Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 586: 0-dimensional world

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This little dot in front of a space creature exists in this three-dimensional cosmic space in a very strange way. It exists and does not exist. It is said to exist, but it has nothing, no length, no width, and no height, that is, it does not occupy space at all, has no volume, no surface area, no mass, nothing.

Such a state of existence is no different from non-existence.

But if it doesn't exist, it doesn't seem very appropriate. It is really in front of the space creatures, exuding real space fluctuations, and this space fluctuation can be truly detected by the space creatures.

Space creatures know that this little point is actually a world, and it is a zero-dimensional world. The remains of Taiyu civilization, which chose space as the direction of civilization, are in this zero-dimensional world.

Hiding the remains of one's own civilization in a zero-dimensional world, this method is more sophisticated than the Tollor civilization hiding the remains of one's own civilization in a small universe. The sixth-level civilization has the ability to cut the small universe, but this is cutting from the big universe, not creating a new universe by itself. And this zero-dimensional world is not so simple. To say that this is groundbreaking is not an exaggeration to create the universe.

Three-dimensional space has three dimensions, namely length, width and height. The two-dimensional world has two dimensions, length and width, but no height. The space creature's body is one such form of existence. One-dimensional world has only one dimension, while zero-dimensional world naturally has no dimension.

There is a very vivid analogy that illustrates the differences in the universe in several dimensions. The three-dimensional universe is the space in which we usually live, and the two-dimensional universe can be regarded as a piece of paper. The one-dimensional universe is a line, and the zero-dimensional world is naturally a point.

This zero-dimensional world is always exuding a kind of insignificant spatial fluctuations. Such a degree of spatial fluctuations, I am afraid, even the sweeper civilization cannot detect. But space creatures are different. As an existence with space as his body, his perception of space is not comparable to that of ordinary civilization. Because of this, this zero-dimensional world remains unknown to the rest of the galaxy for many years.

After investigating this zero-dimensional world and determining some key data to ensure its own safety to the maximum, the space creature's body suddenly curled up, and then slammed into the zero-dimensional space ahead. The world lost track in an instant. Just in this moment. It has entered this zero-dimensional world.

Afterwards, this zero-dimensional world wandered to other places, I don't know where to go.

After a day, the space creature's body appeared in another place seven light years away. While its body reappeared. That zero-dimensional world also disappeared. The disappearance this time was the most thorough. It disappeared completely. You can't even have a small appearance.

This zero-dimensional world came after space creatures came out. Destroyed.

As soon as space creatures appeared, they immediately began to check the starry sky next to them. After identifying several iconic stars and reaching the conclusion that they are still in the galaxy, they began to use these stars to extend more stars, and then used these stars to confirm the time, and obtained the The time just passed after a day. The minds of the space creatures relaxed slightly.

It seems that the time lapse speed in the zero-dimensional world is the same as in the big universe. The past day in the zero-dimensional world and the past day in the three-dimensional big universe. Fortunately, fortunately. Well? at this time. Space creatures seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly there was a little doubt. After examining his body, the space creature relaxed again, and said, that's the case, I understand. very good. My body has been completely repaired by Taiyu civilization's legacy technology, and I also got another attack method ... So, neutron battle star, wait, you are doomed to be destroyed by my hands. Now that I have accepted the commission, I will definitely complete the commission ...

Space creatures know that neutron war stars have been following their tracks, relying on the shortcomings of being too injured and unable to escape quickly, and have always been behind them, trying to completely kill themselves, and then studying their body structure Get a breakthrough in space technology. Space creatures dare to be sure, the period of being hunted down by neutron war stars is definitely the most embarrassing period in their long life.

Thinking of the experience of this period of time, there is a bore in the thoughts of space creatures.

In my long life, when have I been so embarrassed? It almost killed me. If it was n’t for that tree-type beast suddenly appeared by my side, I was pulled in front of me by means of space transfer, blocking me the neutron war star. The strongest blow of my life, I'm afraid I'm already dead. But since I haven't died, I still have the inheritance of Taiyu civilization, so it's you who **** it ... the space creatures thought swiftly, and quickly launched their own layout.

Space creatures know that the neutron battle star is near itself, and it can be no more than fifteen light years away. So not much time is left for him, he must hurry up.

This place still belongs to the category of cosmic void, and there are still no stars within a light year. There is a red dwarf beyond 2.5 light years. In the other direction, there is a double star system beyond 3.7 light years. A late red giant and a white dwarf constitute this system. Rotation; in the other direction, 3.1 light-years away, there is a common yellow dwarf ... In short, within five light-years, there are a total of seventeen stars.

This star density is already relatively large, at least a bit higher than the density of stars around the solar system.

The stellar density is not bad enough for me to deploy ... well, well. The space creature sighed and quickly came to one of the stars.

There is a wealth of material around this star, with three large planets and countless small stars orbiting it. The space creature began to collect materials on the spot, and it was not known what method it used. An iron ore was cast by it into extremely good performance steel, and then this group of steel began to be added to it by some special things. For example, in addition to a certain amount of titanium and zirconium, in addition to the continuous hafnium steel, it also launched large-scale operations in other places. It seems to have fully grasped the internal structure and geological structure of the star. As long as it is what it wants, no matter where it is hidden in the planet, it will be picked up by various means.

These things include a lot of rare earth elements, a lot of iron elements, a lot of carbon elements, a certain amount of silicon elements, as well as uranium, plutonium, plutonium, and so on.

These different elements are under the control of space creatures, and eventually become a strange machine. This machine is very large, it presents an irregular ball shape with a diameter of hundreds of meters. After the machine was built, the space creatures started it up, experimented, and then seemed satisfied with a sigh, and then began to continue construction.

Under its control, tens of thousands of such machines were eventually manufactured. After completing these tasks, the space creature's body wrapped the tens of thousands of machines, pulling them all around the star and placing them on a stable orbit. Then I debugged a bit, and left here, and went to the next galaxy.

In this stellar system, space creatures repeat the above process. The only difference is that the instrument built this time seems to be somewhat different from the instrument built in the previous galaxy. They differ in size and use very different raw materials. After completing the construction mission, the space creatures also debugged them a bit, and also conducted some tests that are suspected to be the mutual communication between the two galaxies ~ ~ Then left the galaxy and proceeded to the next galaxy .

There are seventeen stars in total. These 17 stars belong to 13 galaxies. Most stars are one star, but there are also two binary or multiple star systems. In this way, space creatures made different instruments according to different environments, and it took more than ten days to complete all of them. Among the 13 galaxies, all these strange instruments were arranged.

Alright ... the gravity and energy of the stars will make these instruments work normally. At the same time, with the energy I have, these instruments will have the maximum power ... The traps have been arranged. It depends on the neutron war star. It's time to catch up. Huh, I do n’t believe it. With the inheritance of Taiyu civilization and careful preparation, you can still escape from me ...

So now, you just have to wait. The sweeper civilization has a very powerful tracking ability, and they will find it here for up to ten days ... But I hope you can understand that when you find me, that is when you die.

The space creatures were quietly stationed here, and began to wait silently. Everything is just as he thought, after about nine and a half days, the figure of the neutron battle star appeared only hundreds of billions of kilometers away from here ... (to be continued ...)

ps: Although the monthly ticket has not yet reached 60, let's put the fifth one up. Regardless of how many monthly tickets, Rainbow will do its best to update it ... There will be a sixth one in a while, please ask for monthly tickets again! !! The rankings have fallen to seventh ...

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