Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 604: Hermitage

The emotions of intelligent creatures are the most unreliable and fickle things. Xiao Yu acknowledges that there is a deep hatred between the Level 5 Civilization Alliance and himself, because in the past period, he slaughtered at least hundreds of billions of their fellow citizens, but Xiao Yu is sure to wait for the intelligent creatures of the Level 5 Civilization Alliance After one or two updates, this hatred will disappear.

Because of the new born intelligent creatures, they can only feel living in the Shenzhou civilization. It is so free, the material conditions are so superior, and the environment is so beautiful. At the same time, they have not experienced the tragic life of the previous generation. War, so it is certain that they will not agree with the concept of hatred of the previous generation. Even when the last representative revealed that they wanted to upend their lives, they would actively oppose it.

So, in the universe, on a longer time scale, talking about hatred is really very interesting.

Of course, this situation is only for creatures with a short life cycle. Alien civilization, Xiao Yu, and ghosts, Taihao and other creatures with long life are not included.

It is for this reason that Xiao Yu strictly controlled the genetic modification project of the newly-added level 5 civilization alliance creatures. Specifically, except for high-value scientific workers, politicians, war scientists, etc., all civilians will not be genetically modified, and only let them live and die in accordance with the laws of nature.

They will spawn a large number of offspring, and they will die. Their offspring inherited their bloodline, but their offspring will not inherit their hatred. Through such a very simple process, Xiao Yu can achieve his purpose.

Even after being accustomed to the superior living conditions in the Shenzhou civilization, a considerable part of the people of the fifth-level civilization alliance chose to forget the past. After all, Xiao Yu gave them a better life.

At this time, more than 30,000 outstanding people in the fifth-level civilization alliance had settled in the spacecraft No. 10 under the arrangement of Xiao Yu. Although in their hearts, there is still a deep gap for the Shenzhou civilization. But at least, Xiao Yu can detect that they still like it here.

Therefore, they chose to live in different cities according to different aesthetic concepts. And they were greeted by the friendly and aboriginal people of the Shenzhou civilization. The residents of the Shenzhou civilization expressed great concern for these poor outsiders. They enthusiastically help these outsiders get used to the living environment and way here, teach them some ways they have never seen before, use the instruments they have never seen before, and tell them some relevant information.

The fifth-level civilization alliance has a deep hatred for the Shenzhou civilization, but the Shenzhou civilization has no hatred for the fifth-level civilization alliance. You know, in this whole war. Although Xiao Yu lost a lot, the intelligent creature did not lose much. So hatred naturally does not exist.

Here, for the first time, these scientists discovered that the residents of the Shenzhou civilization were not barbarians. The residents of the Shenzhou civilization even had much higher education than them. These people behaved gracefully and vigorously. Be friendly and helpful. Here, they are ashamed to find that the residents of the Shenzhou civilization are not barbarians, they are barbarians themselves.

At the same time, Xiao Yu also deliberately arranged the living and working places of these scientists to be scattered. You know, group life is about fostering certain emotions, such as hatred. For example, fanaticism is most beneficial. By distracting these scientists, this mood loses the soil for growth. Coupled with the kindness and friendship of the residents of the Shenzhou civilization, the wariness of these scientists is disappearing little by little.

The weather today is not very good. A weather system controlled by a chaotic program makes today's sky a little gloomy and even drizzles. But the temperature is not too low, but it is exactly 38 degrees that makes people feel comfortable. It was in this weather that Ruto ended his day at work. Leaving the institute, ready to return to his home.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, a suspended traffic vehicle stopped in front of him, and the door opened. A face different from him was revealed: "Hey friend, let's go back together, I'll send you."

This is very common because of mixed ethnicity. In the home spaceship, a humanoid and a dog-like creature, or two orangutan-like creatures can be seen walking together. But this dog-like creature or orangutan is not a pet, they are also authentic intelligent creatures. These people may just go out to play together and go home.

