter was extended to more than 20,000 kilometers, it turned into two semi-circles like an apple that was opened by people.

This process seems to be the case with the instruments Xiao Yu installed on it.

Xiao Yu did not remove all the materials from it, but left behind a still large number of observation instruments.

The day before it was torn, the instruments observed some abnormal seismic waves. Hundreds of super-strong earthquakes occurred at the depths of the planet, with the highest magnitude even exceeding twelve and the depth of the epicenter was generally below two thousand kilometers.

Accompanying these strong earthquakes, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of this planet, more than ten kilometers deep. Against the black lava surface, these black cracks look like ugly mouths.

As gravity becomes more powerful, the strong geological phenomena that occur on this planet become more frequent. Xiao Yu observed that as the body became flat, the core was squeezed by gravity, and the temperature and pressure began to increase. At the same time, some ground surfaces began to thin. This caused extremely strong volcanic eruptions to begin to appear. There is a large amount of lava, like the juice inside the fruit, squeezed out by those invisible large hands.

On its sides facing the star, a tide similar to sea level began to appear. However, above the earth, the tide phenomenon occurs with water as the medium, and here, it occurs with rocks as the medium. Rising tide of seawater will cause sea level to rise, and rising tide of rocks means the emergence of high mountains.

As a result, on its two sides facing the star, many giant peaks up to 10,000 meters or even 100,000 meters appeared. Moreover, the height of these peaks is constantly increasing. Under the invisible gravitational pull, it is like a soft dough without any resistance.

It is drawn longer and longer, and more flattened. Finally, after reaching the limit, it looked like a spring pulled to the limit, slamming from the middle. Two objects, roughly hemispherical, carrying countless rubbles, flew towards the sides, and parted ways.

This interstellar tug of war ended with a break in the tug of war rope.

The three stars, like nothing else, continue their orbit. Stars A and B each obtained one of these two large fragments, and the remaining small debris was divided up by three stars. Some debris was even thrown out and captured by the unwilling D and E stars.

Xiao Yu observed the whole process of this planetary catastrophe. Until the end of this phenomenon, Xiao Yu was still immersed in shock, unable to extricate himself.

This way of destroying the planet is more shocking than any method of planet destruction that Xiao Yu has observed before. In contrast, planets hitting stars and even using a hydrogen bomb to blow up a planet are much worse than this method.

It's like the difference between being killed in the sea and cruel corpses.

In the process, Xiao Yu collected a lot of information.

Xiao Yu found that in this process, the frequency of the strong gravitational source in the Skyhawk Galaxy has increased a lot. What is observed within this day is equal to the sum of the quantities you have observed in the past month.

"Surely there is some connection between them." Xiao Yu thought secretly, "not only the number has increased a lot, but their duration has also greatly increased."

Looking back from the previous shock, Xiao Yu quickly began to analyze the relevant data. Xiao Yu's focus on detection is placed on the detection of gravitons and photons. Xiao Yu hopes that in these tests, some clues about the conversion of basic forces can be found.

However, in the analysis, Xiao Yu did not find the information he wanted, but observed another phenomenon that surprised him.

Xiao Yu found that the position of the stars observed from above the Hebei, and the positions observed by satellites scattered in other parts of the galaxy before, have some deviations.

This is undoubtedly another strong gravitational source phenomenon. But this time it was abnormal. It lasted too long, and it took an hour to retreat. Moreover, the scope of this strong gravitational source phenomenon is too wide.

All satellites scattered in the Sky Eagles four galaxies have observed displacement.

"How is this possible?" Xiao Yu thought quickly, "Is there a gravitational source strong enough to cover all the satellites?"

"No, this is basically impossible." Xiao Yu thought calmly, gradually, as if there was a chill ~ ~ emanating from Xiao Yu's mind.

"If ... if the observations of the satellites are correct, it means that my own observations are wrong. The only explanation for this phenomenon is that not all satellites are covered in the gravitational field , But ... my fleet is covered. "

It's as if during the day, your eyes are dark. After ruling out the possible surname that turned black during the day, the only possibility was that there was something wrong with his own eyes.

"Did there be a strong source of gravitational force coming to my side, covering all my spaceships? Only this one explained ..."

Xiao Yu turned on the spacecraft engine and tried to move the position. However, Xiao Yu suddenly found that his spacecraft could not move.

The spacecraft engine was still violently ejecting flames, but Xiao Yu could not detect any reverse thrust.

This phenomenon surprised Xiao Yu. If your spacecraft loses its ability to move, wouldn't it be like a meteorite, it can only follow the current in this galaxy and be imprisoned forever?

At this time, a strange phenomenon caught Xiao Yu's attention.

The flames of the spacecraft engine were unusually bright. And, at the rear of the engine, there were some strange material gathering phenomena. There are some interstellar dust particles, and the unusual start to move closer to here.

After thinking for a long time, an amazing conjecture appeared in Xiao Yu's mind.

"Maybe ... the thrust of my spaceship did not disappear, but was transformed into electromagnetic force and gravity by some unknown reason ..."

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