Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 605: Arrivals

The No. 3 peak in the home spaceship No. 10 is a very ordinary peak. Although the foot of the mountain can be regarded as a tourist attraction, its tourist index ranks only in the middle reaches, which is a very good place. However, this place seems to be particularly suitable for the aesthetic vision of Pegasus civilization. Among the first 30,000 scientists, more than 3,000 Pegasus civilization creatures like it.

Seeing Ruto's and Ares's application report, Xiao Yu groaned a little, then gave a reply: "Okay, I agree with your application to resign. You can move freely among all the home spaceships. , Not only the third peak, you can live in all places except the restricted area. "

With the consent of Xiao Yu, two people who were once the top leaders of the Fifth-level Civilization Alliance and one of the greatest scientists in the Fifth-level Civilization Alliance seemed to be relieved of the burden instantly. The two smiled at each other and said goodbye. Then they returned to their homes, brought their own things, their own robots, and left the city.

Except for Xiao Yu, who knows everything about this place, no one knows where they went or can't contact them.

Xiao Yu knows the psychology of the two at this moment. Xiao Yu knew that they must now be very contradictory. They like this place, but reason tells them that they should not give up hatred. And the reality let them know that they cannot have the hope of revenge. Under this contradictory psychology, it seems to be a good choice to choose to escape from the world and use it as an escape.

"It's a pity that these two outstanding people can't be used by me." Xiao Yu sighed secretly, put this matter behind his head, and began to plan the rest.

It's a pity, two outstanding people. But it's not a big deal after all. Moreover, Xiao Yu believes that as long as they remain in the civilized society of Shenzhou, they will sooner or later regard this place as their home. Well, if the threat of destruction is here, the two will definitely come out to help themselves, or to protect their own homes.

After the first batch of scientists settled in, Xiao Yu set out to prepare the report for the second batch of scientists. This time there are more than half a million people. And because Xiao Yu did not ban the first scientists from contacting his hometown. The living situation in the spaceship Home has probably spread to the fifth-level civilization alliance, so that the people who stay in the fifth-level civilization alliance probably understand the life here. Xiao Yu believes that this time, the resistance he encounters will be much smaller.

Everything is like Xiao Yu imagined. In the process of recruiting the second batch of scientists, Xiao Yu did not encounter much resistance. After the second call for scientists was completed. Under the auspices of Xiao Yu. With the cooperation of the Social Council, a large-scale publicity campaign was launched.

The plan for this campaign was personally developed by Luca II and then submitted to the Social Council for discussion. Xiao Yu also attended the meeting and put forward his own opinions. After synthesizing the opinions of all parties, Luca II made several revisions and finally came up with the final version. It was unanimously approved by the participants.

This propaganda is directed at the five-level civilization alliance and the Shenzhou civilization. The goal Xiao Yu hopes to achieve is to allow the people of Shenzhou civilization to understand how their current life is superior through comparison, and further enhance national cohesion. At the same time, let the people of the fifth-level civilization alliance understand how the people of Shenzhou civilization live and what the living environment is, let them have a certain admiration, and tell them through propaganda that in the near future, they will give They are treated the same way, and in this way, the resistance encountered in the process of ethnic integration is reduced.

As a result, a large number of field visit documentaries were born. Among these documentaries, the media inside Shenzhou Civilization, under the guidance of the Social Committee, sent a large number of filming teams, and entered the Level 5 Civilization Alliance under the protection of robot guards. Interview conducted in the continent-class spacecraft. And a considerable part of the shooting team began to shoot in the home spaceship, recording the daily life of the people of Shenzhou civilization, the beauty of the home spaceship, and so on, and played it in the fifth-level civilization alliance.

These documentaries can not only achieve the purpose of enhancing the national cohesion of the people of Shenzhou civilization and the psychological admiration of the people of the fifth-level civilization alliance, but also further enhance the mutual understanding between the two different civilizations and reduce the various obstacles that may be encountered during the integration process. .