"No, no need." Ruto shook his head. "I'll let the robot take me back."

"Come on, we are all neighbors, so don't be so polite." The man enthusiastically invited Ruto to get on his own transport, and quickly started. On the way home, the man and Ruto talked enthusiastically.

"Are you accustomed to living here? Are there any difficulties? You have just come here and you are not familiar with this place. If you have any difficulties, tell me, I will definitely help you."

Ruto was uncomfortable with this kind of enthusiasm. He hesitated and said, "Thank you for your attention. I'm fine here without any difficulties."

"Oh yeah, there's a party in our area at night. You can go too, just to let everyone know you."

"Okay ... okay." Ruto hesitated and agreed.

The two talked along the way. After arriving at home a few minutes later, Ruto got out of the car and saw two purple civilization intelligent creatures waiting here before seeing his door. One is an adult and one is a minor. Seeing Ruto's return, the minor purple civilization and intelligent creature greeted him with great joy: "Grand Luto, you are back."

The purple civilization intelligent creature is famous for its cute appearance, which is recognized in the Shenzhou civilization that gradually unified the aesthetic concept. Obviously, on this point, Ruto's aesthetic concept is the same as that of the people of Shenzhou civilization.

Seeing this cute little child, Ruto could not help but also showed a loving look in his eyes: "Little boy, grandpa is back."

At this time, the adult intelligent creature came over and said with a smile: "Uncle Ruto, I know from your inquiry that your race likes to eat a kind of food called purple sweet potato. It happens that there are some in my family. So I made it for you according to the query. Now it is ready. You can go to our house and eat. "

"But I promised to go to a party in our area today ..." Ruto hesitated and replied.

"It doesn't matter, the party will take some time to start. You might as well go to our house and wait for us to finish dinner together and then go together." The purple civilization creature continued to invite with a smile.

"Well, thank you," Ruto said, agreeing.

Four hours had passed before Ruto returned to his home. With the communication tool turned on, Ruto wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

This is a private circle established by the creatures of the fifth-level civilization alliance. The scientists who came to the home spacecraft 10 usually communicate through this circle. In the past, the content of the conversation was nothing more than hatred and contempt for Shenzhou civilization, and disdain for the so-called false feelings. These people are venting their dissatisfaction here in this way.

In the past, Ruto was the most active speaker, but today, Ruto suddenly felt that there was something he could not say.

Until now, Ruto finally realized in his mind why the popularity of this private circle was getting lower and lower, and fewer and fewer people responded to himself. When this private circle was created from the beginning, it averaged tens of thousands of speeches per hour, which has been reduced to less than 5,000. Moreover, the content of the conversation has changed, and topics such as life, food, and entertainment have been added.

Looking at the circle, it kept flashing, such as "I went to a place today, the scenery is beautiful ~ ~" or "A new food is discovered today, everyone should try it" On the topic, Ruto sighed slightly, and instead of making hate speech as before, he closed the private circle.

What Ruto didn't know was that there was another person in the spaceship Ten in his homeland who was feeling the same way. This person is the leader of the five-level civilization alliance, Ares.

At this moment he was sitting there quietly, looking at the scenery outside the window, he seemed to be thinking about something.

"The foundation that I created with my own hard work was ruined by the Shenzhou civilization. In order to lead our civilization, our alliance entered a sixth-level civilization, and I paid hard and hard work that unimaginable. Not only that, but Shenzhou civilization also killed hundreds of billions of people in our alliance. I should hate Shenzhou civilization very much, but why do I have some hate now? ”Aris muttered to himself, Thinking hard about this issue.

Ruto was as confused as Ares at the moment. His son died in the battlefield. He used to think that he would always hate the Shenzhou civilization, but now he seems to be a little bit hated.

Three days later, Xiao Yu received reports from Ruto and Ares at the same time.

"I applied for resignation. In the future, I will be living at the foot of the third peak. I have lost my life between the mountains and rivers, and I will not ask questions about politics or science ..." (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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