Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 666: 10 seconds

"Hurry away and don't waste time here, the fleet of the Emperor civilization may come at any time!"

"Do you dare to attack us! Whatever you are a fifth-level civilization! You destroy our spaceship, and the fleet of the emperor civilization will completely crush your civilization, and you must consider this consequence! If you surrender immediately, Join us under the emperor civilization, a fifth-level civilization will definitely be valued by the emperor civilization, and you will get countless benefits! "

When Xiao Yu's provincial ship quickly approached the rear pursuit fleet, Xiao Yu also received messages from both sides. One side had an urgent tone and asked Xiao Yu to run away immediately. The other side seemed a little unbelievable. They seemed to trust the prestige of the Emperor civilization. It seemed that no matter what kind of existence, after hearing the name of the Emperor civilization, they should immediately surrender to worship general. Therefore, they are very incomprehensible to hear the name of the emperor civilization, but they still want to attack them.

"Huh. Is a fifth-level civilization enough to attract the attention of the emperor civilization? Then it seems that this emperor civilization is nothing, at most it is the level of the fifth-level civilization, or the sixth-level primary civilization. Such strength , I have not qualified to be seen in my eyes. "Xiao Yu snorted in his heart, no one paid attention to the message of these two civilizations.

At this moment, Xiao Yu has decided to destroy all the 30,000 pursuit ships in front of them, leaving no one behind.

Xiao Yu did not intend to take out a new supplementary fleet from the small universe, although in the small universe, the combat power of this dilapidated provincial spaceship is more powerful than millions of millions. Because this is just a fourth-level civilization. To deal with a 40,000 spacecraft of a fourth-level civilization, it is enough to rely on this provincial spaceship originally used as a towing spacecraft. Destroying them is like stepping on an ant.

The gap between the sixth-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization is so huge, that a large non-professional six-level civilization spaceship with some damage during long-distance voyages can completely wipe out a complete fourth-level civilization. Professional battle fleet.

With the lowest power, Xiao Yu launched hundreds of space crack attacks. Immediately, hundreds of black lines flickered in the dark universe, and the next moment they reached the ships of the pursuit fleet.

These space cracks launched by Xiao Yu, even at the lowest power, are more powerful than the castrated version of the space cracks that they had previously obtained from the remains of the Tollor civilization. When Xiao Yu was at the fifth level of civilization, he relied on the castrated version of the space weapon to beat the Merian civilization, and now it is. In Xiao Yu's view, the strength of this fleet of chasing civilization in front of civilization is not as good as that of Morian civilization, and there is even a big gap.

You know, when Xiao Yu was still young, a civilized city-level spacecraft. It completely restrained Xiao Yu's hundreds of thousands of spaceships. Although Xiao Yu's current strength is not as good as that of the Guardian Civilization, the strength of the enemy in front of him is much weaker than Xiao Yu at that time.

So, under the watchful eyes of the civilizations on both sides, a well-equipped and energetic pursuit of a civilized spaceship. After being scratched by a dark space crack, it suddenly became two. Even, because it broke too fast, when it just became two pieces, there were protective covers on the two pieces of spacecraft. After being divided into two sections, about a fraction of a second, a violent explosion occurred, completely destroying the ship.

A spaceship was so easily destroyed. And because the energy intensity of this spacecraft is too low, it is not enough to completely wipe out the full power of this space crack launched by Xiao Yu. So, after passing through the spaceship, the crack in the space continued to reach the second spacecraft.

The speed of space cracks is faster than the speed of light, and it is much faster than the speed of the fleet. In the face of a space crack attack, as long as it is locked, even Xiao Yu's spacecraft cannot escape. Not to mention these four civilizations.

As a result, the second spacecraft became two sections without being able to respond at all. Then the third and fourth spacecraft ...

This space crack destroyed a total of five spacecraft. Scratched three ships, and even then, their energy was not completely exhausted. But there was no spaceship in front of it, so it flew into the depths of the universe instantly at a very high speed, and did not know where to go. Xiao Yu knows that the final outcome of this space crack will be wiped out by the healing properties of the universe after a period of time. But before being wiped out by the universe, this crack in space still had indestructible lethality.

