Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 585: Space direction, Taiyu civilization!

Xiao Yu knew that the war between himself and the fifth-level civilization alliance had come to an end. In the end, the Level Five Civilization Alliance detonated the stars of the Death Flower Galaxy in a fully prepared situation, and resolved the crisis at a relatively small cost. The energy erupted from the stellar explosion can be divided between enemy and me. Whether it is the fifth-level civilization alliance or Xiao Yu's Shenzhou civilization, it is within its strike range.

In order to avoid the huge energy of the star explosion, Xiao Yu had to enter the space of curvature and escape to the outside world at the speed of light. In the process of escape, Xiao Yu will make various arrangements, maneuvering one or two planetary bases in front of him, and then keep the Earth and all the warships, as well as all the homes, the rest can be saved Planetary bases, and all commercial, industrial, and transportation ships, are hidden behind these planetary bases used as shields. After doing all these arrangements, Xiao Yu will be separated from the curvature space, waiting for the huge energy of the star to explode.

A supernova explosion is one of the most violent energy releases in the universe, but this energy release usually lasts only a short time. It is only a few weeks short, and it is generally not longer than one year. Such a length of time, compared to the long life of the star, is not even an instant.

It's just that there are gains and losses. Now that you have obtained the qualification for such a violent burst of energy, you naturally need to exchange all your remaining life in the future. This is originally a fair way of conversion.

This means that Xiao Yu only needs to hide behind the planetary base, wait quietly for a while, and wait for the star's explosion to calm down before coming out.

"Now you should have begun to flee? Rely on the poor maneuverability of the planetary war star, and slowly escape to the outside ..." Xiao Yu calculated silently. I was thinking about what measures I should take next to destroy the Level 5 Civilization Alliance, and what measures the Level 5 Civilization Alliance would take next.

The answer is obvious. After the Level 5 Civilization Alliance used the sacrificed ten planetary battle stars to resist the violent explosion energy of the death flower galaxy stars, when the situation was a little calmer, they would accelerate the remaining planetary battle stars and then use all the warships. , Spacecraft and other escorts, leave this place.

Xiao Yu didn't worry that the Level 5 Civilization Alliance would run too far to find them. The reason is very simple. The planetary battle star of the fifth-level civilization alliance has no curvature navigation ability, and the normal navigation acceleration is only poorly ten meters per second. The planetary battle star is the final trump card of the fifth-level civilization alliance against Xiao Yu, and they are not likely to abandon the planetary battle star. Then Xiao Yu has nothing to worry about.

Even if Xiao Yu gave them a hundred years to escape, they could not run far.

"Planet battle stars without curvature navigation ability. It is always the biggest limitation of your strength. Your planet battle star cannot enter the curvature navigation one day, and you have to bear the threat of a star explosion one day. Well, there are many stars nearby. I can bring ten or even a hundred stars to chase and intercept you everywhere. As long as I reach the effective killing range, I will detonate the stars. Use the powerful power of the stars to destroy you. In this way. The next thing War will be fun ... "Xiao Yu sighed slightly.

Even in the process of constantly carrying stars around and blocking the fifth-level civilization alliance, Xiao Yu can also send a large number of fleets to constantly harass or storm the fifth-level civilization alliance, and try his best to delay their escape and consume their strength.

This is what Xiao Yu intends to use next.

Planetary Battle Stars have extremely poor mobility. This means that Xiao Yu can easily predict their orbit and direction in the next period. Then Xiao Yu could completely carry a star from a distance, and keep on their forward trajectory in advance, after they approached to a certain degree. Detonate the star.

Of course, the fifth-level civilization alliance can also change the orbit in advance to avoid the spread of stars. The stars that Xiao Yu transported can only reach 0.3 times the speed of light, which is really not too fast. The Fifth-level Civilization Alliance can start warnings ten or even decades in advance, and then they will have a lot of time to change their trajectories.

But don't forget, there are many stars here. As long as Xiao Yu's computing power is within range, there can be as many stars as Xiao Yu wants. If one star can't stop, then come two stars, even ten or one hundred.

