Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 170: Beginner Level 4 Civilization

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Chapter 170 The Primary Four-Level Civilization

After making this speculation, Xiao Yu immediately started relevant verification work.

The first is gravitational detection at the engine. After manufacturing the relevant detection equipment and installing it on the engine, as expected, Xiao Yu detected a large number of gravitons. Gravity proves gravity. Xiao Yu also found that there is a relationship between the magnitude of gravity and the power of the spacecraft engine. By detecting the convergence speed of interstellar dust particles, Xiao Yu can measure the magnitude of gravity. The results show that the greater the engine power, the greater the gravity.

At this moment, Xiao Yu remembered a weapon he possessed from the fourth-level civilization creation of the Lucca civilization, the gravity bomb.

The principle of gravity bomb is to transform energy into gravity and radiate it, relying on strong gravity to kill the enemy. How similar this process is now.

确定 After confirming the existence of gravitational force, Xiao Yu began the work of detecting electromagnetic force. The mediator of electromagnetic force is photon, and the unusually bright flame of the engine has proven that the electromagnetic force is extremely powerful here.

After understanding all this, Xiao Yu thought nervously.

"It's dangerous here. We must find a way to restore the spacecraft's power system. But ... what to do?" Faced with this unknown phenomenon, Xiao Yu felt a little confused.

现象 This phenomenon has been informed to Lucca scientists, and they have engaged in a lively discussion with Xiao Yu.

Luca III said to Xiao Yu, "Master, maybe we have another way."

"Well? Come and listen." Xiao Yu answered absently.

"This strong source of gravity caused us to cover us, and by converting our spacecraft's reverse thrust into gravitational and electromagnetic forces, it deprived us of the spacecraft's motive force. Then, as long as we think of a way, we will shield Without this conversion, or the energy that has been converted into gravity and electromagnetic force, and then converted back again, we can restore power. "

Xiao Xiaoyu smiled bitterly: "I know your way. But our current technology is not enough to complete this task. Unless, unless we have mastered the unified technology ..."

Luca III said quietly: "This is the only way we can do it, isn't it? In addition, we just have to wait for this strong source of gravity to dissipate by ourselves. But so far, time has passed. It has never shown signs of dispersal. We speculate that it is likely that due to the special celestial structure of Samsung ’s front line, this strong source of gravitational force that can exist for a long time is likely to exist for a long time. If we want to escape, we only have to master The unification theory is one way. Otherwise, we will only stay here for a long time and leave the fate to the control of the true God. "

"Although I have been titled a **** by you, it is really not my style to give my destiny to the true gods. Fortunately, this source of strong gravity does not seem to affect the interior of the spacecraft, and we can still conduct research within the spacecraft. So hurry up and master the unification theory as soon as possible and find a way to escape! "

Xiao Xiaoyu made a decision.

Xiao Xiaoyu renewed his energy and began his busy research task. In the next period of time, Xiao Yu's computing power was filled with countless complicated data. In Xiao Yu's mind, it was full of terms such as graviton, gravity, gluon, strong interaction, weak interaction, boson, Higgs field and so on. There are countless models, speculated to be built by Xiao Yu, one after the other.

Xiao Xiaoyu carried out countless engine starting tests and carefully observed any subtle phenomenon that occurred there. Lucca scientists have also shown their enthusiasm, and sleepless for days and nights has become the norm.

Mastering the unification theory and the method of energy conversion have become the current top priorities.

In this state, everyone, whether it is Xiao Yu or a Lucca scientist, their potential has all exploded.

Xiao Yu has never forgotten one thing, that is, the information storm that will reach the Milky Way after 25 years.

Under pressure, Xiao Yu made a key breakthrough first. In the third year after being confined to a strong gravitational source and the spacecraft lost power, Xiao Yu integrated electromagnetic and gravitational forces, confirming that photons and gravitons are just different forms of strange particles. When such a particle exhibits photonic properties, it is a mediator of electromagnetic force. When he shows the characteristics of a graviton, he is a gravitational medium.

This is the first breakthrough and the most important one.

Inspired by Xiao Yu's breakthrough, five years later, Luca scientists completed the second breakthrough. They combine strong interaction and gravity.

Twenty years later, Xiao Yu and Luca scientists completed the final breakthrough, combining weak interaction and gravity.

