Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 480: Tahoe Alliance

When Xiao Yu ’s preparations were completed for the last 20 years, he would set out to find the remaining five civilizations in the galaxy and communicate with them. In one corner of the vast galaxy, There are three inexplicable beings coming together to discuss something.

The environment here is quite weird and quite harsh. Such a place, at least Xiao Yu dare not approach.

Beside them, there is the most terrifying existence in the universe, which is a black hole. Around this black hole, there is an infinite amount of interstellar gas. The interstellar gas is like the ocean, and the black hole hidden in the interstellar gas is like the fierce shark in the sea. At this moment, the shark is devouring these things violently.

The mass of this black hole in the center of the gas mass has reached at least five hundred times that of the sun, and it is already considered as a medium-sized black hole. The total mass of this gas and dust is at least ten times that of the sun. In the process of orbiting the silver heart, this group of gas and dust encountered the black hole unfortunately, and was captured by the gravitational field of the black hole. The ending can only be swallowed up.

The gravity of the black hole accelerates these gases to extremely terrifying high speeds, allowing them to rotate around themselves, swallowing them bit by bit during the rotation process. However, this will bring a problem, that is, because the speed of the external gas around the black hole is too fast, and the horizon of the black hole has not been crossed, the escape speed here has not exceeded the speed of light, that is, as long as the Fast enough that they can still escape the gravitational field of a black hole.

As a result, some crazy gases that were accelerated to extremely close to the speed of light got enough escape speed under high-speed collisions with each other, and they escaped from the gravitational field of the black hole in a dangerous way. Under the influence of the black hole magnetic field. They were sprayed straight out along the poles of the black hole, and they were like lasers, basically without scattering. They maintain this state of concentration, like a sharp sword that cuts through the dark universe, and in this universe, it has spread a distance of dozens of light years.

During this process, extremely bright gamma rays, x-rays and other radiation were emitted. The environment here is extremely harsh. It is very bad. Even if Xiao Yu ’s Asian spacecraft came here, he may not have the ability to retreat.

In such a harsh environment, these three existences are as if in a calm star system, completely invisible to the violent radiant energy of the outside world.

"I'm Taihao of Science and Technology. The blocking operation has failed. Xu Junpa has been successfully born. In this struggle with the civilization of sweepers, our Taihao Alliance has failed."

"I tried to stop Xiao Junbo from appearing by destroying all of his intelligent creatures. But my strategy was seen by Xiao Yu, and I didn't get the effect I expected. However, I have already replaced Xu The concept of Junper being the leader of the rebels was instilled in Xiao Yu's mind, and when the plan of the sweeper civilization was made, we affected the brain of the male intelligent creature through our most secret means. The chess piece has the name. In the future, I believe that Xiao Yu will pay enough attention to this baby, which means that we still have room for change. "

The message was bright from a ship. From a huge ship like the moon. If Xiao Yu were here, Xiao Yu could quickly recognize that this spacecraft is the flagship of the Taihao civilization, the Meson spacecraft.

"I am a strange beast too. The attention from 'it' is getting closer and closer. As the existence of the 'it' attention that has already attracted once, our present life is not good. This is our only chance, it is us The only chance to get out of the current state and enter the seventh-level civilization category. If we fail this time, we will completely disappear from this universe. "

"Only by destroying the sweeper civilization, can we be promoted to the seventh-level civilization. Xiao Yu carries our hope against the neutron battle star. Our incomparable hope Xiao Yu will become stronger as soon as possible, but due to the restrictions of the rules, we cannot directly Come forward to help Xiao Yu. We have been struggling to fight against the civilization of the cleaners, but we still let the civilization of the cleaners find a hole, which led to the birth of Xu Junbo, and buried a chess piece in Xiaoyu's Shenzhou civilization. What shall we do next? "

"Or, we shot it directly and risked violating the rules to directly destroy all the intelligent creatures in the Shenzhou civilization? After all, it would not help to destroy Xu Junbo alone. We must prevent the sweeper civilization from continuing to do it in the future. This arrangement is the most secure when all of them are eliminated. "

This message was sent from a giant beast. Although this monster is also a strange beast Tahoe, its existence form is obviously different from that of the half-four-dimensional Tahoe from the Large Magellanic Cloud. It is physical, and its body is quite large.