The next war situation will be continuous pursuit and interception and flight. The warring parties will take the entire galaxy as a stage and stage a unique hiding cat activity here. The bet for this event is the survival of civilization. The civilization that won this event will be eligible to survive, and at least 95% will be promoted to a seventh-level civilization. The loser will completely dissipate in the void of this universe, as if it had never existed before.

The technology of the Level 5 Civilization Alliance has been advancing. Presumably even in the process of fleeing, they will not relax the research and development of science and technology. In other words, even if they flee, their technology will still maintain the current rate of progress, and even Go beyond that. Calculated at this speed, the technology gap between them and Xiao Yu is about 150 years.

If Xiao Yu still ca n’t find the fifth-level civilization alliance for more than 150 years, and ca n’t stop them with stars and destroy them or cause serious damage to them, the fifth-level civilization alliance will have the advantage of the war situation, so The ultimate victory was obtained, and in turn, if the Level 5 Civilization Alliance could not hide for so long, they were found by Xiao Yu in advance, and then stopped by Xiao Yu, they would encounter the disaster. The angry stars will devour most of their power, the remaining power will be compiled by Xiao Yu, and civilization will be extinct.

What this game determines is the survival of two civilizations. Of course, in this game, Xiao Yu took the absolute initiative. This is the advantage brought by advanced technology.

"Wait, the war is coming to an end soon. I will surely win this war ... It will be me, not you, who reaches the level 6 civilization. Whether you are a Pegasus civilization, The pedestal civilization or the sextant civilization, even the fifth-level civilization alliance, you can't stop my footsteps. "

Xiao Yu secretly made up his mind.

At this time, Xiao Yu has completed his own defense arrangement. Two relatively low-value planetary war stars have been selected as shields, blocking the direction of the stellar explosion energy, and the rest of Xiao Yu's The creations all hid behind the two stars.

Xiao Yu started quietly waiting for the arrival of that huge energy. After this disaster has passed, this time it will determine the life-and-death activities of two fifth-level peak civilizations, and it will begin.

At the same time, in another corner of the galaxy, some extremely strange things are happening in a place that Xiao Yu didn't know.

One that has only length and width, but no thickness, is like a piece of paper that is thin to the limit, and is constantly wandering here. This existence is a space creature that was wounded and escaped in the battle with the civilization of the sweeper.

This space is very dark and there are no stars within a light year of its surroundings. This means that it is almost in absolute darkness. Not only could the little stars around me not illuminate the place, but it added some weird atmosphere to it out of thin air.

In this dark airspace, space creatures are muttering to themselves: "Finally, we have found the relics of the ancient Taiyu civilization ... As a seven-level civilization in the direction of space, Taiyu civilization possesses space science and technology. Deeper understanding than me. But I have the talent in space, and Taiyu civilization has disappeared after all, so their relics still cannot escape my perception. Then let me see, in yours Is there anything good in the ruins ... "

"Abominable cleaner civilization, I didn't expect that the neutron war star was so powerful ... Well, this neutron war star seems to be the creation of civilization in the direction of the extreme astral body. But it is not known which civilization's creation ~ ~ Civilizations with extreme stars as their development direction are extremely scarce, and extremely difficult to promote. I have never encountered one since I was born in the universe. "

"Compared to this, the civilization in the space direction is easy to be promoted, and the number is the largest. Unfortunately, this Taiyu civilization has not been able to develop the space technology to the extreme, or it has gradually disappeared in a long time. If It ’s not that I got some secret information, I really do n’t know the existence of this Taiyu civilization, and I do n’t know that Taiyu civilization left this relic in the galaxy. ”

"The trauma caused by the sweeper civilization is too serious, and my space composition is almost torn. I hope that among the relics of Taiyu civilization, one can find me to recover and defeat the neutron war star. The way ... "

Just in front of the space creature, there is a small dot floating between existence and non-existence. This wandering is not a wandering in the usual sense, but follows an irregular movement. Maybe at this moment, this little point is still here, and the next moment, it will reach a place tens of light years away. But the space creature has been following it closely behind it, never leaving it too far. (To be continued ...)

ps: This is the 30-month monthly change today, continue to ask for monthly tickets! !! !! !!

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