This crack in space is just one of hundreds of similar attacks. Along with it arrived in front of the pursuit of the civilization fleet spacecraft, there are hundreds of other space cracks. These hundreds of space cracks are like lions plunging into the flock of chickens. Each space crack destroyed at least one spacecraft, and more space cracks continued to pounce on the second spacecraft after passing the first spacecraft, and continued to pounce on the third space after passing the second spacecraft Spaceship.

Because before the launch, Xiao Yu had already used powerful detection capabilities to instantly determine the position of each spaceship in the four-level civilization pursuit fleet, and then calculated the spacecraft to choose the most forward for these space crack attacks Trajectory, so as to cause the greatest killing.

Under these circumstances, five hundred space cracks destroyed a total of three thousand spaceships, and an average space crack destroyed six spaceships! In addition to the destroyed ships, there are a large number of damaged ships, with more than 2,000.

In other words, relying on a dilapidated non-professional combat ship, in this moment, Xiao Yu destroyed at least 20% of the enemy's combat power. Moreover, this is just the first wave of attacks.

When the first wave of space crack attacks was just launched, the second wave of space crack attacks had already started, the same number of five hundred. These five hundred space cracks followed the trajectory of the previous wave of space crack attacks, and continued to swiftly pounce on the forward-level fourth-class civilization fleet, and then caused them huge damage. It's just that the effect of this attack is worse than the last one. It probably only destroyed 2,200 spacecraft and injured more than 1,800 spacecraft.

This is because the number of spaceships of this fourth-level civilization is already a little less than before, so the spaceships arranged in a straight line are also reduced a little. So in this wave of attacks, the average number of space cracks that destroyed a spacecraft dropped to about four.

However, the space crack weapon can be fired continuously and quickly. After the second wave of space weapons is issued, only a fraction of a second has elapsed, and the third wave of space weapons attacks has been launched.

If it were an ordinary provincial ship, it would not have been possible to attack such a large launch space crack. The reason is simple: insufficient energy reserves. If you fight at this intensity, the energy stored in the spacecraft will be used up within a short time. But this provincial spacecraft is a towed spacecraft created by Xiao Yu. Behind it, there is a whole small universe that supplies energy to it. Its energy supply can be said to be almost endless. The consumption of launching space weapons is It's nothing at all.

In ten seconds, Xiao Yu launched forty space weapon attacks. During these forty space weapon attacks, Xiao Yu also manipulated this provincial spacecraft to quickly change positions many times, looking for the best attack line from different directions, and then attacked the fleet of this fourth-class civilization. Launch an attack, and strive to each space crack can cause the greatest lethal effect. After forty space weapon attacks, Xiao Yu no longer had any complete spacecraft in front of him. In this cosmic void, the broken limbs of the spaceship are everywhere ~ ~ The fragments of the warship are flying around, and the debris is constantly exploding, and the light is constantly emitted, which briefly lights up the darkness The universe was empty, and then quickly faded.

Some of the wreckage of the spacecraft may contain some flammable gas, such as hydrogen. At this moment, these gases leaked. After mixing with the leaked oxygen, they were affected by the explosion, and these gases burned violently. The fierce burning has also affected the wreckage of some spacecraft. You must know that a large part of the spacecraft's construction materials is also flammable. So the fire was more intense.

In this dark universe, the wreckage of the flaming battleships suspended in space one by one is like a wishing lamp that was put down by a stream on the stream in the earth era.

The billowing smoke, the intense fire, and the constant explosions turned this place into a place of destruction.

In just ten seconds, the previous moment was still prestigious. The four-level civilization pursuit fleet that did not look at Xiao Yu in the eyes was completely ruined at this moment. At this time, the escaping fourth-tier civilization fleet was still sending a message to Xiao Yu, advising Xiao Yu to leave immediately: "Hurry up and escape ... 唔 ......"

The message of the four-tier escape civilized fleet was sent only halfway and then came to an abrupt end. Seems to be staying there because of too much shock.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the battlefield was a little weird.

Xiao Yu replied with a message in the past: "How? What kind of emperor civilization you are talking about, do you have such strength?"

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