Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 479: conspiracy

With Xiao Yu's current technology, Xiao Yu still can't directly probe what is in the mind of intelligent creatures, so Xiao Yu has no way to know what Xu Junpe is thinking. However, according to the intelligence analysis obtained by Xiao Yu's monitoring, Xiao Yu thought that at this moment, he was probably thinking about how to retaliate.

Xu Junbo has already gone to school, and in the school, another classmate bullied him. So, under the supervision of Xiao Yu, Xu Junpo started some weird moves that Xiao Yu thought.

The school spirit in the school has always been very good, so even in the principal's office, there are not many monitoring measures, but this is for intelligent creatures. Xiao Yu has not let go of this place.

So, Xiao Yu saw the sneaky Xu Junpo here after several days of investigation. Finally, one day, he opened the door of the principal's office and took away the principal of this elementary school to stay here. Of a book.

In the highly developed Shenzhou civilization, the book has become a kind of decoration or luxury. This book is a book that the principal is extremely fond of.

The principal who lost the book became furious, so security forces stepped in, and they found the book in the backpack of the student who had bullied Xu Junpo very accidentally. As a result, rumors of a thief in the school spread instantly.

In this era, a thief is a serious crime that can basically ruin a person's credibility throughout his life. The student burst into tears and tried desperately to discern, but under conclusive evidence, any of his excuses were ignored. The angry principal wanted to fire him, and his parents looked like a long sigh, and even looked at him with a little disgust. All his friends have alienated him.

Xu Junpe did this very secretly and thoughtfully. He accomplished it with a sophisticated experience that was not commensurate with his age. His mind was even thoughtful before leaving the principal's office, and he assembled it by himself. The instrument completely eliminated the trace left by himself, leaving a trace of the student in the principal's room.

When all the unfavorable evidence points to this student. When his charges were unshakable, he collapsed.

Xiao Yu has been watching this incident coldly, except for some subtle movements, Xiao Yu has not made any interference.

"The brain is not yet fully developed ... at the stage when only primary education is available. With such ability to act, you are truly extraordinary. But according to your personality, this should only be the beginning of your revenge plan. I am a little looking forward to you What will happen next? "

Xu Junbo did not disappoint Xiao Yu's hopes. As things progressed to the present, he started the next move.

He approached the student who had been alienated by everyone, and Wen Yan comforted him and accompanied him to school. After school together, I even got something delicious. Never forget to give him a share.

In this case. Xu Junbo and this student quickly became best friends. The student sincerely apologized to Xu Junpo for the past, but Xu Junpo smiled wildly: "It doesn't matter."

But Xiao Yu knew that something weird was happening between the two.

"I know you have been wronged. Someone has framed you in this matter." Xu Junpe said in a very sincere tone. "As your best friend, I believe in your character."

"But what can I do?" The student said very sadly: "I don't know why. All the evidence will point to me. Everyone has alienated me, the classmates hate me, the teacher hates me, Xu Junbo Thank you for treating me as a friend at this time. "

"You should think of a way to wash out your crimes and innocent yourself." Xu Junpo shook his head and said, "You were originally wronged. You shouldn't bear the notoriety of a thief."

"What to do?" The student's eyes immediately became hot.

"I have a solution," Xu Junpe said calmly, "it depends on whether you would do it."

"I do, I do! As long as I can return my innocence, I will do anything!" The student said very urgently, "Do you know? I want to die during this time. When I get home, My parents are cold to me a lot, even I feel that even the security robot in my house looks at me with irony! I'm fed up! Tell me, what should I do? "

"Yes, I just want you to die." Xu Junpo said.

"What?" The student froze for a moment, then became furious: "Isn't you even mocking me now?"

"I didn't sneer at you." Xu Junpo shook his head and said, "Now that life is so precious, no one will doubt someone who is willing to prove his innocence with his own life. So you have to die once. Even if you finally You ca n’t die, and you have to prove your determination through this behavior. At that time, others will say that you must be wronged. ”

The student calmed down, but his hand trembled: "What should I do? What should I do?"