At this point, Xiao Yu's unified theoretical barriers were finally broken by Xiao Yu.

At this moment, there are still fifteen years before the information storm arrives.

庆祝 To celebrate the breakthrough of the unification theory, Xiao Yu and the Lucca scientists carried out the first celebration since the ten-year heavy work.

After ten years of busy work, Xiao Yu is better. After all, Xiao Yu is an electronic life and he doesn't feel tired. But the Lukas are different. In the past ten years, in order to study the unified theory, they have exhausted dozens of scientists. In this desperate job without capital and life, Xiao Yu finally started a new era of technological development.

He mastered the unified theory and proved that this civilization has initially entered the realm of fourth-level civilization.

This, of course, is something to celebrate.

Above the celebration party, all Luca scientists were drunk and drunk. Some lay on the ground, bared their chests, cried, and cried out in their mouths. In the next sacrifice, they will combine the key formulas of the unified theory Burned to the dozen or so exhausted scientists, if they are in the arms of the true God, they can also feel the joy of success, some hug each other, roar and roar, like one madman, but not serious. Orthodox scientist. But more people fell asleep on the ground and lost consciousness.

This is the way of celebration of the Lucas at the highest level. In fact, ten days after all of Xiao Yu's spacecraft were trapped here, the gossip had spread in Luka society and it was very disturbing. Under Xiao Yu's powerful brainwashing, although they were afraid and trouble-free, they were always depressed. Until now, after hearing that the “Master” and scientists joined forces, and finally completed the most important scientific and technological breakthroughs, they followed the carnival one by one.

Before, because I did n’t know when we could make a breakthrough, the material distribution in Luka society was unified. Now, the ban has been completely lifted. Both sides of the spacious streets in the Paradise and New Homes are filled with abundant food and drinks, and there is no limit to the supply.

The Luka people, who had been depressed for ten years, finally completely relaxed.

The celebration lasted for three days. After the celebration, Xiao Yu compulsorily asked Luca scientists to take a vacation, covering all the remaining work. After breakthroughs in key technologies, the rest became detail work, and Xiao Yu alone was enough to deal with it.

During this time, Xiao Yu successfully produced a smaller version of the gravity bomb, the principle of which is exactly the same as those of the fourth-level civilization, and the damage methods are exactly the same. Is a little less lethal. Xiao Yu researched it and came to the conclusion that this is due to the energy acquisition method and efficiency.

Xiao Yu also trial-produced the conversion shielding instrument and installed it on the spacecraft engine. When he started the engine, Xiao Yu finally saw an exciting scene.

Here I have been here for ten years, and the spacecraft that has been flowing for ten years has finally gained the ability to move freely again!

More than 100,000 spaceships, and dozens of huge material spaceships, slowly flaming blue flames at the tail, slowly left the Skyhawk Galaxy.

Next to the Four Eagles Galaxy, watching these five chaotic stars ~ ~ watching the star displacement phenomenon that still appears from time to time, recalling the fifteen years spent in this galaxy, Xiao Yu's heart was filled with emotion.

"Anyway, it is a breakthrough after all. In the future, as long as we gradually improve the relevant details of science and technology based on the unification theory and fully enter the field of fourth-level civilization, it will become a nail-biting thing ..."

"Zhang ... is Seungya? I want to thank you a lot. If it wasn't for your diary reminder, who would have thought that the mystery of the unification theory would be hidden in this five-pointed galaxy? Uh, although also I have encountered some dangers, but the results are always good. "

"Okay, the unification theory broke through, what should we do next? The development of detailed technology cannot be completed overnight. Don't worry about this for now. There are still fifteen years, and the information storm is coming. I should go. Where is it going? How can I avoid this storm? "

Xiao Yu leaned against this five-pointed galaxy and looked at the slightly reddish interstellar space, but Xiao Yu's heart was a little dazed.

"The road ahead is slim, I don't know where to go." Xiao Yu sighed.

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a shock.

Because, Xiao Yu received another message from the Guardian Alliance's space broadcast message.

"13,364 times space broadcast, Galaxy Galaxy."

"If you can receive this message, then it proves that you have at least primary interstellar navigation capabilities. The information broadcast below may be of great importance to you, so please analyze it carefully." (To be continued. If You like this work, and you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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