It just curled quietly in the endless interstellar dust, quietly, without any movement. But even if it curls up, its body is still huge like a star. Roughly estimated, its body is even larger than the other beast trapped above the white dwarf.

"I am the ghost Taihao. Previously, the battle between our Taihao Alliance and the Sweeper civilization has always been carried out under the level allowed by the rules. If we intervene directly, destroy all intelligent creatures, and violate the rules, this will bring us It ’s very bad for us. If we really shot directly, I believe that the mad sweeper civilization will no longer care about our Taihao Alliance ’s resistance, and will directly risk Xiaoju ’s death by risking serious damage. .In this case, things are irreversible. "

"Since the sweeper civilization did not violate the rules, then we do not have to violate the rules. The sweeper civilization hopes to enter the seventh-level civilization by destroying Xiao Yu, but because we are blocked by the Taihao Alliance and cannot directly shoot, we have arranged Xu. Junpe is a pawn. We hope Xiao Yu will become stronger and use Xiao Yu's power to destroy the sweeper civilization, so as to allow ourselves to enter the category of seventh-level civilization. This is a very chaotic situation. "

"At least in the current situation, Xu Junpei's **** cannot be lost. Not only can we not destroy it, we must even stop Xiao Yu from destroying it. It took such a great effort to make such a plan. I ’m pretty sure that if Xu Junpo is dead, the sweeper civilization will risk losing all of his conventional power, killing our Taihao Alliance, and by the way, Xiao Yu. In other words, even Xu Junpe is going to die , You must also die after the wiper civilization has been wiped out. Now it seems that the situation is okay. Xiao Yu does not seem to intend to destroy Xu Junpei, but intends to keep it and observe slowly. "

"Things haven't reached the worst situation yet. At least, Xiao Yu now has complete control over Xu Junpo. Xu Junpo is destined not to die. Then, our hope is fully maintained in Xiao Yu. Look at the battle between Xiao Yu and Xu Junpe, who will win, and see if Xu Junpe's method is more sophisticated or Xiao Yu's method is more sophisticated. "

This message comes from a void. This guy who claims to be a ghost is too similar to the aging ghost family that Xiao Yu once encountered. If Xiao Yu is here, Xiao Yu can clearly confirm that this guy and the aging ghost family he encountered are not at all similar, they are the same existence at all.

"When the rules were not so strict, I drilled into the air, at the cost of being punished by the rules and reducing the strength by 30%. I personally taught Xiao Yu and left my ghost heart to point out to Xiao Yu. It ’s the direction of eliminating the neutron war star. Our Taihao Alliance has paid so much effort, I hope Xiao Yu will not let us down. "

There was something slightly sad in the tone of the ghost.

"Ghost, I remember you said that when the previous generation of the ghost family was not dead, the next generation of the ghost family could not be born, is this true?" Technology Taihao asked.

"This sentence is naturally true." Ghost Taihao replied, "After my main civilization was wiped out by the sweepers, I was in a rush to try to impact the seventh-level civilization, and it failed ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ The yin and yang changed into the ghost Taihao. At this time, I realized that the person who became Taihao was no longer subject to the hidden restrictions. I was Taihao first, and then the ghost family. . My existence is not in conflict with the next generation. I told Xiao Yu these words, just to let Xiao Yu be careful not to damage his companion ghost family and cause himself setbacks. "

Between this question and answer, the three Taihaos were silent. At half a moment, the technology in the Meson spacecraft too sighed quietly: "The situation has progressed to this point, we have to come up with coping measures. Xu Junbo, we can't interfere, this can only be Leave it to Xiao Yu to handle it myself. In the rest, I think we should still do something. "

"Yes, we have to do something." Yi Hao Tai Hao replied.

"Okay," said Ghost Taihao, "I'm going to find the cleaner."

Technology Taihao said, "I'm going to find a guardian."

The strange animal Taihao said: "I heard that the crocodiles among the three major six-level strange beasts seem to be very restless ... It seems that it also plans to touch Xiao Yu. The same is the strange beast, then, the crocodiles are here Let me come forward ... Teach him, let him be honest and good. "(To be continued ...)

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