"Look." Xu Junbo's hand pointed to a building next to them: "This building is only six stories high. Tomorrow, you can jump upstairs-of course, you will not fall directly to The ground. On the third floor, there is a layer of anti-fall net. When you fall, you will fall on the net. In this way, you cannot die, but your grievances can be washed away. "

The student looked up, and sure enough, everything was like what Xu Junpo said.

"Okay!" He gritted his teeth, and with a trembling voice, agreed to this approach proposed by Xu Junpei. Even when he was out of campus, he went to the field several times. The result made him very satisfied, everything was as expected, every time he jumped, he would be caught by that layer of net.

"My friend, thank you so much. When I wash away my grievances, I will thank you." Looking at the classmate leaving with ecstasy, Xu Junpo's face leaked weird. Smile. He did not leave, but quietly took out an anti-fall net that had been rusted and had no toughness, and replaced the intact anti-fall net on that building ...

"I was wronged! The principal's book was not stolen by me! Neither of you believe me, nor do you believe me!" The student yelled frantically from the top of the building, and the students who stood by the crowd were watching. Several teachers were trying to advise him, but it had no effect. The principal did not know where to go, and the head of the security team did not come.

The student finally jumped down. When he jumped down, he even secretly made a victory gesture to Xu Junpo hidden in the corner. Xu Junpo smiled back slightly.

He fell dead. The rusted anti-fall net did not delay his falling speed for even a moment, and he fell directly to the ground and died.

There was a huge exclamation from the crowd, and some timid students even covered their faces and fled. Several teachers looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

They had called the police for a long time, but did not know why, the police never came.

"Perhaps, he was really wronged, and not necessarily." A teacher said with regret, "but it doesn't have to be proved with life. Hey, a good student, it's a pity."

Hearing this argument, Xu Junpo walked out of the crowd with a smile on his face.

"I deliberately broke the principal's transportation, so at this time, he should be repairing the factory; the security robot of the security team leader was damaged by my data-level attack. At this time, he should be working with the police. Investigating crazy security robots. I also hacked their personal computing terminals and blocked all messages from the school. As life is so precious now, as the direct responsible persons, neither of you is present, so, just Accept the punishment for negligence ... Well, you deserve this punishment. "

Xiao Yu didn't know what Xu Junpo was thinking at the moment, but Xiao Yu knew that at this moment, he must be very proud.

"It's still a bit naive," Xiao Yu thought secretly. "If I didn't help you solve some small problems, do you think you can escape the palm of the police? But ~ ~ I have shown such a strong ability of movement and careful thinking at my age. It seems that Vicky has indeed left you a very valuable wealth ... I really look forward to it, you happened to be born when I was promoted from a fifth-level civilization to a sixth At the critical moment of civilization, I want to see, what kind of contribution will you make to promote my scientific and technological progress? "

Xiao Yu reported with great anticipation on Xu Junpe's superb ability from an early age. Xiao Yu absolutely does not believe that an intelligent creature that has grown up under the surveillance of one ten thousandth of its computing power will have the ability to rebel against itself and imprison itself. Regardless of whether he is a conspiracy set by the Taihao civilization, Xiao Yu intends to count it. This man is very dangerous. Xiao Yu has the intention to kill him, but before killing him, Xiao Yu intends to squeeze out all his available value.

"From the fifth-level civilization to the sixth-level civilization, there is a huge gap among them. With the help of the current scientific research force, I don't have the confidence to cross it. So, Xu Junpei, show it well."

After leaving a part of computing power to monitor Xu Junpo, Xiao Yu's spirit was once again invested in the huge construction tasks in the galaxy.

Time, it has been more than 180 years since Xiao Yu reached this stellar system. In another 20 years, Xiao Yu's huge fleet should set sail and embark on a new journey.

PS: Sorry, I had a little accident today, but fortunately I arrived at 10 o'clock and coded this chapter. Finally, there was no change. Huh ...

Years are over and things are much less, but it should not happen tomorrow. Let the rainbow slow down for a few days before talking about it. Before the end of the month, there will be and no fewer outbreaks.

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