Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 171: 1 discussion

Xiao Yu has been waiting for this message for a long time. Xiao Yu is very eager to get a little information about the information storm from here, so as to come up with a direction of struggle.

However, the arrival of this message made Xiao Yu's heart sink to the bottom again.

"The latest monitoring results show that the information storm from the Andromeda galaxy will reach the Milky Way Galaxy ten years in advance. At the same time, the risk will be increased from B to A. All civilizations that can receive this message, please import this information immediately Your central computer, the program will automatically start the manufacture of simple ultra-long range communication equipment, then please contact us and we will immediately send someone to greet you into the safe area. Please note that this is your last chance. "

"Broadcaster: Guardian Alliance headquarters."

Looking at this message, Xiao Yu was speechless for a long time.

"Arrive ten years in advance ... Doesn't that mean that five years later, the information storm is coming? What should I do? How to do it?"

Xiao Yu's heart was unusually heavy.

"I don't know the killing mode, I don't know the evasion method, I don't know anything, what should I do?" Xiao Yu thought silently, the excitement of mastering the unified theory was completely dispelled by this message.

Xiao Yu once again convened Lucca scientists and started a discussion.

So far, this information is still confidential to Lucca society, and only some top-level Lucca talents are eligible to participate in this meeting.

At the meeting, Xiao Yu made this information public. Immediately, the Lucca scientists fell into a heated discussion.

"Quiet." Xiao Yu made a sound, motioning to all Luca scientists to calm down. Only said: "The purpose of holding this meeting is for everyone to discuss it together. How should we deal with this crisis?"

The meeting room was silent, and no one spoke.

Xiao Yu sighed and said, "Did anyone comment?"

Luca III hesitated, stood up, and said, "I give my opinion. At present, we know nothing about the information storm, and even if we want to prevent it, we don't know what to do. So we can only follow the Knowledge. "

"We might as well assume that the information storm is an astronomical phenomenon similar to a supernova explosion, or we can combine the measures to deal with a supernova explosion to defend it."

"Very good, keep talking." Xiao Yu gestured.

Luca III continued: "The information about the supernova explosion must be clear to everyone. I won't repeat it. Well, the most important killing method of a supernova explosion is a strong gamma-ray burst, which will destroy the interior of our spacecraft. All of the instruments, which carry extremely high energy, can even melt our spacecraft. Faced with the supernova explosion phenomenon that occurs at close range. The only way we can deal with it is to hide behind a certain star body, and use this as Shields before they can hide. "

"So, my advice is. Find a star and hide all of our fleet behind."

Luca III finished. Sit down.

An objection was immediately expressed: "I don't think it will help. If you simply hide behind the astral body, you can avoid this information storm. Why should the Guardian Alliance be so serious? Besides, the gamma-ray burst The speed of light spreads. The speed of this information storm is definitely faster than the speed of light. These are clearly two different phenomena. How can we prevent information storms in accordance with the method of preventing supernova outbreaks? "

Luca III countered: "Finding a star to hide behind is at least better than doing nothing, waiting here to die."

Another person stood up and said, "I express my opinion. According to our current speculation, bypassing the relativity limit and achieving super-light speed transmission is achieved by converting energy into gravity and bending the surrounding space by gravity. That is to say, curved space is the most important process of transmission at the speed of light. Since this information storm travels at the speed of light, can it be inferred that it is also realized by curved space? Maybe we can make a simple The curved layer of space creates a protective cover to avoid the damage of the information storm? "

"I oppose it." Another person stood up and said, "The means of super-light navigation is a technology that must be mastered by the fourth-level civilization. Don't forget that the Guardian Alliance is a sixth-level civilization that can make them all so serious. , I don't think that through the scientific and technological means of the fourth-level civilization, we can find a way to prevent the information storm. "

"So, you mean, let's just do nothing and wait for death here?" Retorted another Luca scientist.