"As you can see, the place where I stand now is the most prosperous city among the most prosperous continent-class spaceships of the Tier 5 Civilization Alliance. This city is equivalent to the Tier 5 Civilization Alliance. The existence of the capital. "In a documentary, the host said," Everyone can see that the living conditions of the continent-class spacecraft of the Fifth Level Civilization Alliance are really not very good. There are really too many people here, everywhere. The flow of people, the environment here is not very good ... You know, this is the scene after our Shenzhou civilization has assisted at least 10 million cleaning robots here to help them clean up. What? Those robots, because the level five civilization alliance cannot supply Enough energy, so paralyzed a lot? So ... Let's find someone to interview at random ... "

"Here is the total air circulation purification system for the continent-class residential spacecraft of the Level 5 Civilization Alliance. As you can see, it is indeed very large, but these machines are a bit dated and it seems that the processing efficiency is not very high. You can look The following picture is compared with the total air circulation purification system in our home spaceship ... Let's interview the staff here. "

"Oh, you mean, because of the lack of industrial foundation and social resources, your government is temporarily unable to rebuild here? It's really a shame, you know that this will cause the people living in this spacecraft to appear Many discomforts? "

"This staff member seemed a bit ashamed. He temporarily refused our interview on the grounds that he was too busy with work. It doesn't matter. We can take a look at it at the same time and listen to the opinions of our accompanying experts."

"This is obviously an air purifier. At this moment it is obviously overloaded. Its parts have been damaged a bit, which makes it unable to exert its full effectiveness at the moment. Oh yes, this type of instrument We eliminated it hundreds of years ago. Now, what we use in the Shenzhou civilization is a special instrument specially developed by the Academy of Mechanical Sciences. This instrument has powerful functions, high stability, and low energy consumption. All the advantages ... "

"This is a sewage treatment cycle instrument, and it has also suffered severe damage ... In fact, I am wondering, can such a thing really clean up complex sewage?"

In just a few years, there have been thousands of such documentaries. These documentaries were filmed from different angles, covering all aspects of life in the five-level civilization alliance society, including their living customs, current lifestyle, entertainment methods, as well as humanistic psychology, artistic achievements and so on. Come down and play in the home spacecraft. At the same time, thousands of tens of thousands of documentaries about the home spacecraft were produced, and then taken to the Level Five Civilization Alliance for broadcasting.

The two civilizations just slowly understood each other.

Up to now, all the scientists and their families of the fifth-level civilization alliance have been relocated to the home spacecraft 10, and hundreds of millions of ordinary people have been scattered into the rest of the home spacecraft. The home spacecraft 13 is undergoing internal renovation at this moment. After the project is completed, there will be another 10 billion people of the fifth-level civilization alliance or the people of Shenzhou civilization ...

Shenzhou civilization is rapidly assimilating the alien race of the fifth-level civilization alliance with her unique social culture and inclusiveness ~ ~. With the combination of Xiao Yu's series of propaganda methods and various practical measures, the image of the Shenzhou civilization within the five-level civilization alliance is being rapidly reversed. So far, the voice of support for and integration with the Shenzhou civilization has overwhelmed the voice of opposition to the integration into the Shenzhou civilization.

Moreover, even those who oppose integration into the Shenzhou civilization, at this moment, basically have no such extreme mindset and no longer think about how to get revenge. The people who hate the Shenzhou civilization have become a minority at this moment.

Time has passed in this way. By now, more than 50 billion people of the Level 5 Civilization Alliance have been relocated to the home spacecraft. Xiao Yu's first batch of 20 continent-class home spacecraft has been fully occupied. If you continue to move into the population, the living experience will be reduced. So Xiao Yu temporarily stopped the integration plan, intending to continue this aspect after the construction of a new home spacecraft.

In his busy work, Xiao Yu finally reached his destination, a stable star surrounded by several planets. This stellar system is stable and serene, which is the most suitable place for Xiao Yu's development.

"I hope that during this time, there will be no strong presence to disturb me." Xiao Yu muttered to himself silently.

Tens of millions of warships are stationed here, and the planetary planet Earth has entered the orbit around the stars. Various large-scale industrial constructions have begun once again, and countless scientists and people have begun busy again ... to be continued)

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