"No." The person continued, "Since through our own efforts, there is no hope of defending against the information storm, then we can only use the natural environment to hide this catastrophe. I agree to find a star and hide in it The latter way. "

Among the hundreds of people at the conference, Luca scientists stood up to express their views. Xiao Yu listened quietly beside him.

"I think we should obey the instructions of the Guardian Alliance, import that information into the central computer, and let the Guardian Alliance save us!" In the heated discussion, suddenly, an excited young Luca scientist stood When he got up, he shouted.

Just after the last word of the passage had fallen, the hall was quiet for a moment. Hundreds of Lucas looked at each other and none spoke.

"Why guard the Alliance of Guardians so much?" The man continued shouting. "We haven't lived under the protection of the Alliance of Guardians! Even if the owner is a special existence that combines the soul and the computer, who Can we be sure that the Guardian Alliance will definitely be detrimental to the owner? Or, we can let the owner hide it and pretend that we are just an ordinary science and technology civilization? "

"We don't have the right to make a decision on this issue. The final result depends on the will of the host." After a moment of silence, Luca II, the leader of all Lucas, stood up and said.

Hundreds of eyes looked at the podium of Xiao Yu above the podium.

Xiao Yu pondered.

In silence, Luca III slowly said, "No matter what the host's final decision is, I choose to stay with the host."

"I am a new generation of Lucas born in interstellar voyages. I have not lived in the safe area of ​​the Guardian Alliance, but through the description of the elders, I also have some understanding of life in the safe area. . "

"Living under asylum is not so good. In the safe area, in order to obtain contributions to ensure our survival, we have to sacrifice the time to develop science and technology to complete each task, and face high civilization We have to bow our knees and try our best to satisfy their greed. If they are a little unhappy, they will be retaliated and assigned some dangerous tasks, which will lead to the death of thousands of people and the same level of race. There are secret battles, intrigues, and joining the Guardian Alliance, you ca n’t get out of it again. Instead, you can only continue to contribute to our strength. Unless our race perishes, we can never be relieved. ”

"I don't know if you have discovered that in the Guardian Alliance, we have lost our dignity as an independent civilization. The acquisition of science and technology is not obtained through our own research, but through the degree of contribution, and we get security. , But lost the ability to develop. "

"That kind of life is not what I want. Compared with it, I prefer the current life. Without the oppression of high-level civilization, and without the exhaustion in order to obtain living materials, we can devote ourselves to the research of science and technology Seeing that under our efforts, we are strong little by little, which is not good? Among the races of the masters, there is a saying that there is no free lunch in the world, and it has been sheltered by the Guardian Alliance. Where is the good thing to pay for it? "

Luca III sat down and was quiet again in the venue.

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I agree. Staying in the starry sky, we do not necessarily die ~ ~ but returning to the Guardian Alliance, we will certainly lose the good life now."

All the Lucas scientists stood up, whether they were old wrinkled scientists or young scientists with the same spirit, saying the same thing.

"I would rather greet death in the stars than return to the Guardian Alliance."

"Of course, the final decision is in the hands of the owner." Luca II said.

Xiao Yu is still thinking silently. In his thinking, Xiao Yu carefully considered everything from the time he left the earth to the time after ten thousand years.

"From the words of the white dwarf alien beast, my existence seems to be the result of a deliberate experiment of some super civilization, and I am a successful experiment."

"From the beginning of leaving the solar system under manipulation, to the white dwarf beast, to the body of the earth woman in the 90's spaceship, all this seems to be connected with a clue."

"Someone is watching me in secret."

"I'm wondering if it was accidental or inevitable that I met the Earth human soul who became a ghost. Is it because my people realized that I was in danger and rushed to save me, or did this existence give them a hint, Come and help me out of trouble. "

"So there is a question worth thinking about, what will they do in this crisis?"

"I don't think they should just watch me suffer from the information storm and die. So ... what will they do to help me survive this disaster?"

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